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Conflicting Thought

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Everything posted by Conflicting Thought

  1. in implemetning neoliberal policy, my understanding is that obama was not the savior everyone was expecting, quite the contrary he governed with wall street, and comited horrible acts agains humanity with the drone bombing, etc. having said that i suposse he is still better than donald fucking trump but the bar is on hell
  2. first is not true that we shrugged at hamas attack, but also we have been telling you why we focus more in israel massacre and crimes against humanity that are going on right this second but you wont comprehend it, you dont want to or you cant do it idk. so you have to say stupid shit like the mayor thing when we have tell you multiple times in different iterations of this thread (with proof) that its almost everyone in the goverment saying that including the head of the fucking goverment, you know, the most important person in power.
  3. and is full of hypocrecy like how the fuck do you say this and not see how this can be applied to israel form the perspective of palestine. israeli goverment is a terrorist one, comiting thousands of atrocities, killing thousands of kids, women and men mayority civilian for decades, illigaly arresting children and adults, etc, etc... so everything else is secondary to the goal of taking these people out of power, including international law...that works to no? and if not what is the difference bewtween the two. like who is furthering palestinain safety? edit: meant to quote jace
  4. the thing that me and others are saying and you dont want to aknowledge is that its not just people that dont matter that are saying this things.
  5. bro stop, pls stop. its not just nobodies,we are not talking about the mayor anymore we are talking about a person in congress. i would post the many examples of ministers and congress peoples that have said thing of that nature, as people has done in this threads multiple times, but why bother if you are going to pretend like they dont exist. pull the veil out of your eyes, try to see how things are in the material world, even if they contradict your deeply held belives.
  6. doesnt change the fact that people in very powerfull positions within the israeli govement are saying this things and acting on them, like you could say that about all of them, stop downplaying what is being said, they are actually doing very horrible destructive shit. so what is she saying then? is it so badly translated that the real meaning is lost on us, she isnt actually saying what she is saying? this is next level apologia
  7. they are also trained by our labor, labor that is unpaid, to make the rich richer and more powerfull. awesome
  8. So never, cuz israel will never feel secure...well i guess after they ethnically cleance the palestinians in gaza and the west bank we will finally have peace.
  9. I guess that benefit of understanding the causes and reasons only applies to one side. The powerfull one, the conquering one, the colonizing one. And here we are, discussing the worth of palestinian lives
  10. Yo, broski, it doesnt work like that, none of it works like that. But i guess now i know where you come from, some ahistorical, revisionist viewpoint.
  11. acting like this whole shitshow started october 7th, like, c'mon now
  12. but you are in favor of ethnostates, no? and you are against genocide, yes? thats good! so why arent you against the genocide being commited against palestinians? or are you going to deny that a genocide or ethnic cleansing is being commited? you are so worried about calls of genocide from some palestinians ( and i think rightfully so, genocide and ethnic cleansing is bad) but i dont see that level of concern or empathy to the actual actions being done by the state of israel that many scholars say is an actual genocide/ethnic cleansing happening right now, all i see from you (and others) is the denial that its even happening or justyfing it as something that has to be done (of course you dont call it genocide or ethnic cleansing,even tho im sure that if it was the palestinians doing what israel is doing you would call it what it is). how can someone take you serously when you say that palestinians are louder in calling for genocide when the actual material reallity is the other way around, when we have example after example of rethoric and more importantly action by the people in power (and not just mayors that nobody knows) calling for genocide.
  13. about the vfx subcontraction, i dont know if that is a huge factor in cost reduction,for example i know the mayority of holywood movies that have costs superior to 100 mill have so ugly vfx cuz they subcontract and demand of the workers that they do the vfx in very short times
  14. can we tell in poor taste jokes like this in the ukranian thread? has it happened? people are dying in horrible numbers, missery is spreading in gaza...please some respect
  15. what do you think he means...i mean its pretty clear from what he has said in all these threads...not even taking in on the why many of these states have gone the way they have (hint...western intervention), it must feel sooo good to pass judgement from sweeden or whatever without having to think how your country is responsible in a major way that this states became the way they are. and im sure the way that israel is conducting this war will have nothing to do with the way that things are going to be in the future. and how can an apartheid state be considered a paragon of liberal democracy is beyond me, maybe because thats the way liberals see the world, that is the way of the liberal democracy, suposedly liberal and democratic at home, but fuck all that when it comes to the barbarians, like when the oh so democratic states of canada and norway come to our coutnries and do what they cant do in their own territory. exporting missery around the globe but taking none of the responsability for their actions and even more, lecturing the rest of the world!. it would be funny if you know... it wasnt so fucking horrible
  16. that is the most dissapointing thing in these parts, and its like they dont know or care that when another horrible conflict starts or gets the public attention they will have no leg to stand on to say anything. like know i have a hard time taking them seriously when the talk about the crimes of rusia against ukrain.
  17. Why would you want to see his prescription history ( if he has one)? Are you one of those people that blames shootings on people with psycollogicall problems? Or one of those that blame the "pills"?. You are looking in the wrong place, but maybe you need to inform yourself better, given how you think wearing masks is somehow related to co2 poisoning or something like that.
  18. you have done much more than that, and if you dont see that you are either lying to us or to yourself
  19. you have become blinded and oh so sure of yourself, telling people all the time to live in the real world, and other such things, but you dont see how blind you are wich is ironic but also so sad. i guess that is the burden of the liberal, sooner or later you WILL be in the wrong side of history
  20. aww does seeing black and brown people in fairytales makes you mad? poor thing!
  21. what do you consider to be a woke movie? what would you consider to be a traditional conservative movie? for example could john wick be considere a "traditional" conservative viewpoint? or anything with the rock in it. what does a movie has to have to be a traditional conservative movie? the women must stay at home, and the man be the provider and defender of the house? i guess i would like you to be more concrete on what you think a conservative movie looks like and what makes a woke movie woke.
  22. didnt kalbear posted in one of this threads an article or something like that that said that with hamas in goverment the did do some important things to improve the life of palestinans (as much as posible given israel policies in gaza)?
  23. your inabillity to see hamas as a complex organization in a complex context is sadening and is making you take positions that are not going to age well
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