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Everything posted by JGP

  1. Twitter is so fucking funny. Brilliant people everywhere, more numerous than the chaff.
  2. Weather is beautiful, if cloudy and bit wet. Saw some hummingbirds this morning walking Tulip.
  3. edit: I'd missed Jaxom's posting of this already in the US thread, but it belongs here too.
  4. This made me laugh so hard it took me back to when I ate an eighth of shrooms before a comedy movie and melted into my theater seat. Feel like that critic rediscovering Ratatouille, but lol Watch the bottom clip first:
  5. One I'm really looking forward too. Release in April, but not available for ebook prepurchase on Amazon. I thought prepurchases were really important.
  6. "Alberta farmer Anthony Bilodeau has been sentenced to life in prison with no parole for at least 13 years for killing Métis hunters Jacob Sansom and Maurice Cardinal. He was convicted of manslaughter and 2nd degree murder, respectively, for his role in the mens’ deaths." -from le twitter And may he never get parole.
  7. I learned this just earlier today, but thank you for bringing it up mormont. No way the publisher didn't know how provocative that was. Makes me question Harry's sense even if on the whole it's good to know and I couldn't agree with you more. So have you read the full account? Has he responded? If he has or does, how he does, I mean hell, or will it just get glossed over as that's war?
  8. You know, that makes me wonder about the ratio of active male to female posters [edit: since we're talking about specific gender roles, everyone else identifying otherwise included since I didn't make it implicit] Thinking about Tate, as persona vs human being, and the entirely believable alleged crimes he's committed, would I be a dick in asking how many women on the board are reminded by him of other men in their lives, to whatever degree?
  9. Has he? Seems to me Harry and Meghan's family has gone international in a particular way the British Royals never have. They'll enjoy doorsteps the world over that the other current Windsors will unlikewise never. Anyway, BFC, can the UK case against Tate be reopened or has that sailed?
  10. It's peak fucking hilarity to me, and judging by the collaborated press drops by his fam, Harry should've chosen the monarchy because what, some antiquated notion of duty or something? From a people no less that imported the concept of Knighthood from the French. [embeds kermit_lookingout_window.gif]
  11. Since the thread has been morphing into toxic masculinity in general, I welcome this because a few of our fellows certainly suffer from it, Gilmore just dropped the straight dope on Jordan Peterson, whose license has come under review lol That thread is quite the read.
  12. Don't know much about the justice system in the UK. Is this something that could be reopened? I mean, the pressure to do so if Tattertot is found guilty in Romania wouldn't be zero. Or... ?
  13. Mmn hmn. And a morbidly fascinating, and unfortunate, card for the world to observe about the British in general.
  14. I haven't read Spare, nor do I intend too, but I've seen enough snippets online in the last day to determine that Harry is somewhere between those facile polemics. Definitely leaning in the right direction though, and the growth as a human being can't be denied by anyone made of firmer stuff than cookie dough. From everything I've inadvertently learned about the British royal family, for the most part I'd say Harry, Meghan, and their kids did too.
  15. [low chuckle] Nope, you're not. But after that, can the board observe a moment of silence to respect the weak men whose thoughts Mlle might sway with her salient observation?
  16. In the mean: If men knew their own minds, the world would be in a much better place than it is now. If men were confident, they wouldn't be such babes mewling at the ill perceived assaults upon their idea of themselves. And, if were men were able to lead, they wouldn't be enthusiastic dick riders. Very tempted to start a Men thread [slow grin]
  17. Congratulations all around, Mlle. No doubt it's well deserved.
  18. Since I clearly wasn't civil enough, I'll trim it to this: Weak men should thank their lucky stars they still enjoy a modicum of institutional support. From that perspective I suppose it's understandable why change is so threatening, but it's still quite amusing.
  19. To this particular point: When I was still on the tools as a residential sparky [rough-in, not finishing] we showed up to a house when we were supposed to but the trade prior was two or three days behind and hadn't even started yet. So we boxed the house and called it, but when we arrived the next morning the tinbasher had already gone through the entire place and bashed out [destroyed, mind] every every box we'd installed [all the single and +gang switch boxes, plugs, etc] except for the ceiling light boxes and pots [he even trashed the wall mount light boxes] That shit almost went very wrong lol
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