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Everything posted by Denvek

  1. The most unreliable narrator ever. Which reminds me I need to reread it now that I actually know what's going on.
  2. That sub-plot would be great to see actually play out. Was Takashima meant to be a traitor to the Earth Alliance in general, or was she someone who was already part of (Vice-)President Clark's conspiracy, and would have spent Season 1 destabilising the station prior to Santiago's assassination in order to then try and take command as a Clark loyalist?
  3. The Embuggerance did affect the quality of the later books. Raising Steam is clearly an attempt to tie up as many open plotlines as possible in case he didn't get another chance.
  4. And Patricia Tallman.
  5. I've not laughed that much at a book in a long time.
  6. One of the articles I read about this implied the Trill character doesn't have a symbiote (yet) so this should be a new story and not a Curzon/Jadzia retread.
  7. I felt it started slow too. It does improve once Harrow and Gideon get out and meet the other houses. Those interactions seemed a lot more interesting than Harrow and Gideon's weird mutual hatred.
  8. Just finished my own Season 5 rewatch - say what you like about Byron and the telepath plot, but once that was out of the way the story significantly improves, and they absolutely nailed the endings.
  9. That’s actually covered earlier - rewatch the Babylon 4 two parter from Season 3. The future scene in that is where you see Londo arrange his death with G’Kar, and Vir takes the crown.
  10. The superstructure had been completed on the first 3 (and each was salvaged for use in building the next one), but I don't think any of them were anywhere near habitable when they were destroyed.
  11. Hello everyone I met at LonCon and everyone I didn't. I'm Dave and I'm Malt's brother. Apparently I already had an account here although I have no posts and no idea why I was signed up before.
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