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Your Theory is Wrong

Sour Billy Tipton

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Tons of my theories are wrong, but maybe not all of them. Thats the whole fun of a message board like this. In fact i have incorperated several other stupid theories from other peoples wrong theories and was mad i didn't think of them first. Bring them on. The crazier the better.

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Can't forget about Lou Reed. Howland's 2nd cousin. Those cronnogmen sure do walk on the wild side


Howland, Harland. Harland, Howland. The two are inextricably linked in my mind, and whenever someone foresees Howland making a big difference at the end of ASOIAF by announcing Jon is really king, I always picture the realm-changing moment being delivered by Harland.

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The first time I read the series only the first three books were out. So, I did a marathon session with the first two in the form of all-nighters and then read Storm a month or so later when it was published. I was so eager to read just one more page, I took much of the story at face value, to a pretty large degree - a fact which shames me a great deal. Needless to say, every single theory of mine, without fail, turned out to be wrong. It's not often that I can claim a 0% success rate but it applies here. Amongst my brilliant deductions:

- Jon was the son of Ashara Dayne

- Dany would spend book three coming back to Westeros

- Dany and Robb would eventually get married, joining the North and South together again.

- Arya would come back for Sandor Clegane and they would go looking for Sansa together.

- Brienne would be more successful in her search

- The North was completely decimated and would not every be able to rise again

- Ned would not be killed and would end up at the Wall with Jon, ready to combat the great evil

...and many other such gems. It was on further re-reads by book and by character that I began to pick up on foreshadowing and symbolism, picking the books apart to develop theories with at least some basis in the text. I upped my success rate for Feast and Dance. However, I didn't pick up on the appearance of Aegon. Time will tell if any of my other theories will prove correct. In the meantime, I'll keep having fun coming up with new potential scenarios of what will happen next. It's fun and I have no desire to avoid speculation based upon the idea that Martin will eventually do what he wants.

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Howland, Harland. Harland, Howland. The two are inextricably linked in my mind, and whenever someone foresees Howland making a big difference at the end of ASOIAF by announcing Jon is really king, I always picture the realm-changing moment being delivered by Harland.

Where would he score junk in the swamp?

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- Jon was the son of Ashara Dayne

- Dany would spend book three coming back to Westeros

- Dany and Robb would eventually get married, joining the North and South together again.

- Arya would come back for Sandor Clegane and they would go looking for Sansa together.

- Brienne would be more successful in her search

- The North was completely decimated and would not every be able to rise again

- Ned would not be killed and would end up at the Wall with Jon, ready to combat the great evil

Look on the bright side your optimistic, which means you do look on the bright side. YAY!

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So you don't think Benjen raped someone and Ned took in his son whilst sending Ben to the wall for his crime?

No I think benjen is at the wall for his rape but I think Ness rape wasn't a crime of such as it was during the war. I am sure Ned is johns father and it is of rape and the Starks are somehow connected to the others.

If Lyanna is Jons mother I think Ned is still the father. Maybe that is what she asked Ned to promise her, not to rape her corpse, or even rape Jon.

I definitely think the Starks are going to be the evil ones at the end tho, and the history of the Starks at the wall only highlights this.

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I used to think that Jon was the son of Brandon and Lyana Stark. I based this on very few things admittedly. Namely how much Jon looks like a Stark. Brandon's reaction about going to King's Landing and demanding the life of Rhaegar. I assumed that Rhaegar fell in love with Lyana and rescued her from her abusive brother (which would explain why she would never bother sending a letter stating that she wasn't abducted and being held against her will) this is why Eddard shows respect towards Rhaegar while never seeming to have much affection for Brandon. Eddard grew up in the Vale and never knew about this abuse going on until it was too late, Benjen did know about it however and kept quiet, it is over this shame that he went to the wall. Ned's promise to keep Jon's background a secret would be to shield him and the Stark family from much shame but ironically as the son of Brandon Stark it would make Jon the rightful heir to Winterfell over Ned and Cat's children. Also I just thought it would be fitting if Dany was a daughter of Targaryen incest and Jon a son of Stark incest.

Anyway I now realize that this theory doesn't work for many reasons (one of which being the timeline of the abduction and Lyana probably giving birth) and had a lot of holes in it to begin with.

Well there it is. My deep dark secret. :leaving:

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How do you feel?

Pretty good, actually, whether I'm right or wrong ;)

There are so many on this site. Do some of you get upset and think your idea was better? Do you shrug your shoulders and keep reading? Maybe you take solace in the fact that George knows best.

The bolded part. I would never presume to second-guess Martin and I don't really get those who do. It's his story to write how he pleases. I'm just glad to be able to buy my tickets, so to speak, and come along for the ride.

Maybe most on here are like myself. I started reading in the middle of season 1 and kept going. TWOW is the first book I've waited for, I now have time to come up with my own outcomes or agree/disagree with the rest of the fan base.

I started reading right after ACoK came out and have waited for every book since. But that's ok, I have plenty of other things to keep me occupied while I wait.

Also if your theory has proven correct in past books post about it.

Hmm...well, I'll always be proud of the fact that I figured out who the Three-Eyed Crow was about five or six years before it was revealed. I wasn't the only one but there were precious few of us crying the theory in the wilderness back then :D I guess many of the things I have theories about or speculate about haven't been born out yet. Such as:

-I believe I was one of the first to start a thread calling Melisandre into question. Basically from the beginning I didn't believe she was what she seemed - I thought she was a charlatan who was out for her own ends. She does have power, though, I'll give her that. It's just that she's also not above a bit of trickery, etc. I also have always believed her very appearance to be an illusion. I also believe she is one who has received the "Kiss of Fire". However, the jury's still out on ol' Mel.

-I believe Coldhands is Benjen Stark who was killed while ranging and was resurrected in much the same way as Donderrion and Stoneheart by the Three-Eyed Crow (who, of course, is a sorceror) as an assistant to bring Bran to him. This explains how Coldhands can be autonomous. Coldhands explained himself why his hands are black, hard, cold, etc. He said that when the heart stops the blood congeals. This is simply saying that severe frostbite would set in quickly in the cold North in a dead body. I also believe this is why Coldhands says "Your monster" when Bran calls him a monster - because he was created by the Three-Eyed Crow for him. Jury's still out on this one as well.

-As far as the Hooded Man goes, I've always been, since my first reading, down with the "Theon Durden" theory. I think this episode is an integral part of Theon's psychological journey back to trying to be the man he once was. I believe it's a turning point in Theon's decision to defy Ramsey. Heh, jury's still out on this, too.

So, yeah, it's fun to speculate and much is yet to be revealed :)

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I think that although we may have guessed a lot of thimgs correctly theres still more for grrm to unveil like I think that characters like euron and qyburn haven't yet come into their element in the story and GRRM is always adding new parts of the story like I never guessed any of the stuff about the fake aegon before ADWD so I think he's got more surprises coming for us and ultimately I prefer having that OMG moment when i first read them then knowing them in advance

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I only finished reading AGOT-AFFC like a week before ADWD came out so I didn't have time to formulate many theories beforehand. I thought Mel would hook up with Jon Snow b/c of the preview chapter....I'm very glad I was wrong on that count. I also guessed that the word Brienne screamed was "Sword!" like a lot of people, and GRRM confirmed it recently so I felt good about that.

I'm really looking forward to TWOW to see if some of the (crackpot) theories I have rummaging around my head are right, or if I'm just reading way too much into certain lines of the text.

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You know we all have theories... 5 will be totally rubbish, two will come close and one will be even closer...

I too have crackpot theories and I've got a lot of them. Theories are just ideas that are yet to be proven.

For instance R+L=J this is a popular theory or N+A=J is another former popular theory but then there's a unlikely theory H+L=J (:) howland Reed is Jon Snows father ) that's my theory it's probably rubbish but it a speculation! Not something that ill lose sleep over

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You know we all have theories... 5 will be totally rubbish, two will come close and one will be even closer...

I too have crackpot theories and I've got a lot of them. Theories are just ideas that are yet to be proven.

For instance R+L=J this is a popular theory or N+A=J is another former popular theory but then there's a unlikely theory H+L=J ( :) howland Reed is Jon Snows father ) that's my theory it's probably rubbish but it a speculation! Not something that ill lose sleep over

When I first saw the H, I thought Hodor.

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