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History repeating itself?

King Jon Targaryen I

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We have heard this before " Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" many times. In the ASOIAF I think that is a major theme with some of the event's and wars that take place. Like the War of Five Kings, it seems very similar to the Blackfyre rebellion and mostly Dance of Dragons. The Faith Militant material in a AFFC seems to be history repeating itself has well has The Long Night. Maybe Robb Stark being akin to Daeron I the Young Dragon, I see people comparing Ceseri to Aerys II ( IMO she is more akin to Rhaenyra Targaryen) Daenerys Targaryen to some people I have seen being compared to Aegon the Conqueror which is sort of a stretch if you ask me.

Just a thought, but I think the characters now will make a name for themselves in the future when history is being written about them and this War of Five Kings and the Second Long Night.

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History never repeats itself

I don't know, the Genocide of Greeks and Armenians by Turkey that went unpunished during World War One is said to have partly inspired Hitlers death campaign against the Jews in World War Two. Both started with economic and social pressure to force them out, then they transported people to 'labour camps' (Turkey, just the men. Nazis everyone) that people did not survive, then just out and out started extermination. No one did anything because they were too distracted by the front lines. That is just one example I can think of.

In the context of the series, history is definitely repeating itself. House Baratheon is down to one man out in a battle and his daughter locked in a castle for a start. That is how their Durrandon ancestors lost their crown and name.

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Martin explained that he’s been tinkering with some parts of “A Dance with Dragons” for ten years. He has a “real love-hate relationship” with a chapter that focusses on Tyrion Lannister, the dwarf: “I ripped it out and put it back in, I ripped it out and put it back in. Then I put it in as a dream sequence, and then I ripped it out again. This is the stuff I’ve been doing.”

The New Yorker article is three and one half years old .Came out in April of the year of 2011. The article also has reference to: I don’t want to come across as a whiner or a complainer,” Martin said, as tinted light from the afternoon sun filtered through the stained-glass windows. “No! I’m living the dream here. I have all of these readers who are waiting on the book. I want to give them something terrific.” There was a pause. “What if I fuck it up at the end? What if I do a ‘Lost’? Then they’ll come after me with pitchforks and torches.”

The title of the the piece in the New Yorker is, Just Write It. The author is speaking of ADWD.

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