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Headless Mountain


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hi all,

I was talking with a friend the other day and he mentioned Sir Robert Strong not having a head. that seems to be the common consensus but I'm not fully on board with this.

so, bran has a vision of a giant in stone armor with darkness and thick black blood behind his visor. we also have a monstrous head sent to Dorne whose previous residence was supposedly atop the mountain. but... I was always under the impression that the skull sent to Doran was that of the Dwarf who was killed and presented to Cersei as a fake Tyrion. am I way off base? I don't have the books handy but I think the timeline matches up fine. plus: Gregor. I mean, okay, sure he's already a zombie so it's not like real world constraints are applying to him but still, how would he see?

maybe Bran's vision is thick black blood because he's dead and then darkness is there because there is nothing human/alive left inside the mountain, he's just empty. that's just my quick stab at it but I wanted to see what other folks think.

any thoughts, theories, or insights will be appreciated!

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I agree that it likely is the dwarf's head sent to Dorne. The timeline works just - though Qyburn says the skull is ready after a lengthy cleaning process, only a matter of minutes after he could have got it.

The skull's brow is noted, as are the heavy brows of several dwarves, including Penny only two chapters afterwards:


He allowed himself a brief glance at the chest. The skull rested on a bed of black felt, grinning. All skulls grinned, but this one seemed happier than most. And bigger. The captain of guards had never seen a larger skull. Its brow shelf was thick and heavy, its jaw massive. The bone shone in the candlelight, white as Ser Balon's cloak. "Place it on the pedestal," the prince commanded. He had tears glistening in his eyes.

ADWD, Areo



Her eyes were brown too, beneath a heavy shelf of brow, her cheeks smooth and flushed. 

ADWD, Tyrion IX


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15 minutes ago, Jon's Queen Consort said:

No one noticed that the King had no effing head?

This. I mean, it would be funny, but I can't imagine how it would happen. Also, it's been years since he died, why has his head been floating around preserved before this time? What was the original plan for it?

Whether or not Strong has a head, I doubt it's King Robert's.

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12 hours ago, myhalfgroat said:

any thoughts, theories, or insights will be appreciated!

He looked east, and saw a galley racing across the waters of the Bite. He saw his mother sitting alone in a cabin, looking at a bloodstained knife on a table in front of her, as the rowers pulled at their oars and Ser Rodrik leaned across a rail, shaking and heaving.A storm was gathering ahead of them, a vast dark roaring lashed by lightning, but somehow they could not see it

He looked south, and saw the great blue-green rush of the Trident. He saw his father pleading with the king, his face etched with grief. He saw Sansa crying herself to sleep at night, and he saw Arya watching in silence and holding her secrets hard in her heart. There were shadows all around them.

1)One shadow was dark as ash, with the terrible face of a hound.

2)Another was armored like the sun, golden and beautiful.

3)Over them both loomed a giant in armor made of stone, but when he opened his visor, there was nothing inside but darkness and thick black blood.

He lifted his eyes and saw clear across the narrow sea, to the Free Cities and the green Dothraki sea and beyond, to Vaes Dothrak under its mountain, to the fabled lands of the Jade Sea, to Asshai by the Shadow, where dragons stirred beneath the sunrise.


That’s the quote of Bran’s dream. I be tinkin’ number three is Ilyn Payne. For the full context go to the book GOT chapter 17. Always an interesting discussion topic.

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There's 3 options talked the most here:

- No head/ Gregor wich makes the case simple, just ungregor, no need for much clues but less interesting

- dwarf's head, normally big, plus fits in cersei's hate towards tyrion

- robert's head, the name, the hatred, the protector, it makes for the most suspense option, but it's hard for it to be explained, cersei needed to cut his head before burial and perserve it

Well, she still sleeps in the bed bob died so... she's capable of it no doubt

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22 hours ago, myhalfgroat said:

Gregor. I mean, okay, sure he's already a zombie so it's not like real world constraints are applying to him but still, how would he see?


any thoughts, theories, or insights will be appreciated!

I do think the dwarf head head was the one sent to Dorne too, bu just for fun let's say that Gregor does not have an actual head with skull but have some ocular globes and brain somehow "attached" to the inside back of the helm? That would be too creepy to be true, i know but not a 100 % impossible. Qyburn could even have used some human tissue from Falyse Stokeworth. I personally don't believe such crackpots but the idea of a FrankenGregor sounds like fun, with or without Robert Baratheon's head. In case, there is something that puzzled me more in the name chosen, Robert Strong, I don't thing it's only because it was an extinct house or because of the mountain strenght, maybe Qyburn was in fact from house Strong, he did get to be master of whispers just like Larys Strong, wich suspiciously sounds a lot alike Varys, another former master of whispers. Too many coincidences?

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I really like/fear the image I get when I imagine the mountain with just two sickly yellow-orange eyes being suspended in a helm with wires.

or maybe Martin will use it as the big reveal that the series has been sci-fi all along. the helm will get knocked off and we'll see a bunch of brass gears proving that UnGregor has been a steampunk zombie this whole time.

you know, after reading over that paragraph I realized that there are some theories out there even crazier than this one. steampunk zombies, I'm calling it.

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