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How did you come to read ASOIAF?


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I accidently stumbled upon ASoIaF when on a boring night I was surfing the web and I come a webpage with a Cage Match between Hermione Granger and Jaime Lannister. I found him to be an interesting character so I Googled his name and I found the ASoIaF Wiki and started reading and within no time I was hooked. Then I read all the books.

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It was Robert Jordan's endorsement, but looong after the fact. I was in the bookstore where I used to do all my fantasy shopping, and one of the clerks and I got to talking about Wheel of Time (this was after Robert Jordan had died, and I had some serious misgivings about what would happen to the series). He asked me if I had read this other fantasy series called ASoIaF, which I hadn't. "You know, Jordan endorsed it when it came out." I thought that well, then it couldn't be that bad (and I needed something to read anyway), so I got a copy of Game. Read it from cover to cover at breakneck speed, and then practically ran back to the store to get the remaining three (Dance wasn't out at this point). Clerk just grinned. ;)

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I was looking for new books to read and I was surfing the internet, looking for some PDF books and I typed (in portuguese) As Crônicas (The Chronicles) in the intention of looking for Narnia, and it appeared, but it also showed As Crônicas de Gelo e Fogo (A Song of Ice and Fire) and I downloaded the pdf of AGOT, I enjoyed the reading and the style of the story, I decided to buy the books, at the time just AGOT and ACOK were available in my country, it was 2011, a bit before HBO released the first GOT episode, I was not even aware there was a show, so in my case it was not that I saw the show first, I read first.

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The show as well. I wanted to buy the books after the first season. Then I googled a bit and learned that the series wasn't finished and how long dear Mr Martin usually takes for another book. Then I saw a picture of him and decided: NO way! You will wait until this stuff is actually finished before going into it.....yeaaaah that didn't happen.^^ After season 2 I bought the books anyway but still didn't start to read them. Just watched these 5 books on my bookshelf for over a year...then I waited for season 3 to watch it in one row, so it wasn't until the mid of July that I had time for the third season. And I couldn't stop so I spent like 11 hours in front of my TV. After that it was too late. I went on vacation and with me the first three books. Two weeks later I couldn't remember much from my holidays but I was happily finished with Storm. The last ones followed and here I am after not having one single friend who've read the books. And yes this forum helps a lot. Because all the unfocused thoughts I had or not even thought at all, somebody else has already written down here in a much better way than I ever could...so Thank you all :)

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