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Best and worst mysteries in the series? (Not a prophecy thread)

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For me, trying to detangle the entire Northern Conspiracy as well as the mystery of the pink letter are easily the most intriguing part of the entire series so far.

Meanwhile, I think while the mystery of Bran's assassination was super important and necessary, the way it ended up being just Joffrey(for some reason) and the way the characters get to that conclusion just because, really always was quite lame to me and one of the few instances where GRRM didn't think ahead enough while writing the first book.

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I disagree about Joffrey being behind the attempt on Bran's life. It makes perfect sense, and helps set Joff up as the heartless little psycho that he is. It's underwhelming, but it's not lame.

The biggest mysteries to me are often the ones that probably wouldn't make much difference to the story in the end. What happened to Gerion Lannister? Who was Night's King? Where is Tysha? That sort of thing.

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I agree, the Pink letter is definitely one of the best. I find the Robert Strong/Qyburn stuff curiously disturbing and want to know the true purpose/origin/driving force behind the Others. The mystery surrounding the Winterfell crypts is also intriguing.

The worst is obviously- Where do whores go? And what the heck happened to Robb Starks body (and head)?

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Best one: Who is Jon's mother (or parents)? I would say that, given the insane amount of speculation and dissertations written on this one subject alone, it deserves the be the most compelling 'mystery' of the story.

Worst one: Whether Aegon is the real heir or not. Really, to me, I just don't find this whole storyline very interesting, nor do I find any real reason to root for the kid or even believe his story. I just don't feel that it was brought about in a way that makes me care very much.

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