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Ragnarok: this theory puts all other theories to shame


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I absolutely love this theory. i don't think we can point to the gods in ragnarok and associated them with characters in asoiaf entirely(i think the inspiration is a little more fluid than that), but i think it's fun to speculate.


I've always thought that Bran (fenrir) is going to go awol on bloodraven (odin)  so imagine my delight when i discovered that in ragnarok, fenrir kills odin.


maybe it's been pointed out already, but has anyone heard of the 'wild hunt'? there's this pretty famous painting by franz von stuck that depicts wotan (odin) leading the army of the dead(that's not what it's famous for but i digress) which immediately hearkened back to the white walkers and their agenda.


i'm thinking bran does bloodraven in, and plays that aspect of odin in the leading of the dead, and either dany or Jon (most like Jon, even though he's supposed to be the sutr analog)  plays the role of vidar in avenging his father, odin (since bloodraven and Jon are first men/dragonseed, might be a little bit of a reach).



Do you also know that Odin has 2 wolves - Freki and Greki - apart from 2 ravens. Freki's and Greki's names mean "ravenous" and "greedy". While GRRM often writes about food, two wolf characters are explicitly described as hungry/ravenous... 'but not always for food'.


Surtr is "the black one" of the land of the "fire giants" of the south. Drogon is a "black fire giant". Stannis comes from the south, etc.

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  • 9 months later...
On ‎2‎/‎3‎/‎2014 at 7:07 PM, Stannis Eats No Peaches said:

Interesting, certainly, but I'm unconvinced.

This was exactly my response. It is interesting and I've no doubt there are some influences drawn, but to put so many eggs in one basket is, ultimately, unconvincing

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Just to throw it out there for the heck of it, I firmly believe that GRRM is heavily referencing and foreshadowing Ragnarok, but I'm not quite as confident that he's pulling his inspiration directly from the Norse mythology.   He's got another source utilizing all the same characters but perhaps hitting a bit closer to home in terms of his overall interests. 

Not saying that GRRM isn't a learned guy and didn't dig into the actual mythology for his series, but I can certainly see him being far more engrossed by and familiar with the Ragnarok being played out in full color on the pages of a comic book than by poring over the Poetic Edda or whatnot.   Marvel Comics has covered Ragnarok in its issues, complete with all the main characters mentioned in the real text (plus a few new ones), but also adds in fun stuff like time travel, astral projection, shared hive consciousness, etc  - things we're also seeing in some form in the series.     

Granted, I'm totally biased about this (sig is the dead giveaway), but IMO chances are very high that George is reffing the comic arc and Marvel's version of Ragnarok may be closer to what we see play out in the books.

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