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Why is Ramsay Snow so crazy?


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I know he is the product of a rape so did that affect him? was he always this insane ever since he was little? Was he corrupted by Reek and his mother? or was he really just born this freaking crazy? Is it because he is a 'bastard' and that messed up his mind and wants to be more than a 'bastard'?

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I believe that it is more Nature than Nurture in Ramsay's case. The Boltons don't seem to be the most stable family. In RL there is evidence for a genetic basis for psychopathology.

Of course, a Westerosi would blame the circumstances of his conception. Bastards born of impure lust and all that.

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He's Roose's son. His depravity comes from Roose. If Roose didn't have the privilege of a noble upbringing and lacked the self-control and subtlety that he possesses, he would be pretty close to what Ramsay is. Ramsay is a mixture of not only being a product of his environment, but the bad blood he inherited from his father.

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Why do evil people exist in the real world? I'm not much of a believe in nature of nurture, so it's worth looking at how Ramsay was raised.

His mother had just had her husband killed and been raped, so it's not likely she was in a terribly good place emotionally when she found out she was pregnant. Since she likely received no counseling or aid following her ordeal, she very likely never healed from the mental damage, and could have neglected Ramsay as a child. Since children aren't inherently born with a sense of right/wrong or empathy, he may have simply grown up slightly feral, and as he got older never developed a firm understanding of why hurting others is wrong. This would have increased as he became aware of his conception and heritage, and after successfully bumping off Domeric may have felt he could get away with whatever his heart desired.

I'm not a psychologist, but it seems there are enough environmental reasons for Ramsay to have developed the necessary sadistic and antisocial personality tendencies without simply saying he was born that way.

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A mix of these things:

Born of Rape / Born a Bastard: in Westeros bastard born are supposed to be not trusted because they were born out of lust. Just as incest can cause messed up genetics (which explains Joffrey's evilness) there has to be some basis for bastards, and probably being born from a rape, being inherently bad. Superstitions come from somewhere.

Roose's biological influence. The guy's just got bad blood, as figuratively evidenced by his leechings, and he passed it down to Ramsay.

Reek. who corrupted who is questioned by Roose, but lets be honest, it was Reek who was worse. Ramsay may like raping, but Reek likes necrophilia.

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