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[ADwD Spoilers] Top 10 favorite characters (post ADWD)


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1. Arya Stark

2. Sandor Clegane

3. Sansa Stark

4. Brienne of Tarth

5. Jorah Mormount

6. Jon Snow

7. Roose Bolton

8. Jaime Lannister

9. Asha Greyjoy

10. Tyrion Lannister

*Barristan Selmy gets an honorary place because he seems like such a sweet old man. :)

*And Victarion Greyjoy for being so unintentionally hilarious. ;)

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1. Arya Stark

2. Sandor Clegane

3. Sansa Stark

4. Brienne of Tarth

5. Jorah Mormount

6. Jon Snow

7. Roose Bolton

8. Jaime Lannister

9. Asha Greyjoy

10. Tyrion Lannister

*Barristan Selmy gets an honorary place because he seems like such a sweet old man. :)

*And Victarion Greyjoy for being so unintentionally hilarious. ;)

Darn, I forgot about Oberyn Martell (WASTE of a good character right there) and all the Sand Snakes. And Bronn...

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I can't really rank them, so in no particular order...

Jaime, Jon, Myrcella, Tormund, Arya, Robb, Ned, Bronn, Asha, Stannis.

Honorary mention: Mel

Huh. I guess this explains why I like the Storyline of the North so much better than the ones in King's Landing/ The East.

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Few things have change since aFfC. Maybe now I like more the characters I like and despise more the characters I despise :rolleyes:

1. Jon Snow

2. Theon Greyjoy

3. Dolorous Edd Tollet

4. Oberyn Martell

5. Tyrion Lannister

6. Tormund Giantsbane

7. Olenna Tyrell

8. Jaime Lannister

9. Asha Greyjoy

10. Ghost

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1. Arya

2. Jaime

3. Ghost

4. Davos

5. Jon

6. Wyman Manderly

7. Wylla Manderly and Jeyne Westerling (a tie)

8. Podrick Payne

9. 3 Eyed Crow and Jorah Mormont's Raven (a tie)

10. Garlan the Gallant

Special Mention: any dead Frey

I think I prefer minor characters over POV characters because they're not around long enough to become annoying.

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