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Does Jaime know about R+L=J?

Lazy Lion

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If new-personality, one-handed Jaime knew Jon was Rhaegar's son, that information would be too important to do...well, nothing with.

Yep. It cannot come out of nowhere at this point. Unless it is written very well, possibly a weirwood dream, possibly Bran being a BAMF, possibly Jaime encountering someone (Howland Reed, X isn't really X, he/she is Y or Z or YZ/X=U unless Z isn't Z and Z is X(someone help me with that)).

Obviously the end of that sentence goes from good writing to bad to good to extremely horrific. You hopefully get the point.

And if his reading/pointing out to Loras about the Kingmaker is a clue as to his intentions toward Jon, he's certainly taking his dear sweet time making a move, isn't he?

Gotta admit I don't remember/didn't catch a Loras/Kingmaker connection. Care to tell me a tale?

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Gotta admit I don't remember/didn't catch a Loras/Kingmaker connection. Care to tell me a tale?

I don't have the book with me at the moment, but the Cliff Notes version is that Jaime remarks to Loras that Criston Cole "The Kingmaker" was among the best and the worst of the KG. Cole crowned a sister (I think?) instead of a son, leading to the first Dance of Dragons and dividing the KG against itself.

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I don't have the book with me at the moment, but the Cliff Notes version is that Jaime remarks to Loras that Criston Cole "The Kingmaker" was among the best and the worst of the KG. Cole crowned a sister (I think?) instead of a son, leading to the first Dance of Dragons and dividing the KG against itself.

no the king before had no sons from his first marriage and only a daughter so he raise her to be his replacement but Criston Cole didn't like that so he crowned a son from a later marriage
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no the king before had no sons from his first marriage and only a daughter so he raise her to be his replacement but Criston Cole didn't like that so he crowned a son from a later marriage

See, I told you I didn't have to book with me! :cool4:

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I know we don't like to mention the show and book in the same breath but when Jamie confronted Jon Snow at Winterfell about joining the nights watch, I found that scene to be very interesting. Why did Jamie feel the need to go up to Jon. He had no reason to speak to a bastard unless he knew more.

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Ditto on the "don't think he know"s but... what I find interesting about the passage you quoted is that it's a little forced for a dig. I mean, *all bastards from the North are called Snow* so 1) it's a bit ham-handed to be like, "Oh what was his name again?" if he meant the kid's surname, when it's common knowledge about bastards from the North; 2) it's so generic it doesn't even apply to just Jon; and 3) he already says "bastard he fathered" before that, so it's not like the reminder of Snow being Jon's last name is the "punchline."

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CObR, I've been trying to get that exact point across for a few days now.. they will NOT entertain it on the R+L=J threads at all, saying that Ned had Jon & his wet nurse arrive ahead of him at WF to throw folks off the trail, & one poster succinctly informed me that he/she found it annoying that other posters didn't feel it was presented as 'likely' that Ned fathered Jon, in the books. I still maintain that SOME of Westeros's 'best & brightest' MUST have suspected, & further, when R+L=J IS announced to Westeros at large, one or two of them (Lady Olenna? Gemma Lanister?) will say, if only to themselves, 'I KNEW it, dammit!' Meantime, good luck making this point round here, my friend.

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Having said I do think a person or two probably suspected Jon's heritage, I don't think Jamie was one of them. It would be too valuable for him to sit on, for one thing, but as close as he is to Cersei? They'd surely have discussed it at some point & even if Jamie's discretion could be counted on, which I doubt, HERS decidedly could not!

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Still, the general knowledge among the Westerosi nobility is:

Rhaegar and Lyanna were somewhere off sexing for some months

Super honorable Ned Stark came back from the south with an infant bastard and the corpse of his sister

I am not saying it should be somehow obvious, but the idea apparently never really occuring to anyone is a little bit weird

This part is not supported by the text. If Jon was sent to Winterfell separately, the Dorne connection would be lost entirely. Furthermore, Ned certainly didn't advertise that he fathered a bastard and certainly never gave the date of his birth and/or arrival at Winterfell, so the timeline connection would be lost for most of Westeros, as well. They would only learn months to years later that Lord Stark has a bastard whom he fathered during the war - such a common occurence that no-one ever stops to think about it twice.

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  1. Most people in the RK or from house targeryen believed Rhaegar was in love with Lyanna. e.g Dany said he loved her, probably from Viserys' stories, who was old enough at that time to know a bit of what was going on, Barristan also from the RK believed Rhaegar loved her.

Jaime was in the RK so he probably knew that Rhaegar loved her but I don't know if he knows they had a son.

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