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Roberts Targaryan Grandmother


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In the books, Aegon V was the grandfather of Aerys and Steffon Baratheon. And the great-grandfather of Robert.

In the show, Aegon V's second son Jaehaerys II is removed (not like he did anything) making Aerys II his son.

How about Roberts grandmother? They they alter this also on the show, maybe Roberts mother being Egg's daugher instead?

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I doubt that they have considered it one way or another. I doubt that the show will ever explain Robert's claim to the throne. Just as they erased Jahaerys II from history to simplify it for the viewers, they will reduce Robert's claim just to "right of conquest" and leave it at that. They avoid complexity, so for show purposes I'd assume that Robert is not necessarly related to the Targs.

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Actually I'm pretty sure in the Histories and Lineages of the 7Kdoms from the first series you can see a Baratheon/Targaryen marriage though I'm, not sure if it was Robert's Grandmother. In any case I didn't catch it myself but the Unsullied picked up on it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Actually I'm pretty sure in the Histories and Lineages of the 7Kdoms from the first series you can see a Baratheon/Targaryen marriage though I'm, not sure if it was Robert's Grandmother. In any case I didn't catch it myself but the Unsullied picked up on it.

It was the fact that Robert is descended from Orys Baratheon, who was (allegedly) a half-brother of Aegon the Conquerer.

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Well, in the blu-ray extras (history and lore) it is mentioned that Robert had a claim because his Targaryen ancestry. And i guess there must be a mention of it in the show because as protar mention, TWOP's unsullied knows about it

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Well, in the German version of GoT Aerys II is still the grandson of Aegon the Unlikely.

But I guess they can always make Rhaelle Aerys's sister if they really wanted to include that particular tidbit of information.

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Well, in the blu-ray extras (history and lore) it is mentioned that Robert had a claim because his Targaryen ancestry. And i guess there must be a mention of it in the show because as protar mention, TWOP's unsullied knows about it

Through Orys Baratheon. The extras sum it up as Robert saying "The truth is, I took it (the Iron Throne)"

With Robert and Renly dead, Stannis not caring about their ancestors and Daennerys hating the Baratheons anyway, I don't think they have any reason to include that particular detail into the show cannon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't say they avoid complexity, but confusion. A lot of what they do is out of necessity because TV is a vastly different medium from literature. It's complex for a visual medium.

There's also the S1E2 conversation between Robert and Ned where Ned says "you had the better claim". Implying their was something more than right of conquest going on. In the end, it's not adding complexity that Robert has maternal Targ blood - it's confusing and irrelevant to the plot in the big picture.

GRRM has as many pages as he wants to write whatever details he wants. The show has 10 hours to squeeze 1000+ page books into. ASOS is so long and plot-heavy they needed two seasons! You gotta leave some things out, especially if you want to add in awesome scenes like the ones with non-POV characters that we didn't get in the books. Would you rather the show spend a few minutes explaining Robert's grandmother was Targaryen and that's why they decided during the rebellion to declare Robert the King, or a few minutes of a superbly-acted battle of wits between LF and Varys?

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