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Everything posted by Takiedevushkikakzvezdy

  1. The thing is, knowing Renly, would he even be able to produce an heir? And he would need not only an heir, but a Baratheon-looking one. Otherwise it could easily turn into Cersei’s kids 2.0.
  2. That’s the essence of feudalism, though. Bannermen are sworn to obey their liege lord, not the king.
  3. I mean, a 14 year old in medieval times isn’t the same as a 14 year old today.
  4. It's interesting that Robert seems to know deep down inside that Lyanna willingly ran off with Rhaegar, and is in denial about it most of the time.
  5. On the other hand there is Ned, who should hate Rhaegar for supposedly abducting and doing unspeakable things to his sister. But he doesn't.
  6. In any case, it's pretty ironic that Shadrich manages to find Sansa right away while Brienne has spent so much time looking for her to no avail.
  7. We as readers don't know enough about Rhaegar to form a definitive opinion, but given how many characters in the story speak highly of him (particularly those who actually knew him), there definitely has to be something special about him.
  8. It's never stated outright. But I think that at least Catelyn wanted a Southern marriage, which is probably why Arya got to follow Ned to King's Landing.
  9. I think it's intentionally supposed to be an unresolved mystery for readers.
  10. Makes you wonder why Doran had Elia Sand join Arianne on her very dangerous mission. Is it because he wanted Arianne to see “herself” from the outside and realise how reckless she is?
  11. Stannis would probably still make a move for the throne, although his chances of success would likely be slim to none.
  12. Knowing Robert, he probably didn't need much help to get plastered.
  13. I think the reason is much more straightforward; he doesn't participate in the traditional court lifestyle with banquets and tourneys, and is just not good at schmoozing in general.
  14. Back when ASOIAF was a trilogy, A Dance with Dragons was supposed to be the title of the second book, which would be about Dany's invasion of Westeros. The published ADWD doesn't match that title very well, but I guess GRRM liked it so much that he wanted to use it anyway.
  15. I guess it all depends on whether Cersei knew that Robert would be hunting boars specifically.
  16. Assuming that Cersei’s children are legitimate, Myrcella would come before Stannis in the line of succession, no?
  17. Could this be a reference to the biblical prophet Jonah, who got swallowed up by a whale? Especially since Aeron was called The Prophet in AFFC.
  18. As I've said before, my impression is that most male Targaryens look like Nick Carter circa 1999. Which... isn't too bad?
  19. It isn't stated, but it's probably safe to say that she wasn't a child by that point.
  20. I never even realised that it could refer to all five kings at once. I always assumed that it was about Stannis and Joffrey at the Blackwater.
  21. In any case, she should have dealt with Stannis before he permanently moved to Dragonstone.
  22. Do you have the quotes on this one, because I'm completely blanking on it.
  23. I guess she tries to take after Tywin in that the only thing that matters is strength, regardless of one's moral compass.
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