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The cinematography/style of this show drives me crazy (only TV spoiler)


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I'd say the only shows on television with better cinematography would be Hannibal and Boardwalk Empire, so I can't say that I agree with the O.P.'s assessment. Honorable mention to Rectify, as well. All of these shows are, by and large, better filmed than many theatrically released movies.

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I agree that Game of Thrones' directing and cinematography are very bland and unoriginal. I've never been in awe of anything in Game of Thrones after 36 episodes like I have been after the long take at the end of True Detective's fourth episode.

Yeah, TD had AMAZING cinematography. GOT can be a bit generic. Imagine if GOT got a huge tracking shot like the end of TD ep 4 in the middle of pure chaos.

As usual, the two person scenes are GOT's strongest shots. I wish GOT had feature film time and money to give big crowd scenes the proper attention they deserve. But the show is still amazing.

It's strange to me that a fantasy show with huge dramatic moments uses no slo motion.

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Oh gawd. I heard of this movie. One of those "classics" to just make fun of.

It's the 'Godfather' of all terrible movies. It's so not self-aware that it's hilarious. I've already watched it three times in a year. It's made all the funnier due to the fact that the guy who directed, wrote, produced and starred in it genuinely believed he was making a dramatic masterpiece. The end result was.... not that.

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I think the directing and cinematography are appropriate for a fantasy epic.

Also you have to consider (and I know us fans hate it when arguments start that way...) that the people making this show spend a LOT of time on sets, location finding, costumes, and special effects that a show like Breaking Bad or The Wire can simply ignore. FFS how hard is it to find the clothes that Walter White wears? You could pick them up at WalMart. Contrast them with Brienne's armor and you can perhaps forgive the creators of GoT for not nailing the cosmically perfect balance of music and dialogue that you might find in another show.

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  • 2 months later...

I would like to weigh in here, i’ve been studying film for some years and one of my favourite ways to pass the time is analysing the cinematography/directing/acting/editing… over the shows I watch.

About the original post, I do mostly agree with you. GOT can have scenes where the things we are supposed to feel are pushed in our faces, and shows are supposed to not push feelings on us but let us feel all the right emotions though what is happening. We are supposed to be so absoped in the story that we’re not aware of the cinematography/music/editing… it’s probably one of the most difficult things to achieve in film, to not cross that very fine line of “too much”, and I think the showrunners chose a style for GOT that often gets very close to that line and as a result they sometimes they do cross it (though I have seen much worse! I personally don’t think it’s a big problem in GOT perse)

My personal problem with the GOT cinematography is how boring and unoriginal it is. It’s very static, and simply serves it’s purpose in showing us the story (instead of using the many possibilities that come with cinematography to use the camerawork to show this story in a more compelling way then by observation) don’t get me wrong, I love game of thrones (otherwise I wouldn’t be here) and it’s still one of the best shows I know. And the fact that the camerawork is boring does not mean it is nessacarily bad, for me it’s at the level of simply good, it’s acceptable, but it could be better. I, personally very much enjoy the cinematography in shows like American horror story, Hannibal, breaking bad and spartacus. Shows that have their own original style that is also very effective and made it interesting to watch beyond watching a story being told (and honestly, I personally would watch a show simply for the camerawork, even if the story was not at all my thing. But I know most people wouldn’t…). however, I wouldn’t want the style of the show to change anymore now that would be weird. They’ve set up with this style so it’ll have to do, and I’m fine with that.

And for the record there were some scenes that I found to be exceptionally well filmed/edited. The directors can sometimes be very good at using this style and making a scene that works spot on! With all elements working together in harmony. Like Ned Stark’s execution, the entire watchers on the wall episode, joffrey’s death scene…

And despite all that I mentioned, which are all pretty minor complaints I have, GOT is still one of the best shows on tv, there aren’t that many shows that I even consider good! (I’m a really harsh critic)

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