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Larry of the Lawn

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Everything posted by Larry of the Lawn

  1. All I've seen is purported used copies, which I'm assuming are ARCs or something?
  2. I guess it makes sense from a "light-bringer" context which fits pretty well with both pre-Christian Lucifer but also with Milton's Satan as a Promethean figure.
  3. Give it a year after eliminating the change, whether we stick with winter time or summer time, and the complaints will be minimal. Also, the golf thing is easy, just get rid of golf courses and golf altogether. Eta: the real problem is that we live in a society that wants you working half your waking life. Switch to a 30 hour work week and all of a sudden the time change or not doesn't really matter as much.
  4. Standard time is winter time? I'd say that's preferable to keeping summer time the whole year.
  5. Do US highschools anywhere still do the 7-8 classes a day scheduling? Mine (1998-2001) was the "block" or semester scheduling where it was four 80 minute classes for half the year, then new ones in January. Wondering if schools using the 8 classes a day have a longer day. Fwiw you had to be there at 7:15, school was out at 2:25. Had to be at am bus stop at 6:30. Which was sort of dark in the winter but I don't remember that being an issue.
  6. I still don't know which is DST and which is Standard and I don't care to learn. These semi annual threads are boring and stuffy compared to twitter: Amazing how many people are hung up on their kid being outside in the semi dark to either go to or from school. There's only so manybhiurs of daylight. Your kid is going to be exposed to some darkness for a few weeks when there's only 8 hours of it. Also, apparently not supporting having it light afterwork is ableist against people with seasonal affective disorder. Apparently we all work the same shift? Eta: not the only one who doesn't know the difference, apparently:
  7. Songs I have to learn for a music project that will exist when covid ducks off and live music can happen again: Ween, the Specials, Bowie, dinosaur Jr, Kruangbin, Almman Bros. Seems like a fun list. Only ones I requested that got on the list were Moonlight Mile and Goodbye Porkpie Hat, but like most of it regardless
  8. "No country for Old Cats" -Streets of Iothiah Starring Waathi Bardem / Stabby Lee Jones
  9. Over in the show thread was talking about great scenes from the books that are especially cinematic. One I would love to see on film would be Bobbie vs the Tempest. Didn't want to mention it there for spoilers but maybe my favorite end of arc for a character ever that i can think of right now.
  10. Yeah absolutely nuts. Reading it was probably the most 'cinematic' experience in the series for me, seeing well executed in the show was hugely rewarding Eta: yes the sound was A+++
  11. Naomi's suitless vacuum jump was probably the thing I was most looking forward to in the show and it did not disappoint. Have watched that so many times
  12. Just saw that Dan and Ty are going to be on Amazon live (whatever that is) with Cara Gee and Shohreh Aghdashloo talking about Leviathan Falls, the show, and the Expanse in general. It's at 430pm ET US, so two hours from now. Link: https://www.amazon.com/live/broadcast/9a93cba9-44ba-46c7-9313-fd4909b0caca/ref=live_prod_jamessacorey_01222?location=discover
  13. It's at that time of year where my hands are completely fucked (dried out) from work even more than normal but been having good results just slathering them with coconut oil for a bit and then bag balm once every few days.
  14. Everytime I see a new post in this thread, I think that Rothfuss must have announced he's going to livestream himself typing up the manuscript of DOS. Maybe a wide angle lens, over-the-shoulder view of his computer screen so we can see him drinking coffee with one hand while he continues to type with the other. Or maybe a split screen with his computer screen on one and him on the other. And he does it all in a 200-hr sleepless marathon session.
  15. Is that just for this season? Or were they doing that for previous seasons as well?
  16. Yeah, the energy never left their space, so they didn't give a fuck. It's the taking of energy from their universe to ours that pisses them off. * *er, causes / triggers them to respond
  17. Would be funny (in a horrible way) if the chapter he reads is just a Kvothe flashback to his escapades with Felurian, or some other exposition for readers who Avent read the other two books.
  18. There is water at the bottom of the ocean. - Talking Heads
  19. Just saw this randomly on Twitter but made me think of cil-aujas
  20. Been thinking about the way that different series deal with alien life and think that the Expanse did a pretty great job with it. The Romans remind me a lot of the way that alien life works in some Peter Watts stuff, especially in The Things.
  21. Obviously you're not a procrastinator by nature. I eek my way through life by throwing half baked ideas and jobs and payments at people to keep the wolves at bay. I can relate to Rothfuss.
  22. why would it be weird if that's all he has? there would also be nothing to stop him from further edits and revisions.
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