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Everything posted by HexMachina

  1. ..can't wash them often? Are all socks not washed after one wear?
  2. This sounds really good. Soups are also a great place the start if you're not a confident cook. They are really easy to do, adjusting flavours is simple and they are generally quick to prepare too.
  3. People the same age as me not realising a song is a cover rather than an original. We grew up at the same time in the same place in very similar circumstances, HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS?! On a, perhaps related note, I get irrationally annoyed when people don't know references or stupid random facts that I know. For instance, I was working on something the other day and made a mistake, colleague beside me then said "Oh sorry I should have said don't do [boring explanation]." I said "NOW a warning?" And he just looked at me and said "Sorry." WHAT HAPPENED TO CULTURE?!
  4. RAYE sweeping nominations at the Brits after a shitshow of a decade with her former label, very correct. My 21st Century Blues was a brilliant album
  5. With your new business I expected you to be renting out the Sagrada Familia for duration. Pocket change, fah!
  6. coming for Robbie herself is a weird take since she doesn't seem to be overly beat up about this and, to all appearances, whether you think them genuine or not, Co es across as a very nice and likable person. Don't blame her that other people are getting all up in arms about it. And I say that as someone who agrees with what seems to be the majority opinion on this board, that she wasn't snubbed here (for all that I do think she gave a great performance).
  7. La Roche Posay has some really excellent skin care, from cleansers to moisturisers to serums etc. They have different ranges depending on your problems. I've been suffering with dry skin and eczema as I've mentioned here previously and after clearing up the outbreak its been great for keeping my skin hydrated and clear. I am pretty sure they have some lines aimed at acne and/or oily skin. I'd say its worth a look at least!
  8. I've been on a Rina Sawayama kick lately. I know she's popular here but has she made much impact in the States?
  9. This is so bad its come around to be funny again and I'm cackling
  10. This part made me laugh out loud: Eta: I hate every one of these potential leaks but they sound accurate to what we've seen so yes, I believe them. How many episodes is this supposed to be? Its a lot of ground to cover even without at least 2 standalones.
  11. Speaking of America Ferrara, I've just finished watching Ugly Betty for the first time (I was slightly too young when it started and didn't watch much TV in any case). A few things haven't aged well but at its heart, the show holds up and I really enjoyed it. And God damn if Vanessa Williams isn't one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. She's also just got such a natural commanding presence that made her perfect as Wilhelmina
  12. One of my favourite things to do as a child was going into town with my mam and grandparents, going to the bookshop and flicking looking at all the maps in the sci-fi and fantasy books. I had a collection if the Narnia stories in hardback where the cover was a map of Narnia and the surrounding lands and seas and there were times when I would just sit studying it and taking delight in the things I'd not previously noticed. It was this one: https://www.awesomebooks.com/book/9780007640218/the-chronicles-of-narnia/used?gclid=CjwKCAiAkp6tBhB5EiwANTCx1O0W471mq3Xr05-_Qo1cbZYgrm008C538-cyk4qLEMo90Vm06Ui-aBoCqA4QAvD_BwE Point is, a map was a huge draw for me in any book I was reading
  13. Once again weighing in with an uneducated and uninformed post but the Kong x Godzilla trailer just has me humming The Monkey Song from Jungle Book.
  14. December/January has been a funny time over here. Started December in the negatives, ice snow, the absolute pits. Around a week and a half in, the temps start creeping back up. Christmas through New Year and earlyJan, we've got unseasonable warmth with highs of (according to my phone thermometer) 14 degrees C?! And this afternoon? Snow, again. Currently wrapped in a big fluffy blanket trying to stay warm while my boilers out.
  15. Even listening to some of the acting category nominations get read out last night was kind of funny, in that regard. Some of them were basically the male/female cast of one show up against the male/female cast of another.
  16. that's good to hear. I wasn't even aware this was in the works so my thoughts were purely based on the trailer -I'd be happy to be proven wrong. I think part of me is still a bit burned by Amy Winehouse stuff because I still remember what I like to refer to as the Channel 5 Exploit-o-mentaries that follow many high profile celeb deaths (often alarming quickly after). I'm sure this won't be in that vein but I guess I've still got lingering doubts
  17. The crowd's standing ovation for Applegate (and also her funny response) were very charming I have to say
  18. There's an app, and email notifications, and you can also sign up to have them call you when you are next due to give blood, and they'll find the first available appointment in your area - they've always been pretty good at doing that for me, even after my temporary exclusions (i had insufficient iron when they did the finger prick which barred me for....I don't remember if it was 6 or 12 months but one of the two). I find those tools very useful anyway
  19. Biopics can be good, they can be faithful adaptations of someones life rooted in realism, they can have interesting spins that get the story out in a new and compelling way...this does not look to be an example of eithe rof those things
  20. How was your week of bachelorism? I love the Discworld books. There are a lot of course but you can split them into different groups so its not compulsory to (and a lot recommend you don't) Read them in publishing order. I actually quite enjoy the first two books. Naturally my favourites are The Witches series (and the related but separate YA Tiffany Aching series). The Hogfather has also become a compulsory Christmas read. Speaking of Pratchett, I'm currently listening to the Good Omens audiobook.
  21. I'm having issues with my skin, which seems to have become super sensitive lately. I've got angry red patches all over that get very hot and itchy, and I've also got patches of dry and scaly skin, particularly around the forehead and creeping back to the scalp/into the hairline . I'm moisturising with a fragrance free "Vaseline Instant Dry Skin Rescue" which at least doesn't set off the red patches but it also doesn't do much for my skin as its dry and flaky/scaly again within a few hours. I'm anxious to use anything more heavy duty because of these red patches. I've also got areas of sensitivity under my arms, on my hands and my inner thighs. I'm currently looking for something I can use that is gentle but I can use daily for washing/showering. Recommendations for a shampoo and/or care routines would be handy too given the dryness creeping onto the scalp too. I've cut out all of my previous body washes, shampoos etc. and I'm currently using Dove hypoallergenic which isn't awful but still stings and inflames these red patches a little. Any recommendations would be nice. Context, in case helpful: No recent dietary changes. This has been going on and getting steadily worse for about a month now. I hadn't introduced any new products which is why I'm struggling to see what caused it. I'm on hormones, but have been for some time without this particular issue so I don't think its them. No pets in the home for it to be allergies.
  22. Living in a city centre hotspot for hen and stag parties, and student nights out...alcohol maybe doesn't directly impose itself on other, but the behaviours it prompts certainly do. You can say not from you, and I would believe you, but this isn't a personal thing, we're talking more broadly. In what way isn't this already done? The bodily effects of smoking are plastered on packets of cigarettes. Its also still very common, in my experience, particularly when paired with alcohol. The amount of people huddled in the smoking shelters on a night out is pretty significant. I also know a lot of smokers at work
  23. Also caught up on OMitB. Its a very bingeable show. I think season 1 was probably the best of the three seasons so far, followed by 3 then 2. One of the recurring bits that gets me every time, as someone who listens to too many podcasts, is the adverts that they usually tack onto the end of a dramatic Cinda Canning moment. The squarespace one had me laughing out loud through the credits. Also Cinda Canning/Tina Fey in general just makes me laugh every time she's on screen, solid casting and performance there. This season
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