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Favourite Houses

Renlys Shade

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1. Manderly- I like their back story, how they're actually a southron house, but were given refuge in the North by the Starks. And they get props for the Frey pie!

2. Stark- Awesome supernatural abilities!

3. Martell- I sympathise with them the most because I feel whenever there's an uproar in Westeros they end up getting the raw end of the deal. Also, vengeance for Elia!!

4. Tully- I love auburn hair :drool:

5. Targaryen- DRAGONS!

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1. Manderly- I like their back story, how they're actually a southron house, but were given refuge in the North by the Starks. And they get props for the Frey pie!

Yeah - I really like your assessment of the Manderlys.

My Top Picks:

  1. Stark
  2. Tully (for Catelyn and the Blackfish)
  3. Stark
  4. Manderly (as per Merman of Manderly, see quote above)
  5. Stark
  6. Blackfrye (even though extinct, for Brynden Rivers/BR)
  7. Stark
  8. Lannister (for Tyrion, Tommen and Marcella, then as to the others, where would the fun be without them?)
  9. Stark
  10. Baelish (again, what fun would there be without Littlefinger)
  11. Stark
  12. Baratheon (for Renly and Stannis)
  13. Stark
  14. Mormont
  15. Stark

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Obviusly Stark First!! they came from the first men, Brandon build the Wall!! they were kings of the North for thousand of years, they can warg, direwolf sibling is awsome, they're ICE, the old gods fe, honour... and more.

Targaryen they're FIRE, Valiryans!!! , dragons riders, silver hair, the warriors. Blood and Fire!

Martell c'mon princes of Dorne from the rhoynars, they are Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken, they are the never conquer kingdom (well just once, but the reveal and won) .

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