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Everything posted by Maegor_the_Cool

  1. I understand why women like bad boys, I just realize that a good portion of the time it’s a bad decision on their part. Then when the relationship inevitably goes south, it’s all men are the problem, not their decisions in partner. Men are the same, they meet a girl they are attracted to, the Caffeine addict, always going out late, patty girls, and think they’ll make good girlfriends. Then when it falls apart, they become these incels who think women are these awful harpies. Obviously there are exceptions. No groups are a monolyth. But I do think Daario(Euron?) is a horrible mistake for her and will come back to haunt her.
  2. Euron is definitely her type tho. If he can keep his psycho side under wraps
  3. At first glance, he doesn’t seem to be that important of a character. Honestly he seems like a plot device to carry out Euron’s will, with some added characteristics to make him more interesting whilst he does it. But SOMETHING happened to him in the captains cabin with Moqorro. And now he has a mystical arm/hand we know next to nothing about. On top of that, the chapter it happens in, “The Iron Suitor” is 1 of only 2 chapters in the entire series where it exits the POV character’s viewpoint. The other being Daenerys’ chapter at the end of AGOT when she awakens the dragons. Both chapters end with something extraordinarily magical happening. Daenerys’ chapter being one of the most if not the most important in the series. It being first seemingly makes Victarion’s seem more important just because of the similarity. It seems to me that GRRM wants us to see both chapters and similar and notable.
  4. As the name suggests, what food from the ASOIAF universe would you make for an ASOIAF Thanksgiving
  5. I recall reading that the way Rhaegar placed his camps before the Battle of the Trident was odd, but can’t for the life of me find them. Am I imagining that?
  6. The people who make these threads are just trolls tbh
  7. “Kicked the Stark’s butt” as in treachery and backstabbing. On the field Robb walked Tywin like a dog
  8. Thinking on it, anytime Casterly Rock is mentioned, it’s impregnability is always brought up. Much like Harrenhal pre conquest. It is also made of rock and stone. Should Cersei flee to Casterly Rock after fAegon takes King’s Landing as many think he will, could Daenerys use all 3 dragons to turn Casterly Rock into a giant oven. Sort of the opposite of what Tywin did to the Reynes? With Fire instead of Water?
  9. Anyone who actually believes this thread should never be taken seriously again
  10. You don’t think the story could’ve been warped over millenia?
  11. Alright I refuse to acknowledge the last two sentences. I think the times we are given are like a game of telephone. Warped over the years.
  12. I’ve always ascribed to the idea/theory that the Night’s Watch was actually founded BEFORE the Wall was built, DURING the Long Night. They fought the Others for awhile, going through Lord Commanders, until eventually the Night’s King came. I believe, like most of you, the NK was a Stark, but I also think Bran the Breaker was the Last Hero and Joramun was one of his 13 companions. I also think it may be possible that the Kinslaying taboo stems from Bran slaying the NK, who was possibly his brother/son/uncle etc.
  13. If they didn’t adopt them. The pups would’ve died a slow death without their mother.
  14. I willing to bet you were born and raised in a city, or in an upper class suburb. Killing the Direwolf pups was the humane thing to do. The other option being letting them alone to slowly starve to death. Lest you forget, lithos is a fantasy series, you can’t just take home 5 wild wolf pups and raise them. They’d still be wild.
  15. IMO I don’t see this question asked enough, but… What were Rhaegar & Lyanna doing for the 6-7 months before Rhaegar returned to King’s Landing? And obviously Sers Arthur and Oswell? Were they at the Tower that entire time? Were they in Starfall? With the time of Jon’s birth it seems most likely Lyanna was pregnant within the month she and Rhaegar absconded together.
  16. If anyone cares I have an ASOIAF Tiktok account that is decently successful @maegor_the_cool
  17. The incestuous nature of the Targaryens is what caused the downfall of their house. And it was always going to. The interpersonal relationships of the family members became conflicted with each other. Someone’s siblings could never just be their sibling, there is always that hint of sexuality in every single one of their relationships. Leading to estrangement’s, blow ups, fights, trust issues, and violence. Even without the Dance, the patriarchal society, the Targaryens would’ve turned on each other at some point and completely self destructed.
  18. What do you get out of making these topics my man? Like the “evil wiki” or some such nonsense? Cersei has always been an evil person, sin she was a little girl, she has just gotten more power as the books go on. Likewise, Tyrion has always been sleezy, but after the trial and his murder of his father, he is evil as well.
  19. Forge Lightbringer? The massive battle will take place on the sea, providing the salt. The ships will be on fire, providing the smoke. He is offering Falia Flowers, his possible Nissa Nissa. We know he is learned in the magical arts, prophecy would be among them. And he wants to raise himself to godhood. Azor Ahai is a god-like figure. Or perhaps he wants to intentionally pervert that prophecy, and become an Anti-Christ like figure.
  20. Was King Baelor I! Otherwise known as Baelor the Blessed! Think about it, he was so pious that he locked his sisters away to preserve their chastity, but more than likely it was to keep temptation from HIM. Then Daena broke out, and afterwards Baelor, in a fanatical craze, he starved himself to death in a religious fast. Why would his sister’s broken chastity cause such feelings of obvious guilt and shame in him? Unless I’m vengeance or a power play Daena seduced HIM. Not Aegon IV. But why would Aegon claim Daemon if he wasn’t his? Perhaps Daena slept with him as well, or it was Purely to spite Daeron, who he feared was Aemon’s.
  21. As for the rest of it, I’m sure it’s not all BS but I 100% it was all exaggerated. Pretty much everything written by the Maesters is propaganda.
  22. You do realize the Targs were the aggressors here right? The invaders. Fuck peace. If you can be rid of them it’s the right thing to do.
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