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You have gained the ability to teleport to Westeros.

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I'd take a handgun and plenty of ammo (and some knives too, just in case) and travel to Braavos visiting all the temples and seeing every part of the city. I'd specifically visit the House of Black and White to learn the art of glamors (we can take magic back, right?).

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@Artos Stark

Your post made me laugh. I recently watched part of Army of Darkness, and you're so right!!!!

There were also a lot of other weird similarities (lost hand, the lion on the banner in AoD used is the same one used by the Lannisters, and coincidentally, the same one on the coat of arms as the city of Poitiers, France). It got to the point where I asked the person watching with me if he thought GRRM knew about the movie (As you can see, I know nothing about sci-fi or fantasy). He looked at me as if I were crazy and said everyone who likes sci fi or fantasy knows about Army of Darkness.

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I'm in a difficult situation here, because since anything more dangerous than a paintball gun is heavily monitored in the UK, and on top of that the authorities check you out if you have more ammunition than you need for medium term personal use. If time doesn't progress in westeros while I'm in the real world, I think I'd join the army, carefully study the series to develop my plans, then move to a country with easier access to guns and plenty of mineral wealth. I'd go to Westeros, carry out my plans, bring back the loot, drop off what I can't keep on me in a secure location in Westeros, then arrange to find the gold coins somewhat I get to keep the money. People will suspect something is wrong, but they hopefully can't prove it. Then I'd use the money to buy all the books and tools needed to upgrade Westerosi technology a few centuries, and retire as an advisor to King Stannis in westeros, and a reclusive moderately wealthy eccentric here.

If Westerosi time doesn't pause when I'm in the real world, then I'm not sure. I'd feel under a lot of pressure to help, somehow, but I wouldn't have any really useful skills other than what I'm given in the OP, or any weapons I can't get in westeros. I guess I'd desperately try to convince GRRM that I'm telling the truth, and ask for his help, among others, and go from there. At the very least, if I'm locked in a padded cell under constant surveillance, the fact that I can disappear at will should prove I'm telling the truth.

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Just wondering though, would a bullet pierce plate armour?.

Turn on the television, or surf the internet and tune into any channel or website that has images of warfare after guns were made prevalent.

See if anyone is wearing plate armor.

(I'll give you a hint here. the answer is no.)

Ask yourself a question...

"Self, Why would that be?"

Steel Armor was made obsolete with the invention of the gun. Even musket balls passes through steel easily.

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Bring a flashlight, iPod, phone etc. and I can convince them I'm God.

Take over the High Septon job or be above him and you can have personal army, power above the crown, and no debt to the Braavos bank. You have laws that the royal have to obey as well.

All thanks to Cersei. Good luck with that position, sounds fun!

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I'd teleport to KL with modern wheapons, medicines and technology: kill Cersei, Un-Gregor and all those creepy people that support Cersei.

I'd then outlaw the High Septon army. Seriously guys, just go back to pray and stuff.

I'd then send men and wheapons to the Wall, and convince everyone that Wildings and Kings' men (Queen's men, MY men, fuck yeah) should fight together against the White Walkers. I'd send a good maester to Jon, those wounds need to be treated, and I don't want to lose my favourite LC.

I'd make peace with Stannis: he can have the crown, but Tommen and Myrcella must be sent off to the Free Cities to live in wealth and safety.

The Tyrells will marry Willas to Stannis's daughter and they will be royals again.

He can keep his R'hllor if he wants to, but freedom of religion (or lack of) must be allowed.

I'd send submarines to sink all Greyjoys ships.

I'd then teleport to Mereen, where I'd pick up Tyrion and bring him back to Westeros so that he can inherit Casterly Rock and be Hand of the King. We need to get this realm back on track. Oh by the way, I found Tysha for you, you guys really need to talk.

(And a perfectly trained dragon for you, just because.)

I'd have the Starks reunited and back in Winterfell (The Boltons have been all killed by Stannis, obviously).

Dany, darling, you obviously don't give a damn about Westeros, so just reign here in Mereen, Astapor and the rest of the boring places in Essos, will you? Just don't touch the free cities. Here, a copy of "How to train your Dragon". You might find it useful.

I think I could go back home, now.

EDIT: typo.

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Steel Armor was made obsolete with the invention of the gun. Even musket balls passes through steel easily.

No they really can't. Musket balls had problems passing through armour. Modern weapons can easily pass through steel plate but it wasn't true with the advent of the gun made these useless. It took a while for guns to become powerfull enough. Steel Plate armour when it was used was the armour of the gentry and wealthy. Warefare changed in the 17th century to be fought more by citizens than by the gentry. They couldn't afford plate armour and the state couldn't afford to equip so many men with armour. This lack of a need for armour allowed armies to increase in size dramatically.

But before the 19th Century you'd have a hard time piercing armour with a gun. Now you'd be fucked in armour, and as a previous poster said you'd have to pick the shrapnel from you armour out of your body as well.

Back to the OP (sticking to the OPs rules - I'm envisioning it like a Westeros "Goodnight Sweetheart" for those Brit readers). I'd need to get Westerosi money to start off with so I'd take some modern stuff I could sell like meat, fish, fine cloth and sell them to Westerosi nobles maybe in KL or Oldtown. Then with enough gold I'd try and make myself into a little lord with an estate, small guard ect. Maybe have kid in Westeros to take over when I mysteriously disappear. (Every so often I could turn back up incognito and see how he/she's doing, maybe give a helping hand if need be).

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No idea why everybody says armour got obsolete once fire weapons were invented. The pot-de-fer (early medieval cannon) got invented around 1330, which is even before the full plate armour got fully developed (at around 1360). Gun warefare began to be seriously big around 1520. But this did not change the fact that armour was still used on a massive scale.

Here is a picture of armour from the late 16th century: hb_2002130a-p.jpg?w=208&h=300

And here from the early 17th century: imperialmountedarquebussier1640.jpg?w=15 and http://www.masterarmourer.com/images/Civil%20War%20Cover.jpg

The popularity of armour really just petered out after 1650, for reasons others have already explained before me.

Anyways. What I would take with me would be cotton clothing. Loads of snuggly nice warm cottin clothing. People would kill to hjave such comfortable clothing (hopefully not me!).

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Couple firearms - handgun, and long range rifle, and ammo.

A really well stocked first aid kit.

Several pounds of black pepper, nutmeg, vanilla, and other spices likely to be highly valuable to Westerosi lords.

A good LED flashlight, and a bunch of CR123s.

This poster: http://www.topatoco.com/graphics/qw-cheatsheet-print-zoom.jpg

First stop - Kings Landing. Rectify the issue of un-Gregor. Convert spices into gold.

(If time allows, make a couple dozen trips. The arbitrage on spices would be really, really high).

Second stop - Marwyn, if I can find him. This may require a seaworthy powerboat. Hence, gold.

(Back to present day. Convert more gold into as much obsidian-tipped rifle ammo as possible, and few dozen crates of rifles. Nothing fancy needed, Garands or similar.)

Third stop - The wall. WTF happened? Regardless, Dolorous Edd et. al. get rifles, a quick class on marksmanship (this will take a few days) and crates of rifles & obsidian-tipped ammo.

Fourthstop - Bran.

Fifth stop - Dany, What the hell Dany? Get thee to Westeros! Bring the dwarf, he's clever.

Sixth stop - Howland Reed. Get some questions answered.

Further stops - gather various lords, archmaesters, etc in kings landing. Explain 'constitutional monarchy'. Introduce them to Dany.

Final stop - head to the north. Persuade the Stark in Winterfell that I need a decent sized coastal area, a number of blacksmiths, farmers, and other outcast peasant types. Begin technologicial leap forward.

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I would go and bring Stannis a mouth guard so he isn't always grinding his teeth....My dentist is really adamant that it is not good for the lasting health of your teeth.

While you're at it, can you drop off these dentures for Theon?

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