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Will Jon marry? if so to whom?

Jon and longclaw

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Hello, i'm new to this forum and was wondering if Jon snow's death in a DwD will void his nights watch vows, since it ends at death. I believe in the R+L=J theory, but i don't really see Jon ever becoming king of westeros, a crown does queer things to a mans head. At most if he even survives the series i could see him as king in the north or regent/adviser.hand(do kings in the north even have hands?) to Rickon. If this were to happen who do you think Jon would marry? This might just be me fanboying but i love the relationship between Jon and Val, i also would love to see him and Meera. Your guys thoughts?

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Welcome to the forums friend.

Honestly, aside from Ygritte, there's very little we know about who Jon may like.

There's a lot of people saying he'll end up with Val, to me that seems possible, though I'd like for Justin Massey to become an important character to eventually marry her, he's so cool he deserves it.

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In all seriousness, I think that Jon dies in the end giving GRRM his "bittersweet" ending. I doubt that he does marry as I believe he will take the threat of the Others more seriously than any potential kingship of his.

If Jon accepts kingship, which is not guaranteed at all.. He would use it as a means to fight the Others above all else. I don't think he marries, but if he did, (Based on the belief that R+L=J) Arya actually wouldn't be a bad thought. (OH GROSS INCEST!!!) Well, yes by modern day definitions, it would be incest to lay with your cousin. However, Tywin marries his cousin Joanna and no one seems to bat an eye.

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I don't think Jon should marry, whatever happens to him. He has a heroic role to play and it would be more fitting if he sacrificed himself for the realm. If he does marry, Dany would be appropriate, though I think she is his equal and should not become his wife because that is considered subordinate at that time. Val is a wildling and IMO not acceptable to the realm. Arya would be a cousin if R+L=J, and since cousin marriages were common in the mediaeval period and are even somewhat acceptable today, she would be acceptable. Stark+Stark would be a real strength. Arianne is too selfish and lusty. Maybe one of the Mormont girls would be right or Sarella. If Asha weren't a decent candidate for ultimate ruler of the Iron Islands, I'd say she might do, though she is rather lusty herself.

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