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Back door hodor

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Hedge Knight

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  1. So regarding Daemon and Rhea Royce.... I rather enjoyed the dark comedy aspect of Daemon having a wife that was never shown, I read fire and blood and I admit I sometimes got caught up and forgot Deamon had a wife until it was mentioned. That being said this was something I was pretty sure he was innocent of, based on fab, but I don't hate the change, I just prefer they would have kept the joke going, and had Rhea die offscreen. Allicnet comes off terribly in this episode, seems like a jealous teenager.( which she basically is to be fair). ....but not a bad as ser Crispin(I know his real name), my man just couldn't keep his cool
  2. So I fully admit that this is a wierd thing..... I really like the Grandmaesters dry tone and cadence, and I'm really looking forward to the famous line discussing Reanrya and Laenor Velaryons marriage and the latters know preferences. "What of it? I don't care for fish, but when fish is served i eat it" He seems like the perfect straight man to deliver this line lol
  3. I think you could be right about this but I also believe its too early to tell, there could be a genuine attraction there, on Alicents part at least, don't think Daemon is actually interested. Kinda evokes Sansa crushing on Loras in my opinion.
  4. I mean yea, I agree. This i feel like is the bigger secret in this scene, and much more dangerous if it got out, both politically and militarily. Political it negates the doctrine of exceptionalism, and undermines the peace between crown and faith, militarily the implications are obvious. There definitely still is probably a secret to the hatching process that we don't know yet, I expect it might be revealed though
  5. So something I haven't really seen mentioned in regards to the scene where Viserys tells Reanrya of Aegons' dream. Before taking about the prophecy, they talk about dragons....Viserys claims that Targaryen control of dragons is an illusion, earlier in the episode were see two dragon handlers wrangling( one seems to be a young apprentice, he's still afraid)Syrax... So to me feels like they are setting up a reveal that there truly is nothing magical/special about controlling a dragon.(will be relevant later with Adam of Hull and the two betrayers in think). Its a mundane combination of High Valyrian comand words mixed with standard animal training/breeding
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