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Who did really kill Bob

Jan Snieg

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Hello everyone. I’m new on the forum, but have been reading most of the treads for a few years.


After another re-read of the Game of Thrones (this time in english), I came up with the idea that it could be really Bloodraven warged into the boar that killed Robert Baratheon. I know it sounds crazy, but there are some hints worth discussion in my opinion.


Robert himself has a feeling that the boar was sent by a gods and that their action was connected to Daenerys:


“The girl. Daenerys. Only a child, you were right... that’s why, the girl... the gods sent the boar... sent to punish me...” The king coughed, bringing up blood. “Wrong, it was wrong, I... only a girl... Varys, Littlefinger, even my brother... worthless... no one to tell me no but you, Ned... only you... ” He lifted his hand, the gesture pained and feeble. “Paper and ink. There, on the table. Write what I tell you.”


Now, Robert weirdly calls the boar a bastard… three times:


“Bastard did me good, eh?”

“I killed the bastard, didn’t I?”

„Eat the bastard.”


And Robert stabbed him in the eye, making him a one-eyed bastard:


“Bastard did me good, eh? But I . . . I paid him back in kind, Ned.” The king’s smile was as terrible as his wound, his teeth red. “Drove a knife right through his eye. Ask them if I didn’t. Ask them.”


He is called a devil too:


“A boar.” Lord Renly was still in his hunting greens, his cloak spattered with blood.

A devil,” the king husked.


Word “devil” is used only one more time in the books, describing the cat Arya was chasing:


"One by one Arya had chased them down and snatched them up and brought them proudly to Syrio Forel . . . all but this one, this one-eared black devil of a tomcat. “That’s the real king of this castle right there,” one of the gold cloaks had told her. “Older than sin and twice as mean. One time, the king was feasting the queen’s father, and that black bastard hopped up on the table and snatched a roast quail right out of Lord Tywin’s fingers. Robert laughed so hard he like to burst. You stay away from that one, child.”


There were many theories that the cat is actually Balerion and that he is also warged by a BR (like Mormont’s raven). They all are far too smart and skilled. The boar was unusual too:


"They had done what they could to close him up, but it was nowhere near enough. The boar must have been a fearsome thing. It had ripped the king from groin to nipple with its tusks. The wine-soaked bandages that Grand Maester Pycelle had applied were already black with blood, and the smell off the wound was hideous."


I also found it weird that being hurt so bad, Robert was able to defeat a boar. I know he’s strong and fearless (or he was in his youth), but maybe after a shot in the eye (or even a moment before), BR just unwarged the boar leaving him a bit… shocked:


“He slew the boar. His entrails were sliding from his belly, yet somehow he slew the boar.”


Don’t forget what Cersei said to Tyrion in A Clash of Kings:


“If someone said I had magicked myself into a boar to kill Robert, likely they would believe that as well.”


I know the context is ironic, but Cersei speaking of wargs is kinda weird too.


Your thoughts?


EDIT 08/09/15:


I've made a mistake, it was Stannis saying "If someone said I had magicked myself into a boar to kill Robert, likely they would believe that as well."


Cersei on the other hand told High Sparrow: "“Robert was killed by a boar. Do they say I am a skinchanger now? A warg? Am I accused of killing Joffrey too, my own sweet son, my firstborn?”

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Interesting, but I don't buy it.

The word "devil" is used quite often.

It never occured to me before but does anyone think that the use of the word "devil" seem out of place in the WOIAF?

I thought "devil" was a religion specific term, or am I wrong and it's used as a general description?
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Interesting, but I don't buy it.

It never occured to me before but does anyone think that the use of the word "devil" seem out of place in the WOIAF?

I thought "devil" was a religion specific term, or am I wrong and it's used as a general description?


This is a great point...I had the same thing about "ghost", which seems out of place (less so than devil though).


Good theory OP! I don't buy it because the strong wine was enough to do it. I also think the purpose of him being killed by a boar was to show how far he'd fallen, especially in terms of physical prowess.

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BloodRaven. It seems that he had skinchanged everyone in Westerosi history so why he couldn't done the same with the boar? Also he had skinchanged Cersei and Lancel to conspire and poison Robert.

Haha, that's a good one....uhh...right?
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 I also think the purpose of him being killed by a boar was to show how far he'd fallen, especially in terms of physical prowess.

I'd agree, but I think its more to show his denegration. I feel he's physically able to take the boar, its more his mental state that is his downfall.
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What would BR's motivation have been though?


Revenge for the Targs? If it was revenge it was a long time coming.

I can however see Cersai hiring a warg. Robert would get drunk enough on his own. Just getting him drunk isn't much of an assassination attempt.

Robert dies right after he orders Dany assassinated.  It's not just that she's his 4th or 5th great niece.  If the blood of the dragon is exterminated, humans would never be able to use dragons against the Others.  


It was lucky for BR that Robert went hunting.  Killing him with Balerion would be much harder.

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I think if there was an significance to the Boar being warged, there would of been at least a small droplet or hint given in the proceeding 4 books about it.  GRRM loves to foreshadow and drop hints about important events all over his books.


The fact that there has not been a single mention, word, or hint about the Boar since AGOT shows me that it was...just a boar.  Nothing else.

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