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US Politics: Check with a Court before you see your Doctor


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Nuking the filibuster on judicial appointments has worked out well for the administration, with his choices now able to actually get up and down votes, Obama is now outpacing both Bush and Clinton in appointments made.

It's happily ironic that the Republican strategy to disempower Obama led to more power for the liberal agenda in general. Yay irony!

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Rand Paul has got the guts to stand up for what he believes in and answer the tough questions... wait, what's that? You mean he doesn't even wait for a question but instead ups and runs away?

Rand Paul was appearing at a fundraiser for Iowa Republican Steve King. Paul, sitting at a table next to King, was just taking a big bite out of a sandwich when one of the attendees, Erika Andiola, tells King that she is a Dreamer. His reaction? Sheer panic

Here's the crucial moment when Paul hears Andiola proclaim her Dreamer status. He has already committed himself to the first bite. Then he appears to choke on it, but manages to swallow his food.

At this point Paul shoots his staffer a CODE RED ABORT glance and just up and bolts.

What a brave man. Can't wait to see his presidential campaign.

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Rand Paul has got the guts to stand up for what he believes in and answer the tough questions... wait, what's that? You mean he doesn't even wait for a question but instead ups and runs away?

What a brave man. Can't wait to see his presidential campaign.

He's also done a complete 180 on Israel claiming he has always supported them and wanted to keep the foreign aid flowing. Except in 2011 he said he wanted to cut welfare to Israel:


Should be flippy floppy fun in 2016

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Rand Paul has got the guts to stand up for what he believes in and answer the tough questions... wait, what's that? You mean he doesn't even wait for a question but instead ups and runs away?

What a brave man. Can't wait to see his presidential campaign.

He's also done a complete 180 on Israel claiming he has always supported them and wanted to keep the foreign aid flowing. Except in 2011 he said he wanted to cut welfare to Israel:


Should be flippy floppy fun in 2016

Enter Ramsay in 3, 2, 1...

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Nuking the filibuster on judicial appointments has worked out well for the administration, with his choices now able to actually get up and down votes, Obama is now outpacing both Bush and Clinton in appointments made.

yes, for all my moaning early in the term, Reid really picked up the mantle and ran with it from April til now. Obama's administration is now falling woefully behind on making nominations. the admin also drags their feet on other nominations, like to the Fed.

This list is rather helpful.


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Income inequality, not just for the left of center any longer?

A new report argues that it is, that an unequal distribution in incomes is making it harder for the nation to recover from the recession and achieve the kind of growth that was commonplace in decades past.

The report is interesting not because it offers some novel analytical approach or crunches previously unknown data. Rather, it has to do with who produced it, which says a lot about how the discussion over inequality is evolving.

Economists at Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services are the authors of the straightforwardly titled "How Increasing Inequality is Dampening U.S. Economic Growth, and Possible Ways to Change the Tide.” The fact that S&P, an apolitical organization that aims to produce reliable research for bond investors and others, is raising alarms about the risks that emerge from income inequality is a small but important sign of how a debate that has been largely confined to the academic world and left-of-center political circles is becoming more mainstream.

“Our review of the data, as well as a wealth of research on this matter, leads us to conclude that the current level of income inequality in the U.S. is dampening G.D.P. growth,” the S.&P. researchers write, “at a time when the world’s biggest economy is struggling to recover from the Great Recession and the government is in need of funds to support an aging population.”...

The key difference, though, is that rather than trying to produce cutting-edge theory, they are trying to do the practical work of explaining to clients — companies trying to forecast future demand, investors trying to allocate assets — how the economy is likely to evolve. They’re not really driven by ideology, or by models that are rigorous enough in their theoretical underpinnings to pass academic peer review. Rather, their success or failure hinges on whether they’re successful at giving those clients an accurate picture of where the economy is heading.

In that sense, the new S.&P. report is a sign of how worries that income inequality is a factor behind subpar economic growth over the last five years (and really the last 15 years) is going from an idiosyncratic argument made mainly by left-of center economists to something that even the tribe of business forecasters needs to wrestle with.

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Well, the relationship with China didn't really actually normalize until after Nixon's visit, so perhaps an organization like S&P issuing a report on income inequality is a similar harbinger of change? :P


Forgot to say that I am looking forward the mental gymnastics of the free market folks and the laissex-faire capitalists trying to either discredit the report or to pin the blame on government regulations. ;-)

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