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[BOOK SPOILERS] What your non-reader friends/family thought and their predictions


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It was a good season finale, I felt it should have been longer around ninety minutes.

My favorite parts.

1) Tywin murderd while feeding the toliet, seems Littlefinger words came true. Happy father day Tywin Lannister.

2) Tyrion murdering Shae was very heartbreaking.

3) Cersei spilling the tea to her father, then screwing her brother. The Lannisters are crazy.

4) The Hound and Brienne fighting over Arya was very good.

5) Arya leaving the hound!!!!! YOU ARE A COLD PIECE ARYA!!

Wish they had more time to show us Sansa and Belish. However a good season finale, now we have 70000 day to for season 5.

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all my unsullied friends loved the tyrion stuff, while i was fuming that they left out tysha. they really liked the bran stuff too and are really intrigued about the "but you will fly" line. they think arya will become an assassin. one of them got confused during the chaining of the dragons scene and thought she killed them. we ordered food and it came in the middle of the stannis scene which led to a discussion of whether or not it was daenarys and her unsullied while we paused it and paid for the food. all in all they thought it was a really good finale

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My unsullied son asked if she killed the dragons also! Told him No, she just had to chain them because they are becoming dangerous. He loved the episode.

I told him of the 'Tysha' discussion from the book though, which to ME set-up the whole reason for Tyrion going up to angrily look for Tywin, but he didn't seem bothered by that fact.

Daughter thought it strange that Dany is the "Breaker of Chains" (among many other titles!), but actually 'chained' her babies.

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They laughed at the cheesy wight skeletons and fireballs (Army of Darkness was mentioned at one point). Just as they did at the end of the the season 2 finale (different croud). I certainly don't blame them :)

Other than that the episode was well received.

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I watched with friends over skype. They were a bit underwhelmed after the last two episodes, and felt Tyrion's escape/Shae's and Tywin's deaths were rushed and anticlimatic. They also kept asking why Tyrion didn't just escape, and why he even bothered to go to Tywin's room.

They got really happy at Jojen's death though, lol. They all hate Bran and his storyline.

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Well, that's the time when normal people pour their drinks or run to the loo. :P Just sayin.

LoL yep, and that's exactly what he was doing at the time :)

That's why I wad surprised. He said it was process of elimination.

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I mentioned this in another thread but thanks to the heavy handed "Previously On..." segment my friends guessed what should have been the best payoff in Stannis appearing in the North. They even said that they had forgotten he was even heading there until they saw him talking about it in the pre-credits...

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I watched with friends over skype. They were a bit underwhelmed after the last two episodes, and felt Tyrion's escape/Shae's and Tywin's deaths were rushed and anticlimatic.

I felt the same way, and I'm a Sullied.

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While me and my Cousin both read the books and hated everything about this episode, my unsullied stepbrother guessed that the hound will show up again but die because of the wound he didn't want Arya to treat. Clever boy.

He also thinks that it is weird how Dany chained her Dragons instead of whooping their asses and training them properly (while I agree, hitting them might not result in the expected results I'm afraid :D )

He guessed correctly that it was Stannis coming and wondered why the wildling army was so ridiculus and small.

He also thought that the Tywin-Tyrion scene was weird. He thinks Tyrion and Varys will go to "Varys' buddy" now, thats how he called Magistar Illyrio, whom he remebers chatting with Varys in season 1. Clever boy indeed!

Also he thinks that Brienne and Pod will be a cuple in the future. not so clever.

Edit: I told him about Jaime's confession and the whole Tysha stuff and that Cersei and Jaime actually don't like each other anymore, and while he still thinks that would be a lame reason for Tyrion to meet Tywin, he wonders why they changed the Jaime part, because that would have been a lot of drama and drama sells better.

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Daughter thought it strange that Dany is the "Breaker of Chains" (among many other titles!), but actually 'chained' her babies.

Nice catch!

Also, I hope that the changing reactions towards Stannis will finally calm down all those "omg, they assassinated Stannis and took away his agency, they made him a villain and no one is ever going to like him!!!!111" people.

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Talk to my m-i-l, she loved it. She figured out that Stannis was coming, she also picked up on Melisandre's look at Jon Snow and Tormund saying "you can never be a kneeler again" to him. She loved Tyrion killing Shae and Tywin (it made perfect sense to her), and she wanted to know if the Mountain was coming back (I refused to say anything).

It basically goes to show that, if you don't know what you're missing, you'll never miss it.

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Unsullied boyfriend can't understand why Tyrion killed Tywin instead of Cersei, I then paused and explained the Tysha story to him and what SHOULD have happened to lead to Tyrion's actions.

His reaction to Stannis showing up was brilliant, and I myself loved that story arc this episode.

"Is Bran going to finally get interesting now" hahaha!

He also though Dany was killing her dragons, I had to explain they were just getting chained up.

He hates the fact that it was Brienne that has 'killed' the hound, I just said don't worry, ignore that and remember that it doesn't happen like that in the book, and then explained the Gravedigger theory :-)

Gutted I couldn't see his reaction to Stoneheart! Hopefully next season *crosses fingers*

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The friend I watched it with absolutely loved it. Some bits of reaction:

- She doesn't care about Bran's storyline.

- She never pays attention to the Dragonstone people, so she was completely surprised to see that army and thought it was King's Landing's.

- She was sad that Daenerys had to chain her dragons.

- She thinks Brienne is awesome and Arya as well and that Arya would be very happy being trained by Brienne. Anyway, she was happy with the ending and she's so intrigued about what she's gonna do in Braavos. The fight Brienne vs. Hound was her favourite bit of the episode.

- She always hated Cersei for thinking herself smarter than everyone else when she's not (she quite understands the character! :) ) and her despise was confirmed when she told her father about the incest (IS SHE NUTS!?) But she thought Cersei had completely won Jaime for "her side" when they had sex in the table, and she was surprised and pleased that Jaime still helped Tyrion escape.

- She was expecting Tyrion to die so she was startled at the turn of the events. She was bewildered that Tywin was in the privy, until I explained the "Tywin Lannister shits gold thing", and she was shocked by the "I'm sorry" line after Shae's death.

- She thinks it's interesting how "everyone" is going across the Narrow Sea.

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My colleague has never been impressed by Stannis (thinks he spends all his time hanging in a cave so he at least enjoyed the trip to the Iron Bank this season) but was really excited by the charge and hadn't a clue who it was. I'd told him after ep 9 that I was disappointed by something I felt "should" have happened and he said once he saw Stannis and Davos emerging from the mist that he guessed what it was :)

He also said that he could see what I mean by Stannis being a good King by the way he acted around Jon Snow. Aww yiiih.

Thinks the Mountain will die after "the crackpot fails"

I had to contain myself from asking what he thinks about all the different storylines but he said he loved the whole ep. He's now gotten his parents into the show and his mother had to leave the room (a) after Bran was pushed and (b ) after Lady was killed.

Pay it (the misery) forward.

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