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Ser Rodrigo Belmonte II

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Everything posted by Ser Rodrigo Belmonte II

  1. Imagine if they had set the ST 200 years after the old EU and done a COMPLETELY ORIGINAL STORY WITH NEW CHARACTERS! What a revolutionary concept
  2. Looking forward to it, let’s wait till it comes out before bashing it ?
  3. Those of y’all who enjoyed the depiction of mandolorians in the tv show REALLY need to give the Karen Traviss Clone commando novels a try…probably the best depiction of that culture in the SW setting. Really humanises the clones and the Jedi, good stuff. That’s how you show the Jedi are fallible and have flaws, not by turning them into space hermits lol. Luke was in exile for a brief period of time even in the old EU but there was a logical way it happened there…unlike the sequels.
  4. Yeah, some stories are really good like the Stover novels, Timothy Zahn, the old republic books by Drew Karpyshyn , the old republic comics etc
  5. Subversion for subversions sake sucks just as much as being highly derivative. I still maintain that TFA was the best of the sequels ,not that it’s saying much. The entire premise of having yet another rebels vs empire type storyline broke the world building and made the story pointless and derivative. Rian and JJ getting into a pissing contest with each other didn’t help… They really should’ve spent more time figuring out the script. Heck just adapt some EU story if you can’t be imaginative enough.
  6. Yeah there’s a lot of double standards in which ethnicities can and cannot be made fun of.
  7. Dosent every single western fantasy have dwarves speaking with a Scottish accent ? Or elves speaking the RP accent. No one makes a big deal about that…
  8. FYI the original films literally had a group of violent tribal warriors in the desert called ‘Sand People’ who cover their entire bodies up In robes and speak in gruff unintelligible accents …. Not to mention Lucas admitting in interviews that he based Jabba off the decadent ottoman sultans, the empire being based off the soviets in a deleted scene and ewoks meant to represent the ‘primitive Vietcong forces’….the racist analogies have always been an issue in SW lol. Most sci fi or fantasy films/novels borrow real life cultures and cliches. You think GRRMs depiction of Essos culture isn’t atleast partly based on racist stereotypes from the real world ? It’s SFF trope at this point . Let’s not pretend the PT is unique in this. The 80s had a bunch of movies where the black character always was the first to die. Not to mention all the horrible Asian stereotypes. The sequels screwing over Finn and Rose was far worse racism in my opinion.
  9. I guess we’ll have to disagree. I think Revenge of the Sith and most of phantom menace are good movies.
  10. I do wish they innovated more though- it feels more like Hades 1.5 than a true sequel. Yes I know they’re an indie studio but Hades sold extremely well and this feels like the same production values…look at the leap in quality that Larian achieved from DOS2 to BG3. And they were an indie studio on the verge of bankruptcy who were saved by kickstarter and used the profits from DOS2 to truly make a leapfrog product. Supergiant should’ve just tried that a bit. Would’ve liked to see a more cinematic game, with more non linear elements. Or just higher production values in general if they can’t introduce new mechanics.This looks very good but it’s just more of the same that we’ve already seen before. And this studio has usually innovated a lot with each new game.
  11. Sigh, okay I’ll take your bait- I’m talking about playing half a game and waiting for the rest to come out, I know EA helps in game development and don’t mean that EA is causing the delay as you well know.
  12. As an outsider I wanna ask if you guys are voting for Biden simply because he is the lesser evil or do you think he’s competent and lucid enough for a second term ?
  13. Man I hate early access cause I badly wanna play it but it’ won’t be complete till next year atleast
  14. It’s funny how you guys accuse GL of milking the franchise when Disney has done far worse
  15. Actually he switched wookies for ewoks because he wanted Chewbacca to be a unique character. Don’t get me wrong I hate the ewoks too, but the reasoning for them wasn’t based around merchandising.
  16. I agree with 2 and 7. Why’d he like ROTJ so much ? The teddy bears ruins that movie, I hated them even as a kid!
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