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What do Stannis fans believe about Melisandre?

Panos Targaryen

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Personally, I think Melisande is trying her best to do what she thinks is right with limited information. I can't believe that Stannis would be popular without her -- he wasn't well-liked before he met her, after all. I'm not sure how good she is for his cause; without her, he wouldn't have been able to defeat Renly, but they may end up at cross-purposes if Stannis sees a path to victory that doesn't involve her prophecies.

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I'd say Melisandre is an asset to his plans, but not good for the man himself. She has some tricks up her sleeve that have earned Stannis some easy victories (Renly, Storm's End), but on the other hand, R'hllor and burning people is not good PR for his cause. I also have a strong feeling that if Mel's fires were to show her a different Azor Ahai, she'd dump Stannis in a heartbeat - in the end, she's loyal to her god and dead set to save the mankind. If Stannis is useful, she'll use him, but if Red Rahloo were to demand Stannis as a sacrifice, she'd go fetch the firefood.

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I think she can be useful, as far as her power over Stannis and his men is limited. The problem with her at the beginning was, that a lot of people were over-dependant on her 'visions' (some still are, of course), and powers (which she undoubtedly has - but then again - Stannis is where he is).

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Melisandre like most of the red priests in westeros, is a moving plot device. (shadow babies and resurrections prove this to be true. Stannis is the side character or literary device moving main characters around in the story to have them be able to link up. Mel to Jon, Davos to Rickon, Asha to Theon. Being a king and commander this is easy for Stannis to accomplish.

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Usefull, to a point, but comes with a cost. Stanmis is developing as a character, and becoming more well rounded. In the TWOW spoiler, he shows that he is getting pretty sick of Suggs and co. And I think he will win without the help of any supernatural forces, bolstering his confidence and allowing him to drift away from Mel

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She has proven herself very useful and from reading her chapters I believe she is genuinly trying to save the world and help Stannis, although without being completely honoust. As long as she gets some useful things out of her fires, I'm supportive. And we have certainly some things to thank her for. My hopes for her in the future are that she will be agreeing more with Davos, that would. Or her lies coming to the surface, that would be acceptable too.

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I like her. And I think people assume the worst of her because they don't understand who she is and what she stands for. Grrm said she is the most misunderstood character in the books. And I think he's right.

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Can i just say that Mel is THE MOST UNDER-APPRECIATED beauty in the series.

I've read her descriptions many times and I can confirm that she is completely beautiful, better than Arianne or Val quite easily.

This is what she looks like (imagine red hair and eyes ftw...)


Heart-shaped faces are very desirable and rare. She also has a good slender body.

Why is Mel overlooked as a beauty???

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As long as the glamor stays up while I'm with her, it doesn't matter. Ignorance is bliss right?

Exactly. It's what's on the outside that counts. You don't think about black smoking blood when you're looking down upon a heart shaped face.

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