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Barristan Selmy is a disgusting bigot

Bronn Urgandy

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You know, Bronn Urgandy, I'm really glad you started this thread. Now that you mention it, that crack about the Unsullied not being men is a blatant show of discrimination against the disabled. Who is he to decide the worth of the reproductionally challenged?

Let's not forget this is a guy who fought for one king, then turned around and fought for the guy who won the rebellion against the first king. Then when the second king dies and his son wises up to this weasel and tries to let him save face by offering retirement, this Barristan clown throws a tantrum and makes a crack about going to the true king. And we all know that's a lie because he went to Daenerys and she's no king!

Thank you Bronn, for opening my eyes to Barry's perfidy. Barristan the Bold indeed. It takes balls to act like that.

ETA: this is going to be great. I had so much fun on the last Bronn Urgandy thread!

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*tap tap tap* went the staff.

We all know Ser Barristan Selmy, that noble Knight, fight with honour, councel with honesty, chivalrous and all that jazz. Unfortunately on top of all that, he is a massive racist.

We see it in large parts during a Dance with Dragons, when he refuses time and time again to honour Hizdar as he should be honoured, calling him by the Westerosi custom of "your Grace" instead of the proper title of "your magnificence." This of course is only a minor quibble leading towards the greater whole.

Lets look at some other examples. As Strong Belwas is is readying to face the Meerenese champion, Barristan notes that "a chivalrous man would dismount." Pah, maybe in your precious Westeros would such a stupid notion of chivalry exist, but this is the east Barristan, the sun doesn't set here, it rises, and if men want to fight on horseback they bloody well will, thank you very much.

Of course, the most notable version is when Dany looks at the Unsullied, Barristan shows nothing but distaste for them and how they are created, *tap tap tap* questioning and disbelieving their lack of fear, saying they aren't real men, noting that they have no valor and don't fight for any cause other than that of who owns them.

Of course next he'll be saying he doesn't like the pit fights. Right, put two men in armour and have them batter each other and thats a-okay, strip that armour from them and throw in a crowd and suddenly they're just "dirty foreigners playing at war."

Ser Barristan is like those tourists that go to foreign countries for the nice climate, refuse to learn the language and then constantly compare and find criticisms with the local customs as opposed to the country he couldn't stand to be in any longer.

Not to mention he spends his entire time urging Danearys to go back to Westeros, even though she is happy out frolicking in the east.

I am sorry, but I can't help but wait for the moment for Ser Barristan to suddenly exclaim that old cliche of "I am not a racist, but..." and then launch into a tirade about how Westerosi food is almost certainly better than unborn puppy (yeah right!) and that all the Unsullied will do is take jobs away from good, hard working Westeros peasants. "She'll open the gates to all sorts of riff raff" will be the next sentence to escape. He basically went to Essos to give johnny foreigner a good slap and is now looking down the barrel of johnny foreigner returning the favour and all of a sudden he can't take it.

I am sorry to post this, but the man just makes me so angry.

I think he needs a white hood to go with his white cloak.

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i cant stop laughing at "tap tap tap went the staff," with a disdainful racist look on his face, looking at those wild ghiscari hairstyles, and picturing a burning sphinx in his head!


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"Aw... Barristan the bold. One of the finest Knights alive!"

*Joins Dany's team*

"What a wicked scumbag. Who'sever idea it was to knight him should get their hand burnt off!!!!"

Just because he chose Dany over Stannis doesn't make him the devil.

no, the burning sphinxes on the poor ghiscari front lawns make him the devil

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Arstan= Natsra, the first syllable sounds similar to the the first syllable of Nazi. Coincidence? I think not.

barristan the bold? more like, barristan the OLD

"Tell them about the master race, your grace," replied Barristan, "tell them of our final solution." *TAP TAP TAP*

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