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Lines from ASoS pt.2 that you want in Season 4


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Looks like Tyrion's reunion with Jaime is happening under different circumstances but I hope we still get

They made me fight a battle without my big brother to protect me.

Any more for any more? Hoping for more variety than just Oberyn's words to Gregor during their fight...

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- I crossed a thousand leagues to come to you, and lost the best part of me along the way. Don’t tell me to leave.

- I’ve lost a hand, a father, a son, a sister and a lover and soon enough I will lose a brother. And yet they keep telling me House Lannister won this war.

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- "Stannis, Stannis, STANNIS" - Stannis' bannermen

- "The wall is yours" - Alliser Thorne

- "Thank you, Brother, for my life." - Tyrion Lannister

- "I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne." - Stannis Baratheon

- "And Robb. ... Where was I? I should have died with him." - Theon Greyjoy [may also be Season 5 but since we know that Theon will get into ADWD this might be in for him, yet I don't know who he should interact with...maybe a tree?]

- “Who better to command the black cloaks than a man who once commanded the gold cloaks, sire?” - Bowen Marsh
“Any of you, I would think. Even the cook.” - Stannis Baratheon

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"It is not a question of wanting. The throne is mine, as Robert's heir. That is law. After me, it must pass to my daughter, unless Selyse should finally give me a son." He ran three fingers lightly down the table, over the layers of smooth hard varnish, dark with age. "I am king. Wants do not enter into it. I have a duty to my daughter. To the realm. Even to Robert. He loved me but little, I know, yet he was my brother. The Lannister woman gave him horns and made a motley fool of him. She may have murdered him as well, as she murdered Jon Arryn and Ned Stark. For such crimes there must be justice. Starting with Cersei and her abominations. But only starting. I mean to scour that court clean. As Robert should have done, after the Trident. Ser Barristan once told me that the rot in King Aerys's reign began with Varys. The eunuch should never have been pardoned. No more than the Kingslayer. At the least, Robert should have stripped the white cloak from Jaime and sent him to the Wall, as Lord Stark urged. He listened to Jon Arryn instead. I was still at Storm's End, under siege and unconsulted."

"Why do you think I abandoned Dragonstone and sailed to the Wall, Lord Snow?"

"I am no lord, sire. You came because we sent for you, I hope. Though I could not say why you took so long about it."

Surprisingly, Stannis smiled at that. "You're bold enough to be a Stark. Yes, I should have come sooner. If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne." Stannis pointed north. "There is where I'll find the foe that I was born to fight."

Although that was somewhat blown by episode 10.

"Your brothers will not like it, no more than your father's lords, but I mean to allow the wildlings through the Wall . . . those who will swear me their fealty, pledge to keep the king's peace and the king's laws, and take the Lord of Light as their god. Even the giants, if those great knees of theirs can bend. I will settle them on the Gift, once I have wrested it away from your new Lord Commander. When the cold winds rise, we shall live or die together. It is time we made alliance against our common foe."

How many of our grudging friends do you imagine we'd retain if the truth were known? Only Lady Barbrey, whom you would turn into a pair of boots … inferior boots. Human skin is not as tough as cowhide and will not wear as well. By the king's decree you are now a Bolton. Try and act like one. Tales are told of you, Ramsay. I hear them everywhere. People fear you."


"You are mistaken. It is not good. No tales were ever told of me. Do you think I would be sitting here if it were otherwise? Your amusements are your own, I will not chide you on that count, but you must be more discreet. A peaceful land, a quiet people. That has always been my rule. Make it yours."

"Taking him? Where? He's mine. You cannot have him."

Roose seemed amused by that. "All you have I gave you. You would do well to remember that, bastard. As for this … Reek … if you have not ruined him beyond redemption, he may yet be of some use to us. Get the keys and remove those chains from him, before you make me rue the day I raped your mother."

- I’ve lost a hand, a father, a son, a sister and a lover and soon enough I will lose a brother. And yet they keep telling me House Lannister won this war.

I hope they include that one too.

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"In the end, Tywin Lannister did not shit gold" - Tyrion

"She doesn't speak, but she remembers" - Thoros/Anguy

"You wil never walk again, Bran. But you will fly." - Bloodraven

"Stannis, Stannis, STANNIS" - this is a "must have"

"If you die before saying her name, I will haunt you through the seven hells!" - Oberyn

"When you return, you need only bend your knee, lay your sword at my feet, and pledge yourself to my service, and you shall rise again as Jon Stark, the Lord of Winterfell.” - Stannis

"So you know nothing, Jon Snow" - Melisandre. But that will probably be in season 5

Honorable mention:

"Hodor" - Hodor

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Everything Stannis and Roose said in the books is amazing, not sure if they're going to keep those lines in the show, after how those characters have been portrayed so far. (but it would be great if they did though)

I'd love to hear:

"Do you remember where the heart is?" - Sandor to Arya

"You'll be defending Ned Stark's daughter with Ned Stark's own steel" - Jaime

"I have made kings and unmade them. Sansa Stark is my last chance for honor." - Jaime

And, since the show usually do some changes and have characters say thing they only think in their POV:

"my skin has turned to porcelain to ivory to steel"- Sansa

“A real wolf would finish a wounded animal."- Sandor

"Maybe some real wolves will find you, Maybe they’ll smell you when the sun goes down. Then he would learn what wolves did to dogs."- Arya

Yes I know, I am a sucker for the Stark girls :leaving:

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"Handless and Noseless, the Lannister boys." -Tyrion

"Lord Tywin Lannister, did not in the end, shit gold"- probably impossible to put in the show.

"Stannis, Stannis ,STANNIS!" - Stannis's knights

"That boy had wanted to be Ser Arthur Dayne, and yet somewhere along the way he had become the Smiling Knight instead"- Jaime's thoughts

"That Young Wolf never will"- Jack-be-Lucky

"One found Dragonstone, and a king who still cared."- Sam's thoughts


"The north remembers, Lord Davos, the north remembers."

Jaime and Tyrion's entire conversation in the dungeon.

"Wherever whores go."- Tywin

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"When the sun has set, no candle can replace it." But since we're well past that point in the book, I will stake my hopes on:

"I will defend King Tommen with all my strength, I swear it. I will give my life for his if need be. But I will never betray Renly, by word or deed. He was the king that should have been. He was the best of them.”

But at this rate I feel tv!Loras is going to be too busy mooning over Oberyn or something to remember Renly existed.

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This one MUST be included:

"Guilty, so guilty. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"You admit you poisoned the king?"

"Nothing of the sort. Of Joffery's death, I am innocent. I am guilty of a more monstrous crime. I was born. I lived. I am guilty of being a dwarf, I confess it. And no matter how many times my good father forgave me, I have persisted in this infamy."

"This is folly Tyrion. You are not on trial for being a dwarf."

"That is where you err, my lord. I have been on trial for being a dwarf my entire life."

"You have nothing to say in your defence?"

"Nothing but this: I did not do it. Yet now I wish I had. I wish I had enough poison for you all. You make me sorry I am not the monster you would have me be. I am innocent, but I will get no justice here. You leave me no choice but to appeal to the gods. I demand trial by battle."

Also really want to see these three.

"Why do you think I abandoned Dragonstone and sailed to the Wall, Lord Snow?"

"I am no lord, sire. You came because we sent for you, I hope. Though I could not say why you took so long about it."

Surprisingly, Stannis smiled at that. "You're bold enough to be a Stark. Yes, I should have come sooner. If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne." Stannis pointed north. "There is where I'll find the foe that I was born to fight."

How many of our grudging friends do you imagine we'd retain if the truth were known? Only Lady Barbrey, whom you would turn into a pair of boots … inferior boots. Human skin is not as tough as cowhide and will not wear as well. By the king's decree you are now a Bolton. Try and act like one. Tales are told of you, Ramsay. I hear them everywhere. People fear you."


"You are mistaken. It is not good. No tales were ever told of me. Do you think I would be sitting here if it were otherwise? Your amusements are your own, I will not chide you on that count, but you must be more discreet. A peaceful land, a quiet people. That has always been my rule. Make it yours."

"Taking him? Where? He's mine. You cannot have him."

Roose seemed amused by that. "All you have I gave you. You would do well to remember that, bastard. As for this … Reek … if you have not ruined him beyond redemption, he may yet be of some use to us. Get the keys and remove those chains from him, before you make me rue the day I raped your mother."

And pretty much every one of Jaime's remaining lines in ASOS.

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Not impossible. Because they repurposed that line for Robb Stark already. They're not going to use it again I wouldn't think.

I just said that because it's just a thought Tyrion has as he leaves the Red Keep rather than something he says. Although they did have Dany say "He was no dragon.. etc" at Viserys's death while in the book she only thinks that, but there she has Jorah to tell it to while Tyrion is now alone. Perhaps they will have him say it to Tywin's corpse in some sort of gloating fueled by his rage at Tywin sleeping with Shae.

Also, someone should put [book Spoilers] in the thread title. Although that should be obvious since ASOS is mentioned in the title, people may not notice that before it's too late.

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