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Why didn't Jamie just take Aerys prisoner?


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And where were those guards Gregor and Lorch came for Elia and her children? And even if there were many guards around, it sufficed to kill the Pyromancer, it's not like there were 50 armored people determined to blow up the city or even capable of doing it.

there were teams of pyromancers waiting to do it just waiting for the order. We don't know how many people conducted the assault on the stronghold Elia was in, just that Lorch and Clegane were the actual killers. Anyway her guards may have fled when confronted. Jaime didn't know how close his fathers forces were and how little time he had to wait.
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Events were moving too quickly. It would have taken too much time for Jaime to track down a friendly judge and get an arrest warrant signed. He would have had to spend hours typing up affidavits and taking down statements; the forensic arson investigators from Oldtown would have taken over a week just to arrive in the city. No, it was easier to just plug the perp and make it look like self-defense.

Plus we all know what a mess subpoenas can be. It could be months before we actually saw Aerys at court.

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Aerys as a prisonnier would have suffered way more if he were captured. And the Realm would have bled more since his remaining soliders/vassals would have more morale left to fight till the end. Jaime probably didnt care about that but still I dont see the advantages to capture a fallen king who will 100% be humiliated and killed on a public place anyway.

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Why didn't Jaime blame the murder on someone else?

It's one of those stupid moments.

Actually, Jaime considers finding Aegon to place him on the throne but decides against it. He chooses to let the events play out. As if he hadn't already took part them..

Jaime states that he is found immediately after in the throne room standing over Aerys with blood on his blade. He even jokes that there's no way he could've tried to blame someone else.

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Jaime wanted to make sure the sucker didn't live. I imagine the scene sort of like the Arya and Tickler scene, where all of her hatred finally wakes her up and she snaps and just keeps stabbing the Tickler repeating the questions he used to ask when he tortured people. Jaime was just ordered to kill his father and then knows that Aerys means to burn the city killing everyone except himself, because Aerys thought the fire wouldn't kill him and that he would LIVE. Jaime just sort of snaps.

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Yeah he states why he did it. He had to make sure. He had to make sure Aerys couldn't give the order, and the best way to do that is kill him. Also kidnapping a king? You really think that would work out? Jaime wasn't taking any chances... also fuck aerys that dude was nuts.

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