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The mystery you want solved the most

The Iron Banker

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The size of Tormund`s member. We need this settled once and for all.

It is said that it wasn't Stannis that defeated the Wildlings at the Wall, but rather someone called Tormund's name in all the mayhem whilst he was peering at a sheep's rear end and his sudden turn to the sound wiped out half the Wildling army.

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I really, really want to know just how deep and far-reaching Doran and Oberyn's plans go. How Sarella fits into them, whether or not they were working with Varys, etc. The reveals in aFfC and aDwD were great, imo, but I am convinced there is stuff we still don't know about.

Just as much, if not more, though, I want to know what happened at the Tower of Joy. I cannot wait for Howland Reed to show up.

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Where's Benjen?

Where's Stonesnake?

Who is Coldhands?

I'm fairly certain Coldhands is the Night's King. His physical description matches as well as Leaf saying how he was killed "long ago". It would also explain his motive. Either he wants to redeem himself for cohorting with The Others or else he is tricking Bran into helping The Others (the first poissibility is more likely IMO).

The mysteries I want solved are all to do with the Stannis "battle" Ramsay's letter (assuming it was Ramsay who sent it...I think it was) refers to. I just want to know what the fudge happened there!

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Nothing to exciting add on top what's been said,whereabouts of Benjen,who is Quaithe?Bloodraven,Pink Letter,Aryas faceless men mission,Davos in Skagos for Rickon,the battle of Winterfell and Wyman Manderly turning his cloak and one other maybe small thing the significance of ebony and Weirwood in places from Thobo Motts shop to the Facless men place in Braavos-what does it mean?

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Who is Coldhands?

Who is the Hooded Man in Winterfell?

What happened to Benjen?

What lingers in the crypts of Winterfell?

Why must there always be a Stark in Winterfell?

What really is R'hllor?

What are the Others up to? What do they want? Are they evil?

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^that and

Why is Hodor like he is? Is there a magical explanation?

What is Bloodraven up to?

Will Bran turn into a tree or will he have a choice to leave?

Who is Jon's mother (and father)?

Are the Daynes or Dawn significant at all? Why?

Why are the seasons so wonky?

Did Jon die?

Has Lady Stoneheart got any humanity left in her?

Will the Stark siblings see each other again?

What does Littlefinger want?

What does Varys want?

What does Illyrio want?

Is Aegon a Targaryen?

But the mystery I want solved the most is...

How big is Tormund's member?

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What is up with Aegon V's third son. It is interesting to me that there are so many theories around Aerion Brightflame, but no one ever tries to make theories about this guy. I think it is only because we know Aerion's name and we don't have a name for this guy.

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