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Syrio forel lives


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I had to put this back into your circles as this has been a massive discussion with my "new friends/serfs who have now watched the tv series".

Some people cannot lose 2 special and liked characters in season 1 of a tv series or book 1, I say why not, it developes the other story, which was originally the point of a three part book.

Having read all the books, looked in at some of the forum and thought I was a proffessional on ASOIF, I questioned myself when one of the newbies asked me " Everyone has an opinion,(if i ever see IMO or IMHO on a comment "reply") everyone has a 'As*h**e',. Syrio lives until we hear, see or read anything to confirm he is truly dead.[was the favorite character]

Its simple reasoning, what do you think?

Please comment, I would like to know what you think and can bring to this discussion.

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The first sword does not run, took down many guards, and no bragging from Sir Meryn Trant? Not 1 mention, as newbies said to me " If i bested the best I would let everyone know about it", just made me think/reconsider my view because Cersie made no comment either.

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Right. I can't think of one. Not one that's been dead for this long anyway. Aegon maybe, but the jury's still out on that one.

I'm not saying that it's impossible that Syrio lives, just that the burden of proof is on those that believe he's alive.

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I recently reread the part part where Arya meats Jacqen for the first time and she states that something in his voice reminded her of Syrio, but she couldn't explain what. Despite all the naysayers I am convinced the Jacqen and Syrio are one in the same. Syrio got caught, was sent to the black cells and changed his face. The guards just cleaned out the cells and sent him to the nights watch. I think Rorge and Biter may have seen him change faces, and that was why they were so scared of him.

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I recently reread the part part where Arya meats Jacqen for the first time and she states that something in his voice reminded her of Syrio, but she couldn't explain what. Despite all the naysayers I am convinced the Jacqen and Syrio are one in the same. Syrio got caught, was sent to the black cells and changed his face. The guards just cleaned out the cells and sent him to the nights watch. I think Rorge and Biter may have seen him change faces, and that was why they were so scared of him.

They killed all of Ned's household, even the steward. Why wouldn't they kill Syrio? He'd just beaten the crap out of some guardsmen and they weren't about to let it go.

Syrio is dead guys. Sorry.

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I recently reread the part part where Arya meats Jacqen for the first time and she states that something in his voice reminded her of Syrio, but she couldn't explain what. Despite all the naysayers I am convinced the Jacqen and Syrio are one in the same. Syrio got caught, was sent to the black cells and changed his face. The guards just cleaned out the cells and sent him to the nights watch. I think Rorge and Biter may have seen him change faces, and that was why they were so scared of him.

Syrio and Jaqen both having spent some time in Braavos, they might have similar accents. Especially for a girl who has met almost no one from outside Westeros.

Syrio is dead.

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We didn't see Syrio die. He's been presumed dead about as long as Benjen , and I don't think either one is dead.

I know it's long , but I think the following makes a plausible case for where Syrio could be :

Just consider the break down of the fire , and the way Jaqen interacts with Arya , and it's not at all far fetched as compared to other story arcs.

Cersei does comment ..she says they would have had Arya , but the "wretched dancing master" interfered.

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Yeah, no.

The whole point of the scene is that Arya realizes Syrio doesn't stand a chance. She's just seen him dispatch five Lannister guardsmen with a wooden sword, yet she still realizes that Syrio is a dead man walking when Meryn Trant pulls his sword out. He had no way to defend himself, no way to flee, and no way to seriously injure Trant.

He's dead.

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