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Everything posted by polishgenius

  1. Also: Ollie Watkins is the best striker in the world. Who knew.
  2. I was gonna go with 'let's all laugh at Tuchel' but I decided to take this on board.
  3. They obviously have had games where they've whiffed a few, but Liverpool have scored 72 goals, a fraction less than Arsenal and City. It's not why they're not going to win the league.
  4. Po Atan is so damn cool.
  5. Asteroids is an issue for you but not Kaiju?
  6. Amy Coney Barrett is a symptom of the problem, not the actual problem.
  7. Trump is a cult of personality being used by the theocrats. That's why he appointed two judges to change the balance of the Supreme Court, and it immediately overturned Roe vs Wade.
  8. For someone so outwardly cynical this is surprisingly naive. You literally had a guy try to stage a coup on behalf of the theocrats at the last election.
  9. I'm sorry but the seeming current trend in US political discourse to equate support for Ukraine and support for Israel as morally similar things or even vaguely similar issues is fucking insane
  10. To be fair though that's gonna happen anyway when America breaks apart.
  11. Well I thought she was taking the piss out of the US politicians who think that way, but her last post says maybe I was wrong, since Iran's progression towards nuclear capability is such a 20-years-ago fear.
  12. I can't disagree that Jace is sometimes tone-deaf, but guys, she was pretty clearly not making fun of Iran there, come on.
  13. I did like the way developers for years have been developing these crafting systems and Nintendo made Tears of the Kingdom and went 'just stick stuff together lol' Admittedly the amount of coding skill and refinement that must have gone into backing up that 'lol' is, by any accounts from people who would know, insane.
  14. I haven't paid that much attention to him this season, but my feeling is that he's to some extent relying on his pace to recover and Isak's fast and nimble enough that it's not enough to get him there.
  15. I don't really care who thinks what is the best RPG but I have been trying to figure out what Rodrigo meant by 'the best RPG ever made from a genre perspective' because... well, what does that mean?
  16. Have you played Roadwarden? Graphically it's barely a step above text-based games but it's very committed to offering meaningful choices over time. I haven't finished so I can't say exactly how it comes together but it has a good reputation and might be of interest to you.
  17. I'll be honest when I created the topic with this title I wasn't expecting to have to update it this often.
  18. There are obviously some of-the-time issues, but honestly remarkably few compared to other JRPGs of the time. It's incredible how well it's aged. Was just watching this video earlier. I wouldn't necessarily watch the whole thing, but the opening half hour gives a good insight into what makes it so special even now, and certainly at the time, if you're interested.
  19. Every single woman I've ever known who I know well enough to talk about these things with has suffered some form of sexual abuse. Nearly all of them (and by that I mean I know one who is an exception) treat any big social situation, especially in the presence of strangers or relative strangers, as potentially hostile to some extent - scanning the room for other women as potential allies/safe people to talk to if a man gets hostile, knowing where the exits are, that kind of thing. That doesn't happen if that kind of behaviour isn't widespread. That doesn't mean it's literally every party. It just means it could be any party. It doesn't mean it's every man - but could be any man. Like I fully believe it wasn't you or your friends- Conflicting Thought isn't accusing you of that and neither is anyone else. But if you were ever at a big party where you didn't know everyone and people were getting smashed, it may have happened- and if you've been to a few in your life the chances are pretty high that at some point it did.
  20. What does Argylle have to do with Zach Snyder? Anyway MoS is way better than Rebel Moon- it's a good movie. An absolutely shit Superman story, but a good movie. Rebel Moon I did enjoy, and will watch the sequel, but it's pretty bad.
  21. I don't know what the best RPG ever is*, but I really should get back and play Disco Elysium properly. Also maybe one day I'll finally get back to, restart and then finish Planescape: Torment. *Chrono Trigger
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