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Jace, Extat

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Everything posted by Jace, Extat

  1. If so, then at least Israel failed as the last possible option. They didn't want to invade Gaza, they don't want to occupy it. Hamas does want to kill Jews as a matter of course. The logical conclusion is that Hamas cannot remain empowered. Everything else is secondary to that goal, including international law. Because international law doesn't further the safety of a state's citizens. You don't see a difference between Putin's Russia invading Ukraine and Israel defending itself from Hamas? Fascinating.
  2. But they are attacked for their identity. Have you heard that phonecall one of the Hamas, ahem, liberators made to his parents. He's cheering and shouting "I killed ten Jews!" He ain't talkin' about colonizers.
  3. Israel pulled out of Gaza, held to a ceasefire for over a decade, and for their trouble their people were butchered and carried away. You're citing things half-a-century gone to excuse terror. Bad actors can reach logical conclusions. Just because Donald Trump might admit that the sky is blue doesn't mean I need to start reinterpreting the color spectrum. Saying "but a badguy might say that" is a pretty naieve way to look at anything. Of course there's a difference between Russia saying they have no choice but to attack Ukraine, and Israel defending itself from Hamas. C'mon now! Eta: improper word use
  4. No, Israel is defending itself from Hamas. That is why their actions are defensible and Hamas' are not. Hamas started this war.
  5. M'fucker had to sell his goddamn peanut farm! Sell it! And he only got one disgraced term for his trouble...
  6. War is not about equity. It is not about fairness or proportional responses. It is about concentrating violence to achieve a political effect. I mean for God's sake what would you have them do? You have an enemy polity that just marauded your citizenry, right next door. You cannot do nothing or else you're betraying your people in the face of invasion and kidnapping. War means civillian casualties, that is an ugly fact. I think the civillian body count from Iraq is at about 200,000. This is just what happens when these weapons are used.
  7. What I want is irrelevant to the facts of the matter. What I see is a military solution to a military problem. That is the fault of Hamas, this was not policy until Hamas broke the ceasefire with an invasion and slaughter. Nah, just wishmaking about how they'll maybe go away on their own. That doesn't fly when they're your neighbor.
  8. There's terrorism now. The point of the war is to kill the terrorists. Now. Saying that there could be more terrorism tomorrow is completely shruggable because 1,400 dead Jews testify to the fact that Hamas has to go. No sovereignty in the world could do other than Israel is doing. They just pay a special optics price on account of that pesky Jewishness.
  9. Oh thank God. I was sitting here tryin' to pretend I don't care... But fuck the Texans!
  10. Very interesting. What about divergent outcomes? Do we know if the platform corrupts input or can input corrupt the platform? I would suggest that both need to be possible for true intelligence. If the platform is truly a thinking thing then it should be able to be altered unawares and alter itself actively. Does that make any sense? Where does madness originate? Why does God allow suffering? Where is my good bra? When is HotD coming back??? These are the things I need to know! Wait a minute, are we talking about Jaces or monkeys right now?
  11. So are you saying that the variance in persons amounts simply to differences in training data? Or are the differences in the platforms?
  12. Z, you're one of my favorites. ... Must... resist... glibness!
  13. I read this as being straight backwards. Ten additional years of terror attacks leads to decreased belief in peace... that makes perfect sense to me.
  14. Maybe, but I think the Tom Cruise movie will prove prescient if this is the case. It'd be a strike on their nuclear development facilities, which means home soil. Iran can't roll over and keep playing proxies if that happens, not and keep their status as a regional power. Interesting times.
  15. I'd pay a pretty penny to have the Iranian versions of all the news alerts I'm getting about Houthi attacks at sea on U.S. assets and civillian shipping. I'm sure the state department is all over it but I worry that current leadership is doing nothing as we slide into more conflicts. And what's worse, the potential alternative leadership we might get is fucking insane and shouldn't be in charge of a bake sale, let alone a possible east european war, a west-asian war, and an east-asian war all at the same time.
  16. That's dope! Was your great-grandpa a supporter from his days as governor? '33 is pretty early.
  17. Watching season 4 of the Harley Quinn show. God, it's hilarious. And Talia al Ghul is perrrrrrfect!
  18. The Bengals have played well but that punt is probably about it for this one. Shouldda taken that 3.
  19. Oh I wasn't complaining. Drill sergeants are the very best Americans. I wish I could have one of those nutcases pop into my house once a week and scream me into productivity.
  20. How did I miss this?? Anyway, slight digression. All drill sergeants like dogs because they are, to a man and woman, insane control freaks who can only get off when some other creature's will has been turned against itself. It just makes them happy.
  21. What a horrible thing to say about another human being. What's he ever done to you?
  22. I tell ya, this Browning character ain't no quarterback. Kid's a Football Player!
  23. If there can be peace between Tyrael and Kalestine then anything is possible.
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