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The Ultimate Author Bashing/Defense Thread

Lord Qwerty

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I hate Cecilia Dart-Thornton. Everything she does screams ineptness; her plotting, her characterizations (most especially her main character, who was a Many-Named Mary Sue), and especially her piss-weak descriptions, where she pretty much goes "...and the inhabitants of the castle went through 10 sacks of grain, 8 boars, 30 chickens, 4 sheep and 1 stoat a week. Truly, there were many people in said castle." It drove me utterly insane!

As for others, Dan Brown is an unforgiveable hack, and Anne Rice was cool but mediocre in her early career but has now drowned in her own wank. I don't appreciate David Eddings' works anymore, but he was the author that pretty much introduced me to fantasy, so I can (grudgingly) forgive him.

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Terry Pratchett - Give it up, man.

I hereby defend the works of Terry Pratchett!

He wrote Small Gods and Hogfather, which are two of the best fantasy satires ever. He goes through ups and downs, but his heights are still breathtaking.

Oh, and screw Tom Clancy.

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I read an Eddings book once. From what I recall, the book can be summed up thus: "Reformed thief achieves nirvana after having sex with his cat".

It was called 'The Redemption of Althalus". I don't think 'Althalus' was the cat.

I read that one, too. Good point about the cat.


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Hawthorne makes my ears bleed. Dickens does too.

I have to thank Hemingway for, if nothing else, learning to be short with sentence structure. Plus, he actually wrote really boring stories in interesting ways.

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Does anyone think it's possible for the Anita Blake books to recover? I used to love the series, but by Cerulian Sins, I was sick of the change. I used to hope that Anita would hit her head and wake up not remembering anything from the last 2 years. But it seems there were three books released since I stopped reading, much in the same vein.

As for other authors : Anne Rice

gave up on her books too late *sigh*

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I dunno about Rowling....

I think she's a horrible writer and doesn't deserve all the fame she's recieved, and I hate her fanbase for the moronic people they are...

Yet her books brought many kids to know the joy of reading, and she created a truly magical world, even though I doubt she consciously did most of the things that made it trully apeal.

I love reading Harry Potter, but it's pure a simple wonder. It's not the amazement at the near-perfect writing of GRRM, but oh well.

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Yet her books brought many kids to know the joy of reading, and she created a truly magical world, even though I doubt she consciously did most of the things that made it trully apeal.

That might very well be a topic for another debate...though I'm sure we've had it...I don't know that children "brought to reading" through HP actually continue to look for something new after it...

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That might very well be a topic for another debate...though I'm sure we've had it...I don't know that children "brought to reading" through HP actually continue to look for something new after it...

I know a few who became addicted to the fantasy genre because HP introduced them to it. But I agree that most of the kids prolly don't read much other than when a new HP comes out, which makes me rather sad.

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In defense of Rowling: I mostly agree with Aasa but am going to add in my own commentary.

I don't think her writing is phenominal in any sense of the word. But she created an interesting world with characters that people can get attatched to and writing aside it's a fun read. I don't consider it serious literature in any sense, but it's entertaining. Not to mention I agree with Asa that it did help alot of kids get into reading, such as my brother. He never read books just for fun until he read the HP series, and now he's a book fiend.

Ok, now my author bashing. Though many of you I'm sure will disagree, I hope that Mary Renault falls into a goddmned firey abyss. I think her writing is the dullest dryest style I've ever read, and if it's one thing I cannot abide by it's dry writing.

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William Shakespeare.

Yeah, I went there.

That was pretty daring. I'll be the first to come to Bill's defense.

The writing style is obviously outdated, but I find that if approached with an open mind and an expanded vocabulary, the stories and characters can be just as funny, witty, and sad. For instance, if you read Romeo and Juliet I'm sure you would find that there is more sex jokes in there than you could hope to fathom, but there's also alot of really touching and emotional parts of it too. I find that his writing is just as prevalent to our lives as it was to people's back then. I can understand how the writing style is perhaps a turn-off, but I just don't let that bother me and the characters and plots are enough to make me really enjoy Shakespeare.

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I didn't like Shakespeare at first, but he really does have some amusing stories. Midsummer's Night Dream is fantastic, I also enjoy his darker faire though, Othello, McBeth, and Hamlet were all very enjoyable reads. Even Romeo and Juliet had Mercutio, whois one of my favorite characters in classical literature.

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Hrmm...if we define 'authors' very broadly, then can I just bash every single writer to any forum on the web? Oh wait a minute...

*waits for the first person to come along to bash Elena Poniatowska* ;)

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The Shakespeare thing was mostly a joke, but I suppose I should expect people to get this impression considering some of the positions I've taken on this board.

I do think that the writing style is highly dated, and I honestly can't enjoy it because of that. And I never understood why he is considered to be the greatest write to have ever lived by so many people.

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