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So which houses supported the Targs in Robert's Rebellion?


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There were a few loyalists.

Vale - Graftons and Corbrays

Stormlands - Conningtons, Cafferen, Grandison and Fell

Riverlands - Goodbrook, Darry and Mooten (Freys of dubious loyalty too)

Probably more.

Do we know the ratio though?

Like, is it safe to say, most houses sided with the great house rebels instead of defecting to Aerys?

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Do we know the ratio though?

Like, is it safe to say, most houses sided with the great house rebels instead of defecting to Aerys?

Yes I'd say the majority backed their lord in the Stormlands and Vale.

I think it might have been about half-half for the Riverlands if you count the Freys being late.

I can't remember if the Whent's fought for the Targaryans but I wouldn't be surprised. Also I would be surprised if the Brackens and Blackwoods were on different sides to each other but again I can't recall.

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Well, the Brackens and Blackwoods both fought for Robb. Who knows how they felt about Aerys.

But that was right after the Lannisters invaded their lands, common enemy and all. We see Jonos Bracken is pretty quick to switch sides to the Lannister for a chance to fight the Blackwoods after the Red Wedding.

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But that was right after the Lannisters invaded their lands, common enemy and all. We see Jonos Bracken is pretty quick to switch sides to the Lannister for a chance to fight the Blackwoods after the Red Wedding.

Yes, but what if the Brackens and Blackwoods saw Aerys as a common enemy.

Something Aerys might have done that we are not privy too kind of thing.

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Yes, but what if the Brackens and Blackwoods saw Aerys as a common enemy.

Something Aerys might have done that we are not privy too kind of thing.

Well he did kill some Mallisters.

I'm certainly not saying that one of those houses DID fight on the Targaryan side, but if one did and possibly pulled a Corbray (swapping from Loyalist to Rebel), I would not be surprised.

Just like I wouldn't be surprised if the Whent's back the Targs because of Ser Oswell and the Tourney of Harrenhal.

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From their prominence in the main series; Blackwood, Bracken, Vance (both), Piper and Mallister sided with Hoster Tully. They weren't punished or impoverished under the new regime, neither was the Later Freys.

Mooton, Goodbrook, Darry and Ryger are stated to have sided with Aerys. Whent owe the Targaryens their castle and land and they suffered many casualties or unfortunes because only Shella is left by AGoT. I believe she is only considered significant because she owns Harrenhal.

Not sure about Paege or Smallwood.

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In the riverlands; Goodbrook, Darry, Moot(t)on and Ryger (is that the spelling?). The Freys, mirroring the lannisters, stay neutral. Whents are a maybe for the king's side. I think Blackwood and Bracken both rallied to Hoster.

In the Stormlands; Connington, Cafferon, Fell, Grandison.

In the Vale Graftons, but could have been some others.

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Hooster was merciless to Houses who oppossed him, had Brackens or Blackwoods side with Aerys, we would have heard of it, I don't know about Whents, probably stay out of the fight, since Oswell was in Aerys KG, but Minisa was married to Hooster (died at the time of the rebellion though) Cat, Lysa and Edmure were their kin

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I'm just writing this down as I think of it. Sorry for confusion/mess.

- There doesn't seem to be any question on division in the North. 100/0

- Jon Arryn probably stomped out the loyalist Vale Lords before he marched out of the Bloody Gate so I don't think there were very many to oppose him after he took Gulltown. House Royce and Redfort most likely sided with Jon from the start. 75/25

- Hoster Tully rode out at some point to deal with his own "loyalist" houses. He dealt with the Goodbrook's harshly. I'd say it was 50/50 in the Riverlands because we have a lot of houses listed as on either side. Fairly even.

- The Stormlands seem the most impoverished of all the 7 Kingdoms (except the Iron Isles) as they barely stand out in the modern conflicts. Just a few choice individuals and most of their army is absorbed into larger hosts. They only stood out when they flocked to Stannis' minor host

Is it possible that Robert dealt with his own disloyal bannermen more harshly?

House Selmy may have fought for Aerys aswell to explain the inconsistency with their Lordship/Landed Knight status, like Lord/Ser Raymun Darry in the present.

House Estermont most likely took Robert's side as they are blood relatives.

I remember reading that House Swann were Lord of the Marches at some point, maybe during Dunk & Egg? Could they have lost the title to the Carons after choosing the wrong side in the conflict?

Penrose probably stood with Robert aswell since Cortnay was named castellan of Storm's End. I always got the feeling that he helped raise Renly before Edric so he may have been a rebel loyalist.

I had a thought that maybe the Florents didn't march with the Tyrells which is why Stannis married Selyse. Robert may have arranged it to piss the Tyrell's off.

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Hooster was merciless to Houses who oppossed him, had Brackens or Blackwoods side with Aerys, we would have heard of it, I don't know about Whents, probably stay out of the fight, since Oswell was in Aerys KG, but Minisa was married to Hooster (died at the time of the rebellion though) Cat, Lysa and Edmure were their kin

Old Lord Whent had 4 sons who no longer exist so they must have joined the war. I doubt somewhere like Harrenhal could keep out of the fighting anyway as it is between the Trident and King's Landing!

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I'm just writing this down as I think of it. Sorry for confusion/mess.

- There doesn't seem to be any question on division in the North. 100/0

- Jon Arryn probably stomped out the loyalist Vale Lords before he marched out of the Bloody Gate so I don't think there were very many to oppose him after he took Gulltown. House Royce and Redfort most likely sided with Jon from the start. 75/25

- Hoster Tully rode out at some point to deal with his own "loyalist" houses. He dealt with the Goodbrook's harshly. I'd say it was 50/50 in the Riverlands because we have a lot of houses listed as on either side. Fairly even.

- The Stormlands seem the most impoverished of all the 7 Kingdoms (except the Iron Isles) as they barely stand out in the modern conflicts. Just a few choice individuals and most of their army is absorbed into larger hosts. They only stood out when they flocked to Stannis' minor host

Is it possible that Robert dealt with his own disloyal bannermen more harshly?

House Selmy may have fought for Aerys aswell to explain the inconsistency with their Lordship/Landed Knight status, like Lord/Ser Raymun Darry in the present.

House Estermont most likely took Robert's side as they are blood relatives.

I remember reading that House Swann were Lord of the Marches at some point, maybe during Dunk & Egg? Could they have lost the title to the Carons after choosing the wrong side in the conflict?

Penrose probably stood with Robert aswell since Cortnay was named castellan of Storm's End. I always got the feeling that he helped raise Renly before Edric so he may have been a rebel loyalist.

I had a thought that maybe the Florents didn't march with the Tyrells which is why Stannis married Selyse. Robert may have arranged it to piss the Tyrell's off.

Robert was famed for turning foe into friend so he wouldn't have been harsh at all I think only three houses sided against him and he beat all three in one day and then marched north with his host before being intercepted at Ashford by Tarly.

Old Lord Whent had 4 sons who no longer exist so they must have joined the war. I doubt somewhere like Harrenhal could keep out of the fighting anyway as it is between the Trident and King's Landing!

It might have been Hoster's wife was the reason he was more lenient on the Whents.

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The Riverlands I would say had the most houses that didn't join their liege, as well as the most houses that never submitted to their liege before the fighting was done.

Early on the Arryns subdued the Graftons and Corbrays and Robert subdued Cafferen, Fell and Grandison.

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