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Darth Sidious

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Everything posted by Darth Sidious

  1. The black and white symbol is death. From the House of Black & White, House Of The Undying, etc. A union of Jon the Black and Val the White can mean the death of Westeros. I don’t think we will see this union unless Val too becomes a wight.
  2. Jon as a mentor is not a cure for what afflicts Arya. Nothing good will come of putting Jon and Arya together, though they will become romantically involved. Nothing good will come of it. Both of them are crazy bent on revenge. Jon died a traitor. He is not coming back a paragon of good virtues. He wasn’t that before he died. He is not capable of curing and leading Arya to sanity. Brienne is alright but she is not a doctor with access to modern medicine. Arya will have to be confined. It’s the only moral way to handle her.
  3. In Arya’s case, a lot. Though her mental illness mitigates. Illness is a factor to consider during sentencing.
  4. Arya chose to join that murderous cult. She crossed the sea to learn how to kill. The choice was always hers. At no time was Arya robbed of agency.
  5. Capital punishment. Which I am not in favor of for the murders of Dareon and the old man. I am asking for locking her up in a mental institution. If and most likely Arya buries more people then I would say capital punishment is then appropriate. I will accept that Arya has mitigating circumstances. Her mental condition and challenging life experiences. I can see leniency for murdering Raifford. But the old man and Dareon are not connected to the downfall of her father and brother. They were victims. One more victim unrelated to the Stark downfall and I will be calling for a life sentence for Arya. Just one more.
  6. So you don’t want Arya to receive punishment? I disagree with your position on this. I am not calling for an execution of Arya but incarceration for a few decades seems just to me.
  7. An evil fighting another evil, like Arya fighting Ramsay later in the story.
  8. The Faceless Men. They could send one of theirs to take Arya out of the game. But what if they don’t care if Arya is unhinged as long as she delivers to their gods by way of mass murder. Deaths are what they harvest.
  9. Sansa falls in love with Harry. Harry asks her to kill the child. Sansa agrees and kills Robin.
  10. Sansa will be attracted to Hardyng. It’s just a matter of time. And a short time at that.
  11. The murder of Robin Arryn will be the first time that Sansa kills with her own hands. Sansa will fall in love with Harry. He tells her to poison Robin so they can inherit.
  12. Roose had to obey Robb. At least it had to look that way. The Starks would have done to his Dreadfort what the Tullys did to the Goodbrooks.
  13. Aerea was an adventurous girl. Balerion did not fly non-stop. She could have gotten off and found a way back home if she had wanted to. She was not completely unwilling. She also had little control though. Why is the story significant? Because it happened to Dany with Drogon. First time rider was taken where the dragon wanted to go. It happens with wolves too. Rickon could not control his direwolf. Stranger is not an easy horse to ride. I would think an F1 is not an easy car to drive. Viserion and Rhaegal will do the same to their riders, take them for a ride.
  14. This is Roose’s view, yes. He bends the law. He broke the ban on the right of the first knight, when it disagreed with his northern tradition. He appears from the outside to follow the laws, but secretly broke that one. He had Ramsey legitimized to make him acceptable to the eyes of the north.
  15. Roose is only following tradition. Ramsay is the only son and thus born to have authority. Roose follows traditions he agrees with. He can defend his role in the Stark downfall this way. The Starks rebelled and he had a duty to stop them.
  16. I meant, she should not take it upon herself to place Tyrion under arrest.
  17. Cat might have gone to Robert instead and pleaded her case.
  18. I would think it’d be easier. Hodor has more of a will.
  19. Coldhands is not strong enough in Skinchanging. Jon may be.
  20. Jon returns as a “wight” similar to Coldhands. He will use his Skinchanging to lead the wights on a path of death and destruction. Castle Black, the Dreadfort, Karhold, and onto the Riverlands.
  21. Contention for leadership will lead to fighting among the boys. But the damage will come from Arya.
  22. The fan theory had Wayman give the men gifts of horses. The horses were suspect. The Freys were ambushed and killed. The trackers could not locate the men. Something about the horses. The horse shoes masked the scent and left little to no tracks. Jon Snow, those who died at the wedding were themselves killers and murderers. They were warriors who had blood on their hands. Cat killed the only innocent person in the hall. She kills two more of Walder’s boys.
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