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Jaxom 1974

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Everything posted by Jaxom 1974

  1. Where's the log in info? I'll get back in.
  2. 930 eastern is a little better for me. Kids are SUPPOSED to be in bed by then, but the 3rd is also the fisrt day of school, so it'll be an adventure getting them back into a routine. But I'll make it work.
  3. Draft tomorrow. Just waiting on this and Thunderdome.
  4. Maybe if there'd been an intended sequel(s), it might have worked better...?
  5. If it doesn't have to be fantastical or hero related, then Terry Moore's Strangers in Paradise is amazing.
  6. Am I on that list? Need to try to keep up this year...
  7. Finished Last Light of the Sun, which for reasons, I thought was about sometbing else initally, even though it was talked about here...I thought it was wonderful in many ways. Close to, but not quite on par with Lions. Also finished Children of Earth and Sky, and I liked it, but it also felt a little disjointed in the tales it was telling...
  8. I've jumped into Children of Earth and Sky next. Is that a mistake?
  9. Finally finished Lions of Al-Rassan last night. I admit I struggled initially for the first chapter or so...I continually had to flip back to the dramatis persona to double check who was who at times... but I'll be damned if wasn't as wonderful as advertised. I loved it. Without a large scale read of Kay overall, it's my top story right now. I had a couple quibbles, but nothing that marred the overall beauty of the story.
  10. Have been behind on trying more Kay in general, beyond Tigana, Arbonne, and the Fionavar Tapestry (which Instill haven't actually finished), but you all have me ready to go back, so I'm starting Lions today...
  11. I'm very much looking forward to this. Flaws and all, I loved book 2 and 3. I wasn't remembering the part where Book 4 is the start of the actual story...so I'm hoping we see plenty of return characters...
  12. Born and raised in Illinois. Spent about 18 months in Virginia and now residing in Cheeseland...I mean Wisconsin...
  13. Anyone can have a bad seventeen weeks!
  14. I dont really have anyone I want to give extended contracts to...
  15. I'm really sorry, guys. I literally just got home from a 14 hour day...couldn't have gone much worse. I didn't want to miss the draft. And inwanst able to get a message out. Again. Sorry.
  16. I've marked the calendar and will do all I can to be on time for the 7th.
  17. The 6th will be tight depending on what happens with work. I'm still trying to figure out next weeks schedule...is that 930 eastern or central?
  18. I'm kinda open most evenings forndrafts, though it looks like thunderdome is the afternoon of the 2nd. 9pm central is my wheelhouse, but I'll try to be flexible.
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