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Outrageous Lies About the Poster Above, V.17 Power to the Liars

KJR the PR of TaFW

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Lady Blizzardborn reads only odd lines and pretends she can understand everything all the same.

rereading for her means reading only even lines.

during sleep, though, her brain manages to mix them up again, providing her with a deeper insight in the novels, superior even to GRRM's.

As a drawback, this extra brain work during sleep provokes her, during rereads, an incapability to pronounce the letter R.

Only a temporary inconvenience, though. On resuming reading odd line of TWOW she'll recover.

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Collecting socks is nothing! Washers collect socks, driers collect socks, dogs collect socks. But what LB does truly is unique. While visiting friends she will grab a single sock from the sock drawer of each friend. She bronzes it, and gives the result back as a Christmas present with a little smiley face note that says, "I hope you kept its twin! :)"

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Lady Blizzardborn is a reversed pickpocket.

This means that is she wants to get rid of anything in her household, she gets into a shop and hide it in the appropriate place.

They never caught her reverse-pickpocketing stationery or clothing, 'cause that's easy. She went close to be caught while reverse-pickpocketing her car, but she claimed that she had only parked it in the wrong place.

She was definitely stopped while trying to introduce a cupboard and half of her kitchen in a showroom.

They couldn't press charges because reverse-pickpocketing is not against the law.

Asked to explain her behavior she only answered " birds of a feather flock together".

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Kikajon likes sailboats...for lunch. Apparently with the right sauce they are quite good.

Crunch, crunch . . . :)

totally ot: back in the 80's (I think it was) there was a TV show called Real People - one of the first "reality shows". They once featured a man who ate an entire car. It took a long time and he was pretty creative about how he made the various parts swallowable (mostly cutting things up into tiny bits), but he did it (or he pulled a really clever hoax on the producers).

My house is full of flies. I think LB's collection got loose again!

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Honeyed chicken has an allergy both for honey and for chicken.

But when he combines them together the two allergies conflict and cancel each other.

A side effect of having a lot of honey in the house is that flies are called in numbers by the honey smell..ever destroying LB's collection.

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LBB once bought a used car, but neglected to remove the "Honk If You Love Jesus" bumper sticker. Mistakenly believing that the honks she heard were either from anger or bc of her smoldering good looks, many a Christian motorist heard either "GODDAMNIT, JUST PASS, AND LAY OFF THE GODDAMN HORN!", or "Yeah, baby, when the cake is done, you can lick the bowl! My email is sexvoodookitten@ compuserve dot com! Hit me up, big fella!"

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Formerly Varamyr is now known as Vanessa La Belle.

After the sex change she moved in another state to start a new life on a new wee lovely house full of flowers.

She's taking piano lessons and Works in a kindergarden and is striving to adhere to as many female stereotypes as she can.

But as long as she's happy, so are we.

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You guys are awesome! No, that's not the outrageous lie.

Kikajon has given up on the dragon and is now working on a life-size statue of Daenerys Targaryen (complete with dragon eggs) carved completely from butter. Due to the cool temperatures required to keep Dany from melting, Kika has learned to adapt to carving while wearing gloves.

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LB has a plan for a dramatic and creative Winter Carnival sculpture to involve thousands of frozen eggs, painted and glued in the shape of a fire breathing dragon, 12' high. It'll win an award, no doubt, but I think her neighbors are in for an unpleasant surprise in the spring when the eggs finally thaw . . .

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There are people who are blind to colors.

well, HC is MUTE to colors. It means that although he can see them perfectly well, he cannot pronounce the nouns. To avoid endless discussions with people he is then forced to go around with a color palette. So he can just point at the color he means. The main problem is when he has to argue with drivers that pass with red or don't move at green light.

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