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Voting for the next ASOIAF Elimination Game

honeyed chicken

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Do I really see Jon Snow in the list? I like to guy but since when is he considered a famous more than average swordsman? Mance actually defeated him and he is not on the list.

The same with Azor Ahai. Just because he had a sword...Yoren happened to got one, too :)

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1) Aegor “Bittersteel” Rivers
2) Aemon “The Dragonknight” Targaryen
3) Arthur Dayne
4) Azor Ahai
5) Barristan Selmy
6) Brandon Stark (brother to Ned)
7) Brienne of Tarth
8) Bronn
9) Daemon Blackfyre
10) Eddard “Ned” Stark
11) Garlan Tyrell
12) Gerold “Darkstar” Dayne
13) Gerold Hightower
14) Ilyn Payne
15) Jamie Lannister
16) Jorah Mormont
17) Jon Snow
18) Lothor Brune
19) Lyn Corbray
20) Loras Tyrell
21) Mance Rayder

22) Mandon Moore
23) Oswell Whent
24) Roderick Dustin, Roddy the Ruin
25) Ryam Redwyne
26) Rhaegar Targaryen
27) Qorin Halfhand
28) Sandor “The Hound” Clegane
29) Serwyn of the Mirror Shield
30) Syrio Forel
31) The Smiling Knight

32) Thoros of Myr

33) Hosteen Frey

34) Yoren

35) ???

Do I really see Jon Snow in the list? I like to guy but since when is he considered a famous more than average swordsman? Mance actually defeated him and he is not on the list.

The same with Azor Ahai. Just because he had a sword...Yoren happened to got one, too :)

I added those two on. I also agree with you on Jon and Azor Ahai

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I'd really like those two on the list:

Prince Lewyn Martell

Ser Robar Royce

I am not too happy about Azor Ahai being on the list.....

Do I really see Jon Snow in the list? I like to guy but since when is he considered a famous more than average swordsman? Mance actually defeated him and he is not on the list.

The same with Azor Ahai. Just because he had a sword...Yoren happened to got one, too :)

There'll be a chance to vote them off tomorrow.

Lewyn Martell should definitely be on there. I don't remember much about Robar Royce.

1) Aegor “Bittersteel” Rivers

2) Aemon “The Dragonknight” Targaryen

3) Arthur Dayne

4) Azor Ahai

5) Barristan Selmy

6) Brandon Stark (brother to Ned)

7) Brienne of Tarth

8) Bronn

9) Daemon Blackfyre

10) Eddard “Ned” Stark

11) Garlan Tyrell

12) Gerold “Darkstar” Dayne

13) Gerold Hightower

14) Hosteen Frey

15) Ilyn Payne

16) Jamie Lannister

17) Jorah Mormont

18) Jon Snow

19) Lewyn Martell

20) Lothor Brune

21) Lyn Corbray

22) Loras Tyrell

23) Mance Rayder

24) Mandon Moore

25) Oswell Whent

26) Qorin Halfhand

27) Roderick Dustin, Roddy the Ruin

28) Ryam Redwyne

29) Rhaegar Targaryen

30) Sandor “The Hound” Clegane

31) Serwyn of the Mirror Shield

32) Syrio Forel

33) The Smiling Knight

34) Thoros of Myr

35) Yoren

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I'm accepting lists for the Final Five Survive! Game now.

I know the list isn't final, but you may change your lists as often as you want till the EG starts. And if you missed getting me a change and one your guesses was voted off the EG list you can replace those people if you get your change in before post #20 of the EG. That's not a lot of extra time, but I don't want to slow down the EGs anymore.

The Survive! htread for this game is here: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/108337-asoiaf-eg-final-five-survive-game-3-best-swordsman/

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My 5 are

1. Jon Snow

2. Azor Ahai

3. Brandon Stark

4. Ilyn Payne

5, Eddard Stark

I agree with that list. Actually, I have no idea about Azor Ahai (and really, is there any way to judge his abilities? Which is a good reason to exclude him), but Ned and Jon are not supposed to be great swordsmen, I don't think Brandon was either, and I have no idea why Ilyn Payne is on the list.

Also, why is Mandon Moore on the list? Can anyone remind me if he was ever mentioned as a particularly good sworsdman?

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I agree with that list. Actually, I have no idea about Azor Ahai (and really, is there any way to judge his abilities? Which is a good reason to exclude him), but Ned and Jon are not supposed to be great swordsmen, I don't think Brandon was either, and I have no idea why Ilyn Payne is on the list.

Also, why is Mandon Moore on the list? Can anyone remind me if he was ever mentioned as a particularly good sworsdman?

The number one reason several of these candidates were on the list in the first place was that I couldn't find better ones. I spent time on the wiki looking for mentions of people's sword work and there was very little.

Aside from Arthur Dayne and Jamie, GRRM doesn't spend a lot of time talking about swordplay the way his friend, Roger Zelazny does.

- Jamie calls Mandon Moore one of the most dangerous of the KG because of those cold dead eyes of his. You can't read his intentions. That doesn't speak directly to his skill with the blade, but all the KG are assumed to be among the best and if Jamie thinks he's dangerous, that's enough for me.

- I put in Jon Snow because he defeated Qhorin, who is on the list - and he kicked ass in the training yard at CB.

- I included Ned for defeating Arthur Dayne (albeit in both his case and Jon's they had help).

- As for Brandon, that comes mainly from the recollections of him by his former lover, Lady Dustin (in ADWD). She seemed to think highly of him as a swordsman (in both senses).

- Ilyn Payne & AA? No good reason, Just again, lack of better alternatives.

But the time for thinking of alternatives is past.

Now, is the time for voting off these imposters that you don't like.

So list the five you most want voted off the list - or are you submitting the same five as Lord Lyman?

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My 5 are

1. Jon Snow

2. Azor Ahai

3. Brandon Stark

4. Ilyn Payne

5, Eddard Stark

I agree with that list. Actually, I have no idea about Azor Ahai (and really, is there any way to judge his abilities? Which is a good reason to exclude him), but Ned and Jon are not supposed to be great swordsmen, I don't think Brandon was either, and I have no idea why Ilyn Payne is on the list.

Also, why is Mandon Moore on the list? Can anyone remind me if he was ever mentioned as a particularly good sworsdman?


I agree with the 5 posted above.

I agree with those, out of the list.

1) Aegor “Bittersteel” Rivers

2) Aemon “The Dragonknight” Targaryen

3) Arthur Dayne

4) Azor Ahai - 5

5) Barristan Selmy

6) Brandon Stark (brother to Ned) - 5

7) Brienne of Tarth

8) Bronn

9) Daemon Blackfyre

10) Eddard “Ned” Stark - 4

11) Garlan Tyrell

12) Gerold “Darkstar” Dayne

13) Gerold Hightower

14) Hosteen Frey

15) Ilyn Payne - 4

16) Jamie Lannister

17) Jorah Mormont

18) Jon Snow - 5

19) Lewyn Martell

20) Lothor Brune

21) Lyn Corbray

22) Loras Tyrell

23) Mance Rayder

24) Mandon Moore

25) Oswell Whent

26) Qorin Halfhand

27) Roderick Dustin, Roddy the Ruin

28) Ryam Redwyne

29) Rhaegar Targaryen

30) Sandor “The Hound” Clegane

31) Serwyn of the Mirror Shield

32) Syrio Forel

33) The Smiling Knight

34) Thoros of Myr

35) Yoren

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There does not appear to be any more movement/votes coming in.

best swordsman

1) Aegor “Bittersteel” Rivers
2) Aemon “The Dragonknight” Targaryen
3) Arthur Dayne
4) Barristan Selmy
5) Brienne of Tarth
6) Bronn
7) Daemon Blackfyre
8) Garlan Tyrell
9) Gerold “Darkstar” Dayne
10) Gerold Hightower

11) Hosteen Frey
12) Jamie Lannister
13) Jorah Mormont
14) Lewyn Martell
15) Lothor Brune
16) Lyn Corbray
17) Loras Tyrell

18) Mance Rayder
19) Mandon Moore
20) Oswell Whent

21) Qorin Halfhand
22) Roderick Dustin, Roddy the Ruin
23) Ryam Redwyne
24) Rhaegar Targaryen
25) Sandor “The Hound” Clegane
26) Serwyn of the Mirror Shield
27) Syrio Forel
28) The Smiling Knight

29) Thoros of Myr

30) Yoren

9 signed up for Survive!

If you have not yet - there's always room for more!

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Well done!

This time around I'm going to post some lists in advance. Some will be from my own topic ideas and some will be from Kobayashi Maru, and others. And anybody else who has topic ideas and lists could post them now.

This way you can all think about what you want to play next while the current one is going. Then we can transition quicker.

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