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(Spoilers all) The fakeout finale

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This finale was filled with cliffhangers from the beginning to the end. This is in stark contrast to other seasons where there's more of a strong decisive end to the story arcs. My theory is that the only reason to do this is because all or almost all of the apparent deaths don't really happen. If they didn't leave it as a cliffhanger then the finale would have consisted of everyone almost dying and then being fine, which seems pretty pointless. In winterfell we have Sansa and Theon's big jump. Do they really expect us to believe that 2 major characters would die by just jumping off a wall? Then there's stannis who is another major character, why not show his death? It doesn't make any sense not to. Then there's Myrcella whose death would contradict the prophecy in the very first episode of the season, she's supposed to be queen, then die. It just seems like they did it to give the disastrous Dorne arc some meaning. And then of course JON. yeah it seems like he's pretty dead but why would melisandre essentially teleport back to castle black if her presence wasn't necessary to bring him back? Anybody else think this finale was full of a bunch of fake deaths too?

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I don't know they were all or mostly fakes, but it sure was a hugely unsatisfying way to end a season. There are cliffhangers and then there are push the audience off Mount Everest finales. 


D&D don't seem to respect their viewers very much even though we have made them super rich and famous. 

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Sansa and Theon

I don't see this as a cliffhanger so much. They showed the bank of snow below and I didn't feel for a second that their fate was in anyway uncertain. They will survive. What happens after that, we'll see.



I liked this ending. I thought that by showing he was the last of his men standing and was able to fight off two remaining Bolton stragglers while fairly injured gave him a bad-ass status. He was given props. He also received a life ending injury to his leg but instead of being left for dead, like the Hound, Brienne delivered the final blow. I did not for a second believe he was still alive. And I liked the way it was portrayed. I didn't need to see his head cut off or whatever.



What Vastet said.



Now THAT was a cliffhanger!

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Is Myrcella dead? She was poisoned. But dead, I don't know. Maybe the reason for poisoning Bronn was to have him realize what was happening to Myrcella. I would be surprised if they don't drag her death out a bit more. 


She will die. I am just not sure she is dead on that stupid boat. 

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I never got the impression there was any danger from the leap. I'm aware some did, but until I found that out it never occurred to me. For me, the cliffhanger there is whether or not they can escape Ramsey. Not whether or not they died in the jump.
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From reading that scene in the book I figured the snow drifts beneath the walls were super deep, and could cushion the fall.  The show did a bad job at showing that though.  They panned and down and the ground was snow covered, but I in no way got the impression that is was meters high.  Mayhaps viewers were just to assume it was since it's quasi winter in the North?

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we didnt really see ned stark die on camera

While technically true, it's still a strech. A great broadsword had begun to enter his neck at a velocity only magic could stop when the scene cut away. We also heard the cut itself, saw the head held up immediately afterwards, and saw and heard the reactions of hundreds of witnesses. It is really in no way comparable to any cliff-hanger scene in S5.
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I wasn't at all concerned for Sansa or Theon. Something I've heard said quite a bit is that their jump was safe, considering the probably 6 feet of snow piled up on the wall, but I don't know. It's a shame they killed Stannis that way. I mean, how did Brienne even find Stannis, in the middle of a battle? Brienne was a fool to even think Renley was the rightful king, it's so laughable. As far as Jon goes, I think he's fine. He's probably gonna warg into Ghost, but they haven't hinted it at all in the show. 

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Brienne loved Renly. It might have been foolish to back him, but considering that she wasn't remotely alone in that you can hardly blame her. The majority of the Baratheon bannermen and house Martell backed him too.

Finding Stannis wasn't much of a strech either. We have no idea how long she looked for him, and there wasn't enough screen time available to show her searching. The battle was mostly over by the time she found him, so his fight would have made noise that anyone nearby would have heard.
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Brienne loved Renly. It might have been foolish to back him, but considering that she wasn't remotely alone in that you can hardly blame her. The majority of the Baratheon bannermen and house Martell backed him too.

Finding Stannis wasn't much of a strech either. We have no idea how long she looked for him, and there wasn't enough screen time available to show her searching. The battle was mostly over by the time she found him, so his fight would have made noise that anyone nearby would have heard.

Tyrell Bannerman* :bang: :bang: :bang:

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