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What would you wield/wear into combat?

Iron Captain

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Maybe I should have said you're defending yourself in a trial by combat lol. But I guess that might also change the way you would equip yourself compared to going into a large scale battle.

I'd be more inclined to armor myself to maximum (with viable movement) protection in a large scale battle, for protection over random blows and arrows. In single combat (as shown by Bronn and Oberyn), mobility is more useful.

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I'd be more inclined to armor myself to maximum (with viable movement) protection in a large scale battle, for protection over random blows and arrows. In single combat (as shown by Bronn and Oberyn), mobility is more useful.

Syrio Forel? Remember? That one guy who was wearing like nothing and beat the crap outta' some dudes with a wooden stick?

They were all armored beautifully. He was not.

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I'm a slim girl so heavy armor is out of question, so I'd go like the Viper. A spear sounds good, with a looong blade part. And of course the deadliest, most beautiful sword of the world. I'm going for a water dancer style and a sligthly curvy blade. Super sharp. Long enough hilt for two-handed use but light enough to use it with one hand. I'm left-handed but I handle a sword with my right and I practiced enough how to draw it and cut with the same movement.

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I'm left-handed but I handle a sword with my right and I practiced enough how to draw it and cut with the same movement.

When sparring, I would use this to your advantage.

Line up with your left, allow your opponent to evaluate and correct...

then when the dance begins, you immediately switch to your right.

you'll have them off-balance and wondering.

Better even if you can use BOTH hands.

Which would allow you to switch from right to left, depending on the dance & the way it was going.

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Syrio Forel? Remember? That one guy who was wearing like nothing and beat the crap outta' some dudes with a wooden stick?

They were all armored beautifully. He was not.

Weren't the Lannister guardsmen not heavily armored (other than maybe some mail and halfhelms)? I don't really remember and don't have the first book with me. Once he faced a fully armored Meryn Trant his attacks were pretty much useless. (But of course Syrio didn't have any kind of armor, or a steel weapon).

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Weren't the Lannister guardsmen not heavily armored (other than maybe some mail and halfhelms)? I don't really remember and don't have the first book with me. Once he faced a fully armored Meryn Trant his attacks were pretty much useless. (But of course Syrio didn't have any kind of armor, or a steel weapon).

Well, I meant in comparison to Forel, they were armored beautifully. ha.

& to be sure, Syrio would have felled Ser Meryn had he been equipped with a blade.

Still, he didn't do half bad. The First Sword of Braavos does not run.

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Maybe I should have said you're defending yourself in a trial by combat lol. But I guess that might also change the way you would equip yourself compared to going into a large scale battle.

I'd be more inclined to armor myself to maximum (with viable movement) protection in a large scale battle, for protection over random blows and arrows. In single combat (as shown by Bronn and Oberyn), mobility is more useful.

Problem with Bronn and Oberyn's fights with Vardis and Gregor respectively, is that armour does not seem to work the same way in Westeros as it does in the real world. They're not exactly the best representations of medieval fights/duels, although they are entertaining.

It doesn't matter how fast you are, if your attacks can't realistically do anything to the guy wearing good quality armour. If you have less armour, he only has to hit you one less time than you have to hit him, and the fight would be over.

I think the other thing to take from Bronn and Oberyn's duels are to showcase that they are rather exceptional at fighting.

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Problem with Bronn and Oberyn's fights with Vardis and Gregor respectively, is that armour does not seem to work the same way in Westeros as it does in the real world. They're not exactly the best representations of medieval fights/duels, although they are entertaining.

This is true. GRRM is writing a story, and so the realism in the fighting is secondary to entertainment. In real life, mobility is emphatically not a great advantage over heavy armour. There was a reason that medieval fighters generally wore as much heavy armour as they could afford, after all.

It's worth noting that in any case, Bronn would certainly have killed Ser Vardis Eggen a lot sooner had Vardis not been wearing heavy armour. Bronn was a more skilled fighter, younger, stronger, faster and with better reach. He scores a number of hits on Vardis in the early part of the fight that would have ended the fight if Vardis had been armoured as Bronn was. It's only Vardis' superior armour that keeps him in the fight. Similarly, Oberyn's tactics only work because Gregor is unable to close the range or disarm him, which is also a bit of authorial intervention.

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it would depend, if it was in westeros(excluding dorne), then plate mail, kite shield, longsword

if it was in a hotter climate(like dorne)i would wear splint mail, round shield, mace(shoter than a sword, but good against armor)

if i could have a horse, recurved bow, turko-mongol saber, lamellar(i forgot the exact spelling) armor

my preferred choice is the last one

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It's true that eventually, many knights stopped carrying them as full plate armour became more advanced, but that's a late development, whereas Westeros seems to be still in the early stages of adopting full plate.

Given the description of armour in the books, and the highlightning of jousting in the society, I thought the armour in Westeros was comparable to armour developed in the late Middle Ages. But perhaps I'm wrong. :)

And didn't the Red Viper manage to puncture the Mountains plate with a two handed spear thrust?

If I recall correctly (I don't have my books at hand, so feel free to correct me), Ser Gregor's plate was said to be unusually thick and heavy, in addition to mail underneath. I doubt it is possible for human strength in the real world to actually thrust a spear through Gregor like that, penetrating both the thick plate and mail on his front and back.

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Given the description of armour in the books, and the highlightning of jousting in the society, I thought the armour in Westeros was comparable to armour developed in the late Middle Ages. But perhaps I'm wrong. :)

Well, you cut the bit about the Reach being the possible exception to that: they do seem to wear armour that might be comparable to (say) Milanese plate or even early Renaissance suits. But we know that full plate has not really spread to the North, for example, and many of the Riverlands or Vale knights don't seem to wear it either. Partial plate over mail is commonly mentioned instead. Dorne is an exception we know the reasons for, and the Stormlanders and Westerlanders seem fairly split between plate-and-mail and full plate. Though it must be noted that we don't get much detailed information about the armour of unnamed knights - only the richer and more notable lords and their retainers.

Of course, this split seems to have persisted for an unrealistically long time and can also be put down to GRRM not placing much emphasis on realism, preferring to give characters armour that he thinks works for the characters.;)

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I would wield Ice in my left hand and Robert's warhammer with my right. I would wear leather boots adorned with gems of obsidian, trousers of made from dragon scales, and a mithril chain mail vest over the customary boiled leather tunic. My muscled arms would be unadorned, so that my foes may quiver before my might. My helm would be of Valyrian steel and shaped like that of a snarling sabre-toothed tiger, complete with massive fangs.

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As I am known as The Bronze Wyvern, I am wearing full plate, coloured/enamelled bronze, with a surcoat bearing my sigil, a bronze wyvern on green. My shield would bear the same device. My Valyrian steel sword is called Talon. My horse is a swift red courser named Russet, though as Jaime says, one shouldn't really name horses, too many die in battle!

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I would go into battle naked as my name day screaming HODOR HODOR HODOR to throw off my enemies, also cus my skill is so great i need not worry about being hit and not having anything on will increase my speed.

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