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The snow on the throne is a r+l reference. R=throne=royal blood L=snow=winter is coming which adds up to a union between the two. Everyone whose read the books knows what I'm getting at.

Eta: d&d had to tell grrm whom Jon's mother was before being allowed to do the show, and Danys scenes from the hotu was changed bc they would've given away too much. Also the fact that L being associated with a blue rosé would've gone over non reader heads as she's barely mentioned and the correlation is never given.

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And in a recent interview D+D said that GRRM did not confirm their answer as correct, only to see how well they knew the text and how well they could support their position.

But they didn't say that he told them they were wrong either. Also grrm has told them the broad strokes to the ending just in case so there makes some sense that they would give hints that are ambiguous enough to have multiple meanings. This being one of them.
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Indeed, and furthermore, we don't know what their answer was either.

Granted we don't, which is why I also added that they know the broad strokes of how it all plays out from grrm. Yes, I could be wrong if that's what you're implying, but if r+l/=j many people on this forum alone would be very surprised especially given all of the textual hints we have been given, but if you have a different take, I'd love to hear it.
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Am I the only one who think is important they show a "shadow of a dragon" over the Red Keep? I think it fits Aegon as Varys "mummer's dragon", not a real one. :dunno:

It does and think its a good catch. However red or black a dragon is a dragon. I just always felt that phrase was misleading in of itself, mummers dragon. As in Varys himself is the mummer and aegon is the dragon he is backing. I mean considering Illyrio is backing him as well and the bf theory stems from him and Serra, why no mention of the cheese mongers dragon?

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Granted we don't, which is why I also added that they know the broad strokes of how it all plays out from grrm. Yes, I could be wrong if that's what you're implying, but if r+l/=j many people on this forum alone would be very surprised especially given all of the textual hints we have been given, but if you have a different take, I'd love to hear it.

Yeah I am firmly in the R+L=J camp and 'reasonably' certain that would have been their answer too... but GRRM is nothing if not a master troll. I highly suspect the stabbing of Jon was intentionally written in to screw with people. I also reckon he has a number of 'outs' and might still have a couple of answers to the question in play.

All I am saying is some people treat the D+D story as if it is confirmation. I'd suggest treating it with a bit of caution.

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i actually always thought that Cersei will eventually go mad and try to use the wildfire on KL and that's how Jaime will kill her, like he did to the Mad King. ever since the oldwoman (that i cant recall the name) said her brother will kill her i thought of Jaime, because she only thinks about Tyrion killing her and she'll never see it coming if it's Jaime.

I totally agree with this. I'm convinced that Jamie is the Valonqar. Wildfire would be a great cause.

As for Bran's vision, here's my take…..

- Something must be in the Winterfell crypts that has to do with Lyanna/Jon/Ned and Ice. (In the pilot episode, when Ned is passing the sentence on the Night's Watch deserter, there is a semi-closeup on the hilt of Ice, and there's some small design on the pommel. I've always thought it looked like a tiny blue rose, but I have no idea why that would be important if it were even the case.)

- The shot of Ned in the black cells is interesting because of the reflection of Varys's torch in his eye. No idea about that one.

- The little girl wraith from the pilot…. Bran sees some of what they have to stay away from.

- The mass of ravens from last season's death of the WW by Sam the Slayer (I hope we still get that title for him), and the Death Mount for the WW - More of what they have to watch our for?

- The Red Keep Throne Room - identical to Dany's vision. I think this is HUGE. (It's also the longest of all the snippets.) In Dany's vision, she reaches for the Iron Throne but never touches it. The throne will never be hers, as it's not her's by right anyway. The room is a burned out ruin. I think it must mean dragons destroying King's Landing perhaps? I don't think it would be wildfire, since nothing would be left, not even the throne.

- Snow on the Iron Throne. I am in the Jon Snow camp here, especially since we've now been exposed to it twice.

- The ice shards…… an ice cell perhaps? It seems as if we're looking though the ice. There's also more than one face - there's another one that appears just at the end of that snip, up and to the left of the one that's moving. It's easier to see on a TV than it is if you're trying to view it on youtube, especially if you can frame-by-frame advance on a DVR.

- Cersei's voice while Bran falls (mother!) - I hope that's his memory returning.

- Dragon over KL - It's not just a dragon shadow. It's also a bird. On one sweep of the wings, the left one is a bird wing - you can see sunlight through the fingers of the feathers… Bran will warg a dragon, which opens up Jon and Arya to do the same (if they don't cut their warging abilities…..)

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She'll teach Tyrion to juggle 15 episodes from now.

Her plot relevance at this point in the story? 0,none,nada,pas du tout.

After the producers cut Reek 1.0, Belwas, Coldhands, retarded Frey from the show, people are surprised they decided not to chose an actor for her role, just to see her for 1 minute in this episode and wait over one season and half for her next appearance?

Why do people think they've cut Coldhands? Who else could it be at the end of this trailer?


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This debate was had when that trailer was released.

People went as far as taking screenshots and matching it with one of the Others from the Battle of the Fist. It was a perfect match. It is an Other.

Yeah plus the guy who usually plays The Others tweeted something like "guess who's back"

I think that instead of coldhands they will just have Bran sorta take directions from the 3EC through visions.

I liked the change from the two jousting dwarfs to the parody of the WTFK. went from primarily insulting Tyrion to insulting The Tyrells,Sansa,Tyrion plus making everyone else super uncomfortable.

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I think that instead of coldhands they will just have Bran sorta take directions from the 3EC through visions.


Personally I think they will have him meet Leaf at some point when he is closer to the cave and be guided by her the rest of the way
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Tywin and Olenna's discussion before the PW and the glances they threw at each other while Joffrey died made me think that Tywin could have had a hand in the plot...

Tywin and Olenna exchanged no glances during Joffrey's death. I still believe Tywin had a hand in it though.

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My bad. Forget about the unglance.

You are obviously an unreliable narrator, and we should now doubt everything you ever tell us and consider whether anything else you have told us is untrue or.misleading.


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