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Westeros Battle Tournament 7

Ded As Ned

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You guys sure don't make this an easy job, lol. Working out the last battle, and I'll at least post a verdict or two after while. I'm sacrificing the UK basketball game to get this done on my night without the boys, I'll have you know. ;P

ETA: The Riverlands vs. the Vale definitely has some fun moments from a judge's perspective. This is what I'm working on presently

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After 30 pages of my own notes and diagrams, not to mention the work of the other judges (I'm not sure I knew what I was getting into here, but it's done ;) )... all battles are decided. We have at least one, possibly two, split decisions. More than one battle was left to the imagination of the judges after the actions of the initial battle onset, as all hell broke loose and things deviated well aside of the battle plans for both sides. Actually this happens eventually in every battle, but a couple of the battles this time, in WBT 7 Round 1, moreso than others.

At least one battle was a split decision (meaning a 2-1 vote by the judges as opposed to unanimous). I am still awaiting the verdicts on two other battles already decided (two judges in agreement on the verdict, awaiting the judgement of the third judge). I will wait another 24 hours on the verdict from the 3rd judge before posting those 2 write-ups.

Players: Please note that the write-ups I'm about to post may stray from the plans you sent me. First of all, remember the write-ups are a dramatization of events, and may not follow your plans or how they actually occurred according to the judges. Secondly, pardon any omissions, plot holes, or contradictions in the write ups. I'm posting these after a 1.5 draft of how I've written them, and I'm sure to have omitted goings-on. I could take another 2-3 days to properly edit the write-ups, or go ahead and post them after your long wait. I'm assuming you would rather have the results ASAP with a faulty write-up in places, as opposed to waiting days and having a clean write-up with the same verdict.

Thanks to the judges for their efforts, albeit taking more time than allotted (remember we have 2 more rounds forthcoming that you signed up for)... and thanks to the players for your quick submissions and waiting patiently while we judges sort everything out.

Stay tuned to this station.... :cheers:

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Quarterfinal #1: The Stormlands (Lord Syv) vs. The North (Nog)

Setting: The Three Knolls

Previous info:

Battlefield Description:

Battlefield Overview Image Link: http://postimg.org/image/up5hm7esd/

The Stormlands and the North find themselves marching on one another in a rural area of the Reach...

Located somewhere to the east of Silverhall, stand The Three Knolls. The center of the field is dominated by a large, forested knoll, 1km in diameter (dark green central) that rises nearly 100m from the valley floor, with it's peak at the center. At the peak the trees were cleared and a circular wall stands (gray), about 50m in diameter and chest high, where a clear view of the surrounding valley is presented. To the east and west of the central knoll stand two others, also 100m tall at their peaks and forested (dark green east and west of the central knoll), but only about a half kilometer in diameter, thus having steeper slopes compared to the central knoll. These are completely covered in forest, however below each of them runs abandoned silver mines, with a main passage that runs north to south, with openings just outside the neutral zone on each side (small black circles). The passages are wide enough for 5 men abreast with torches, but without light some men could easily become lost in the side mining passages that are dead ends. Two small streams flow southward from the north (blue), one between the central and western knoll, the other between the central and eastern knoll. The streams are shallow but very muddy, about knee deep in the center with gentle banks. Easily crossed by horse, while foot soldiers would be slowed down a bit in the crossing. The remainder of the field is flat, grassy, valley floor (light green), cleared of timber long ago. Note: visibility from one side of the battlefield to the other is obstructed in some areas by the knolls. The thin red lines indicate the center of the field and the neutral zone.

Recent weather has been the occasional winter rain (thus the muddy streams), but the majority of the field is dry to damp. It is a fair day with sunshine and no clouds, but a very gusty wind is blowing from west to east.

The Stormlands approach from the north, and The North, ironically, approaches from the south.

Deployment for The Stormlands (Lord Syv):

The stormlands are commanded by Stannis Baratheon. Here is the Stormland's deployment as seen by the North:

1 Pike Unit arranges itself straddling the western stream with 2 lines of 250 on either side of the water. 50M from neutral zone

1 Archer unit mirrors this behind the Pikes

1 Crossbow unit mirrors this behind the Archers

1 Archer unit mirrors this behind the Crossbows

1 Pike unit lines up in 2 curved lines on the eastern streams western bank. The first third of the 500 man line faces south, the

second third slowly curving toward the stream with the last third facing the stream. The south facing third is 50 M from the neutral zone

Deployment for The North (Nog):

The North is commanded by Ned Stark. Here is the North's deployment as seen by the Stormlands:

A unit of archers are deployed in 3 lines of 300 men each, just south of the edge of the central knoll's forest.

Two units of Pikemen (each arranged in 3 lines of 300 men) - are positioned to the left and right of the archers, opposite the

two openings through which the two streams are flowing.

The main body of the army is positioned right behind the Archer line, 100m to the south. It consists of 3 lines:

Line 1 - 1 pikemen unit (in a 3x300 arrangement)

Line 2 - 2 infantry units (in a 6x300 arrangement)

Line 3 - 1 unit of archers (in a 3x300 arrangement)

Two units of light cavalry, equipped with bows, take position on either side of that formation, protecting its flanks - while Ned's command unit is placed right behind the foot soldiers.






Prior to the beginning of battle, the pike of The Stormlands by each stream have dug trenches spreading the stream about and building makeshift walls from the earth. The western Stormlands pike making their wall/trench facing south while the eastern wall faces southward curving in an arc from facing southward to facing eastward towards the eastern stream. The outflowing of water from these preparations has turned the terrain in front of each wall/trench into muck.

In the forest and unseen by the North, a large wedge formation of two units of Stormlands infantry faces south; and behind the infantry, archers, and then command. Trees have been cleared at the front of the wedge, leaving one tree every so often with the felled timber forming a wall in front of the wedge, with pikes from the eastern pikemen mounted at the front of the wall. The wall has small gaps at it's southern peak, as well as towards its end on either side.

As the battle begins, the main force of the stormlands at the western gap (pike, archers, crossbowmen, and another unit of archers) are seen by the North moving south and eastward into the forest of the central knoll. The North only sees them enter the forest at this point, while in reality these forces move south and eastward up the slopes of the central knoll, moving into a position of support on the flanks of the central Stormlands' wedge, as well as keeping an eye on the Northern forces down in the western gap.

Likewise at the eastern edge of the central knoll, the Kingswood Brotherhood and eastern pike of the Stormlands move west and southward into the forest, and become unseen to the north. They take up position in the forest on the eastern side of the knoll, such as they can watch the eastern gap for enemies and support the central wedge as needed.

A small number of light cavalry from the Stormland's eastern and western units move into the northern cave entrances on each side of the field. They slaughter their horses and pile up the bodies to block the enrances behind them as they take position in the darkness, waiting for any enemies to emerge through from the other side.

For the North, 2 hidden half-units of Crannogmen that were at the southern edge of the two smaller knolls move into the forest unseen, taking position in trees watching towards the gaps on each side of the field (eastern and western), and wait, watching events unfold.

The bulk of the Northern forces moves towards the western gap. The "archer" unit of Northmen deployed there reveals themselves to actually be two units of light cavalry, armed with bows while their horses are hidden within the forest, initially appearing as foot archers to the Stormlanders. They mount up, and along with the pike, infantryx2, archers, command, and flanking units of light cavalry armed with bows, move to a position at the edge of the neutral zone, facing north at the western gap. Here the central front lines reform into a unit of alternating pike and infantry, with an infantry line in front. Likewise on either side of them, are each a half unit of pike/infantry in similar formation. The archer unit is behind the front central pike/infantry unit, and protected on the flanks by the half pike/infantry units. The two units of unhorsed light cavalry remain on foot, ready to mount, behind the archers.

As Ned's command unit and flanking Light Cavalry units to either side are moving into position at the rear to the south of the other northern forces, they spot in the distance a unit of Stormlands cavalry that has ridden south of the eastern knoll and turned westward, charging directly towards the rear of the North's primary formation. The two Nortmen flanking light cavalry units ride to meet them in an attempt to protect the rear, with Ned's command unit holding in reserve. Armed with bows, but equipped with light lances as well, and facing a Stormlands light cavalry unit that is outnumbered, but also armed with light lances, the two forces charge one another. The Stormlands cavalry unit are outnumbered 2-to-1, but are highly effective with their lances before meeting their demise. Only 300 of the Northern light cavalry survive the attack, and ride back to join up with the command unit with a wary eye for further attacks from the Stormlands.

Meanwhile, the western unit of Stormlands' light cavalry (equipped with bows) charges south through the gap, following the base of the knoll to avoid the pike/infantry units on the front and flanks of the Northern forces. The Stormlands cavalry fires some arrows attempting to hit the North's pike, but they are well protected by the infantry's shields on either side of them. They continue southward largely unengaged as they attempt to flank the Northmen. With the Northern flanks of light cavalry and command units already engaged at the rear (to the east), the defense of the flanks falls to the two light cavalry units, as well as the Crannogmen hiding in the trees of the western knoll. Quite a few Stormlands' cavalrymen come into range of the deadly Crannogmen's arrows, darts, etc., and fall as if taken by some invisible force. The remainder of the Stormlands' light cavalry charge are met by the Northern light cavalry positioned there, who outnumber them better than 2 to 1. The western cavalry of the Stormlands fall to the Northmen, inflicting some damage to the north, taking about 350 northern cavalry with them to their graves.



After this initial action, the two armies have settled into somewhat of a staring contest. Stannis and the Stormlands have the upper ground within the knoll, and watch, stationary, as the Northmen have reformed in the gap, now with the front facing northeastward towards the forest, and the Stormlands troops within the forest. The North does not know the exact formation of the Stormlanders within the forest of the central knoll, but both sides seem content to wait. Stannis' teeth grind as he realizes the Northmen have brought with them extra provisions, and the staring contest continues on for 4 more days in anxious anticipation, until on the 5th day, as the Stormlands' provisions have begun to run thin, the North begins to move.



After 4 long days of waiting, the Northern army begins to advance northeast up the slopes of the central knoll, towards the Stormlands troops. The Infantry/Pike units, both front-center and on the front flanks of the North meet the Stormlands formation of Pike-Archers-Crossbowmen-Pike in a bloody battle in front of the western tree-wall of the Stormlands. The battle is bloody and confusing, with screaming men everywhere. The Northern infantry-pike work their way through the Stormlanders pikemen, with arrows falling all around. It is a slow business, but about half of these Northerners survive to face the Stormland's archers and crossbowmen. They take out the archers when the Kingswood Brotherhood arrives to flank the northern infantry. The battle turns into true chaos as the Northmen find themselves facing enemies from two directions, but their discipline and lack of hunger allows them to wipe out the Stormland's forces as they face their own demise. These two groups totally annihilate one another.

Meanwhile, the Stormland's eastern pike force, moving in behind the Kingswood Brotherhood to provide support, is taken from the rear by the eastern Crannogmen, who have stealthily moved in behind them in the western forest of the central knoll, with lethal potency. The pikemen all die; some swiftly, some slowly, without ever glancing the enemy that has taken them.

Ned has his remaining 700 light cavalry, command unit+light cavalry (from the rear skirmish), and archers to face the imposing Stormland's tree wall wedge, facing two units of Stormlands infantry, a unit of archers, and Stannis' command unit positioned behind the tree wall on the central knoll. The north also has the two roving units of Crannogmen, the western of which has also now moved into the central knoll.

Facing roughly even numbers and an uphill battle, Ned Stark dares not to assault the tree wall directly. With Stannis' command unit in the rear of the tree wall, the only choice Ned stark has is to lead his own command unit against them from the rear, along with the other light cavalry survivors that have joined him. The fact that Stannis has the upper ground is cancelled out by the fact that his army suffers from hunger, and the knights from both command units annihilate one another, with the advantage here turning to the North, their extra light cavalry proving the difference. The battle turns the two generals from one another, and both survive, Ned to fall back with his remaining light cavalry and Stannis to defend with his remaining infantry and archers within the wedge. The infantry lines fall to the back (the new front) to face the remaining Northern light cavalry, as arrows fly through the trees from both sides.

Finally, as both armies have very few forces remaining on the central knoll, and the tide of the battle is yet undetermined, both half-units of crannogmen arrive in stealth and begin to slowly slaughter the remaining Stormlanders. Stannis is spared his life by the Northmen, although more than a few soldiers were heard to say it was more enjoyable to watch him grind his teeth in shameful defeat instead of being slain on the battlefield. Victory for the North! (by the slightest of margins). Eventually, the forgotten Stormlanders in the mines are rooted out and overwhelmed by the Crannogmen, who are equally stealthy in the dark confines of the mine.

Final thoughts:

This was a tough one, and a close call for either side. The tide was turned on the "seige" laid out by Ned, with the Stormlanders being weary from their lack of extra provisions, that the North sacrificed a unit for.

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Quarterfinal #2: The Crownlands (Capt Captain) vs. The Westerlands (JonathanTheBold)

Setting: Desert Arches

Previous Info:

Battlefield Description:

Battlefield Overview Image Link: http://postimg.org/image/eabk9mwt9/

The commanders of the Crownlands and Westarlands wonder how on earth their orders led them to battle in Dornish desert, but yet here they are.

Three enormous natural stone arches (yellow), each lying east to west, dominate this desert battlefield in central Dorne. The arches rise about 50m at their peak in the center from the valley floor (light brown), and are 150m wide. The arches lie in an east-west orientation, are smooth stone, and the valley floor passes beneath them from north to south. They are accessible from the east and west, with the central arch lying centered within the neutral zone, with the northern and southern arches lying outside of the neutral zone, respectively. The valley floor (light brown) is hardened earth, flanked to the east and west by sand dunes (dark brown), that rise about 50m at their central peak and are very difficult to traverse, consisting of loose sand. The valley floor also passes underneath the three arches, while rising gently from the center of the field to the entrances to the arches to the east and west. In the northeast/northwest, just south of the field border, (and likewise in the south), rise sheer 200m tall rock cliffs (black) which are inaccessible to all but the most skilled and equipped climbers. There is a strong, steady wind blowing from west to east, limiting visibility near the western dune due to clouds of dust and sand, and likely to bother anyone in the path of the blowing sand near the western dune. The thin red lines indicate the center of the field and the neutral zone.

The Crownlands approach from the north, and The Westerlands approach from the south.

Deployment for The Crownlands (Capt Captain):
The Crownlands are commanded by Rhaegar Targaryen. Here is the Crownland's deployment as seen by the Westerlands:

The entire army of the Crownlands are situated on the west side of the map, with the army's front being roughly 100m south of the neutral zone.
Going west to east, the westernmost unit consists of infantry in loose formation, with about half being on the slopes of the western dune. To the east of them is a large phalynx consisting of 5 units pikemen, 8 lines deep and stretching eastward
towards the arches.
Behind the pike is a large contingent of archers, 3 units in loose formation, 6 lines deep, leaning slightly closer to the infantry, whose formation is also to the west of them.
Behind the infantry is a unit of heavy cavalry in loose formation, and just to the east of them is Rhaegar's command unit that lies in the center, 5 lines deep. Just east of the command unit is another heavy cavalry unit, and then another.

Deployment for The Westerlands (Jonathan The Bold):

The Westerlands are commanded by Tywin Lannister. Here is the Westerland's deployment as seen by the Crownlands:
The Westerlands army is located at the neutral zone border between the western border and the arches. Front and center is a unit of heavy cavalry. Behind them and to the far west, bordering on the western dune, is a unit of light cavalry in 3 lines.
Behind them is a unit consisting of a half unit of archers with a quarter unit of archers interspreced with them. To the east
of these are the Brave Companions formed in 3 lines. Behind the brave companions is another unit consisting of a half unit of archers with a quarter unit crossbowmen interspersed. To the west and east of these archers/crossbowmen are half units of pike, each divided into 11 lines, but with some crossbowmen forming the 2nd line. Centered behind these units are 4 units of
infantry, with one unit split in half; one half behind the light cavalry and the other behind the brave companions. The
remaining half unit of crossbowmen lie behind the infantry. Centered on the previous units and in the rear is Tywin Lannister
and the command unit.

The Battle:


The crown slowly marches their infantry, pikex5, and archersx3 southward (with the entire crown infantry marching up the dune in the blinding sandy wind), while the Westerlands sends their 1/2 units of pike/crossbowmen to the front and northward (the western up the dune, the eastern on the valley), to engage the enemy. The Western pike/crossbowmen meet the Crown's infantry at the center of the western dune where superior numbers of the Crown's infantry easily dispose of the pike/cb there. The crown's infantry are exhausted after the skirmish and the climb in the loose sand, along with the constant, punishing, sand-filled wind.
Down on the plain, the other 1/2 unite pike/cb of the West marches right into the large crown formation of pikex5 and archersx3. The front lines for the west duck down while the line of crossbowmen behind them loose a volley with great effectivity into the crown's pike. Unfortunately for the west, this is the only volley they get off before engaged by the far superior numbers of the crown's pike. Pike vs pike is ugly work, and in the end is a wash with the west losing the entire 1/2 unit pike/cb and the crown loses 1/2 unit of pike (leaving 4.5).
As the crown's infantry and heavy cavalry have momentarily taken the peak of the dune, emerging through the blowing sand they see a large force of Westerland forces (light cavalry and the brave companions, the two archer/cb squads, and four full units of infantry behind them) trudging up through the sand towards them. The crown's forces form a wedge with the infantry in front and the heavy cavalry within and charge down to meet the western forces. The light cavalry of the West engage on the eastern flank of the Crown's wedge, and the heavy cavalry of the crown focuses on them, while the Brave Companions meet the wedge on the western flank. The archers/cb of the West do a small amount of damage, while the heavy cavalry of the Crown destroy the light cavalry. The Brave Companions lose most of their forces, but eventually break the wedge and take out the remaining cavalry of the crown, while the heavy cavalry have a very difficult time in the sloped sand, and are lost by the time the west's infantry engage them. In the end, the Crown's forces here are lost, and only the infantry of the West survive to take the dune.
Down on the plain, the heavy cavalry of the West is met by the large force of Crown pikex4.5 and archersx3, along with two units of Crown heavy cavalry. The heavy cavalry of the crown flanks the cavalry of the west, forcing them to engage the pike. The heavy cavalry of the West here meet a bloody slaughter.
At great cost, the West has taken the dune and has the uphill advantage on the remaining Crown forces on the plain, and charge them. Tywin sees this is a desperate measure and finally engages the battle, riding north to flank the crown forces facing the charge. The sand is blowing into the face of the Crown forces, and while the pike and archers reform to meet the oncoming charge, Rhaegar's command unit comes at the west's northern flank, while a Crown unit of heavy cavalry comes at the west's southern flank. The other Crown heavy cavalry charge southward to meet Tywin and cut him off. As they charge down the sandy slopes to meet the crown's forces, the Crown heavy cavalry meet their flanks, taking some damage from Western crossbowmen before they ride them down and then engage the infantry. The infantry is having some success against the crown's pike and archers, until the heavy cavalry of the Crown engage them, at which point they realize that Tywin is engaged elsewhere and cannot reach them in time to help.

Losing heart, an equal number of Westerlands troops are slaughterd or yield.

Victory for the Crown.

Final Thoughts:

Both sides totally ignored the difficulty of fighting on a sand dune, with the sand blowing all around. If I were to pick a dune on which to battle, it would have been the eastern one, but that's just me. Men fighting on a sand dune is ill-advised, not to mention horses. In the end, this oversight on both sides largely negated the affect on the battle, but I wouldn't have wanted to be on that dune fighting myself. Aside from that, the arches didn't come into play. I was looking forward to the action on the arches that never happened (as a spectator). With a decent setup, you could hold one of those arches against a much larger force. I may post some more thoughts on this one tomorrow, as I'm spent for today.

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Great game! And to be honest I didn't really get the arches, so I just maneuvered around them.

I messed up when setting my deployment I ment to have my heavy horse go through the archers to attack u and for some reason I thought there were gaps to the right and left of them in between the dunes to send my pike cb and infantry through next till I'll read better

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I messed up when setting my deployment I ment to have my heavy horse go through the archers to attack u and for some reason I thought there were gaps to the right and left of them in between the dunes to send my pike cb and infantry through next till I'll read better

Yeah well I got my side wrong lmao, beat that. honestly everyone makes those small mistakes that might mess up their plan.

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Quarterfinal #3: The Reach (Stannis Eats No Peaches) vs. Dorne (Bright Blue Eyes)

Setting: The Frozen Shore

Previous Info:

Battlefield Description:

Battlefield Overview Image Link: http://postimg.org/image/hig1moj31/

Much like the other battles in southern Westeros, The armies of the Reach and the Dornish marvel at the tides of fate that brought them to battle in the frozen north, during Winder no less!

Located on a remote shore southeast of the Dreadfort, a lonely, 75m wide, river flows from west to east and meets a shallow inlet to the sea. During the warmer seasons, this is prime fishing ground for the few locals that reside in the region. Presently, during the harsh northern winter, both the river and sea are frozen over. The river (dark blue) flows from west to east, and while frozen at the surface, is not frozen solid. The ice over the river will easily support troops on foot, but horse with their weight carried only on narrow hooves would meet certain death trying to cross (let's not debate the physics of this, I kept it simple). The sea (light blue) on the other hand, is very shallow here and frozen solid, easily able to support any weight or troop types. There are small abandoned fishing settlements on both banks of the river at the center of the field (brown), each consisting of about a dozen cabins and fishing boats that are used by the fishermen during warmer times. The northern and southern boundaries of the field are pine forest (dark green), both extending roughly 300m towards the lowest elevation at the river. In between the forest and river, is open grassland (light green), with the ground hard and frozen. The river forms the lowest elevation on the field, as the terrain slopes uphill north and soutwhward away from the river.
A few inches of show has fallen and covers the battlefield; and more is steadily falling, somewhat limiting long-range visibility. A steady breeze blows in from the sea moving east to west.. The thin red lines indicate the center of the field and the neutral zone.

The Reach approach from the north, and Dorne approaches from the south.

Deployment for The Reach (Stannis Loves Peaches):

The Reach is commanded by Loras Tyrell. Here is the The Reach's deployment as seen by the Dornish.
The Reach army consists 4 units heavy cavalry, 1 unit light cavalry, The Second Sons, 2 units crossbowmen, 2 units infantry, and 2 units pikemen.
The heavy cavalry form up in two squadrons, 2 units in each, each led by half of the command unit. It's unclear which squadron is led by Loras. These two squadrons form up side by side on the frozen sea, 50m from the neutral zone. There is about 50m between them and the western squadron is about 20m from the shore. The light cavalry is positioned in front of and between the heavy cavalry squadrons, right up against the neutral zone.
The pikemen form up side by side up against the neutral zone, about halfway between the fishing village and the sea. Behind them are the two infantry units flanking the Second Sons. The crossbow units are positioned side by side about 20m to the west of the pikemen.

Deployment for Dorne (Bright Blue Eyes):

Dorne is commanded by Prince Doran Martell. Here is Dorne's deployment as seen by the Reach:
The front units are aligned along the neutral zone, starting about a half km east of the western field border: First is a unit of light cavalry in loose formation led by Lord Daeron Vaith, then going west is the Golden Company in a tight formation, a unit of light cavalry in loose formation led by Ser Ryon Allyrion, a unit of spearmen in square formation led by Lord Tremond Gargalen, and finally a unit of heavy cavalry, in loose formation but appearing attentive, led by Lord Anders Yronwood near the seashore.
Also near the neutral zone, out on the sea-ice about halfway between shore and the eastern field border, is a unit of light cavalry in loose formation led by Lord Harmen Uller.
Behind these front units is a unit of crossbowmen, just behind the Golden Company and led by Quentyn Quorgyle. Then behind and just east of Yronwood's heavy cavalry is a unit of spearmen led by Lord Franklyn Fowler, and behind Fowler's spearmen and a little west is a unit of archers led by Ser Symon Santagar.
To the east, near the shoreline and just southeast of of Fowler's spearmen are a unit of spearmen and led by Ser Deziel Dalt.
At the back of the arrangement are the remaining troops, first a unit of spears in a square formation led by Lord Dagos Manwoody, located a small distance behind Allyrion's light cavalry. A small distance east, south-southwest of Gargalen's spears, is Doran and the command unit. Further east but just inland and behind Dalt's spearmen is a unit of archers, led by none other than the infamous and self-proclaimed Darkstar, Ser Gerold Dayne himself.
Legend to deployment diagram:
0. Command unit, Prince Doran Martell
1. Heavy Cavalry, Lord Anders Yronwood
2. Light Cavalry Lord Harmen Uller
3. Light Cavalry Lord Daeron Vaith
4. Light Cavalry Ser Ryon Allyrion
5. Spears Lord Franklyn Fowler
6. Spearmen Ser Deziel Dalt
7. Spears Lord Tremond Gargalen
8. Spears Lord Dagos Manwoody
9. Golden Company
10. Crossbowmen Lord Quentyn Quorgyle
11. Archers Ser Symon Santagar
12. Archers Ser Gerold Dayne

The Battle:


Upon the start of battle, the two units of Reach pikemen between the villages and the shore march west and eastward, repectively, allowing the Second Sons and two units infantry behind them to move south into the gap created between the pike. These units form into a thin line and begin marching southward across the frozen river.
Meanwhile, the three units of Dornish spearmen (led by Fowler, Gargalen, and Manwoody) in the southern field form up in a triangular, modified "tercio" formation (three pike squares, one center front with the other two diagonal to the southwest and southeast of the first). About a half unit of Darkstar's archers and Dalt's pike join the tercio. Celtigar's archers form a line in front of the tercio, and all 4 units move northward to face the oncoming Reach troops crossing the river. Dalt's remaining spearmen and Darkstar's archers closer the shore remain stationary.
Out on the ice, the Reach's heavy cavalryx2/knights units, along with their light cavalry there, begin a slow trot southward. Uller's light cavalry for the Dornish, out on the solid sea-ice, form a thin line as wide as the Reach troops and advance northward to meet them. Once in range of the Reach's cavalry units, Uller's cavalry fire a few harmless arrows at the Reach horse and then immediately turn back and ride southward, with riders each using a sling to fling something behind them onto the ice during the retreat. Loras, seemingly remembering a song of another battle from the past, has given explicit orders not to give chase to Uller's horse. The Reach horse out on the ice are very vary and suspicious, and approach southward, while Uller's horse finally move westward onto the shore to support the troops near the tercio formation.
Out on the lake, the 3 units of Reach horse continue slowly southward, wary. They examine the items they saw Ullis' troops sling behind them, and discover them to be shattered pots, with a sticky green substance splattered on the ice. It could only be wildfire, unignited. Upon this realization Loras checks the surrounding area for enemies or an ignition source of any kind, finding nothing in the flat open expance of the sea-ice, his units continue on, even more wary of a trap than before. With a small contingent of light cavalry spread out in front, they turn westward towards the shore, with the other cavalry units behind them. As they near the shoreline, the small number of Reach light cavalry out in front discover caltrops hidden in the snow, via several downed horses and a few broken necks. Loras immediatly recalls the lead horsemen and calls a halt to his main force of cavalry while he studies the terrain eastward through which Uller's troops have retreated. He notices that out on the ice, the Dornish horseprints in the snow were more spread out, but as they approach the shore, they all crossed over in certain areas. Loras decides to follow, literally, in Uller's hoofprints, reasoning that this must be safe passage onto the shoreline, and is successful.
During the same timeframe, battle is nearly engaged on land between the villages and the shoreline. For the Reach, their units form up tightly to face the Dornish, asthe second sons form up north of the lead square of the tercio, with a unit of infantry to either side lining up north of the west and eastern squares of spearmen that form the remainder of the triangle formation. As the two units of Reach crossbowmen move southeast to set up against the northwestern edge of the Dornish triangle, the Golden Company move in front of the spears on this side to protect them. Seeing easy targets in the Reach crossbowmen, Vaith's light cavalry unit moves to intercept them, while the Reach counters with their western pike unit to protect their crossbowmen. The eastern pike for the Reach move south to protect the flanks of the infantry east of them from the Dornish heavy cavalry, keeping a keen eye on Celtigar's archers to the south.
As the snow continues to fall, the field doesn't remain white for very long. The light cavalry of Vaith and Allyrion, on the western end of the troops, charge along the Reach pikemen protecting the crossbowmen, pummeling them with arrows and javelins, while taking heavy fire from the crossbowmen behind them. The Dornish horse here take some heavy losses while annihilating the pike unit, but around 350 cavalrymen survive to ride down the crossbowmen once in close proximity. The crossbowmen break; those surviving drop their shields and crossbows and dash for the village, a few survive to safety, but are forced to yield.
To the east, at the primarly melee, the western infantry unit of the Reach form a tight testudo and approach the Golden Company, who are protecting the western flank of the tercio, with Quorgyle's crossbowmen set up to their south. Outnumbered and facing crossbows on their southern flank, the western Reach infantry only hope to engage the western flank of the tercio long enough to allow the Second Sons and eastern infantry to break the eastern weak spot in the tercio formation. They are somewhat successful in this, as they manage to separate the southestern spear-square of the dornish from the remainder of the formation. Protected on their flank from Yronwood's heavy cavalry, the Second Sons and eastern infantry press southward for the Reach, eliminating this unit (the southeast one) of Dornish spears, but are then quickly in a position of weakness themselves as the other two spear-squares press them from behind. The Dornish archers here have moved into range of the Reach's eastern pike, and quickly the pike are forced to retreat to safety to the northeast. This frees up Yronwood's heavy cavalry to finish up the Second Sons and infantry. Seeing the advance has failed, the western infantry of the Reach retreat northward a bit, to meet up with the retreating archers from the eastern side.
Out at the shore, Loras fumes and curses at the amount of time it has taken his men to find their way safely through the hidden caltrops and traps surrounding the shoreline, watching things turn badly for the main body of his forces. His formidabble force of two heavy cavalryx2/knights units and light cavalry have reformed, and gallop northwestward towards the rear of the Dornish forces.
ACT 4:
Having lost a third of their triangle, the Dornish quickly use their two remaining spear units to remake the formation, albeit a bit smaller, this time using 2/3 unit of spearmen to make each square of the triangular formation. The Golden Compan remain protecting the northwestern flank of this formation, with the archers on the northeastern side. To the rear, Doran's command unit, the surviving light cavalry from the skirmish with the Reach's crossbowmen, the other unit of light cavalry, and the heavy cavalry form up in tight ranks to face the oncoming cavalry of the Reach from the south.
Taking this moment to catch their breath and reform a bit to the north of the Dornish troops, the Reach infantry and archers realize how isolated they have become, with the entire Dornish army between them and any support to the south. The Golden Company and Dornish archers quickly see the advantage and strike; the Golden Company slaughtering the infantry unit with minor losses, while the archers finish off the defenseless pike.
Loras comes to realize that the entire battle hindges on his formidable force of horsemen as he sees his troops slaughtered to the North. He sends his light cavalry to harry the Dornish horse and command at the rear of their forces, while sending his two heavy cavalryx2 forces towards the western and eastern flanks of the Dornish army. After eliminating the enemies at the northern front, the Golden Company now finds themselves facing the western force of Reach cavalry and knights, who take the advantage and ride them down, while losing about a quarter of their own men. On the eastern flank, likewise the Dornish archers find themselves being ridden down by the eastern force of Reach cavalry and knights. The spearmen in the center are unable to engage the cavalry on both sides without losing formation, before the Reach heavy cavalry are able to turn away, circling back southward.
Doran does not panic, and methodically moves his forces southward, stopping to engage the enemy, moving only when safe to do so. The Reach heavy cavalry continue to maneuver around the Dornish spears, while the Dornish command and horse remain mobile on the field, harrying them and particularly the light cavalry of the Reach, slowly dwindling their numbers. With the southern forest edging ever nearer, Loras loses patience and goes for the less than mobile Doran and the command unit. He sends all his remaining forces at them. For the Dornish, the knights and cavalry move to protect Doran, and are overwhelmed. The Reach lose half their heavy cavalry in the charge, while the light cavalry unit is completely lost.

Loras and his personal guard have made it through the fray to reach Doran, and Loras runs him through in the gut, before beheading the Prince. Loras grins widely at the sight of Dornish blood on his armor, relishing this victory over the Dornish commander, as his remaining forces are taken from the north by the spears of the tercio, as Lord Yronwood has quickly assumed command and sent them against the vile men of Highgarden. Loras, captured, is brought before Lord Yronwood who brands him as honorless, and orders his men to bring some of the hidden wildfire cache. They spill it on the ground and back away, with Loras bound and gagged at the center. Loras screamed.

Final Thoughts:

This one turned out to be closer than I thought it would after first reading over the plans. Parts of actually crunching the numbers and losses were disjointed, so I took some creative license at some points in the write-up for easier coherence, and well, obviously added some flair to the finish. This write-up is mostly first draft, so please look over the errors.
As a judge, I was kind of impressed with SENP's ability to give very good orders in just a few paragraph's worth of battle plan.
BBE, it wouldn't be you if I didn't have to google up some vague medieval warfare term. Your wildfire didn't really come into play, with Loras' explicit suspiciousness in his orders. Plus you never mentioned how you intended to ignite the wildfire out on the ice (at least, if you did I read through the entire plan twice and didn't find it... it didn't affect the final verdict anyway, so I rolled with it). You said to launch the pots, but no wicks or fuses (very dangerous business anyway), nor fire arrows. :dunno:

Thanks for another good battle guys!
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Quarterfinal #4: The Riverlands (Tyshrek Lannister) vs. The Vale (House Mauldania)

Setting: River Fortress

Previous Info:

Battlefield Description:

Battlefield Overview Image Link: http://postimg.org/image/midhumopp/

The Riverlands find themselves defending their local turf, facing the intruders from the Vale.

(I realize this got lengthy as I wrote it, so you can skip the expositon and go to the "terrain summary" below if you only want the field setup).

Located in the upper reaches of the Riverlands, the Blue Fork of the Trident flows from west to east along the center of the field. At the center, the river forks evenly around a central uprising of land that forms an island before meeting again to continue eastward. The river flows deep and swift across the field with sheer banks, except for one wide, shallow ford about halfway between the island and the western border. Several generations back, the road running north-south in this area crossed the ford, and a Frey bastard thought to capitalize on his Family's ideal income and instituted a toll to cross. He built two semi-circular stone walls just north and south of the neutral zone, about chest high and 250m in diameter, opening towards the river, in which to station troops to intimidate travelers into paying his toll. With income from this toll, he later began constructing a fortress on the island, seeming to be a perfect locale. With outer walls standing about 20m tall and 3m thick, and drawbridges on the northern and southern banks about 5m wide, the Frey bastard thought to make his fortune and continue building a castle. The road eventually came to travel north/south directly through the island fort. Travelers did not take kindly to the arrangement, as the Bastard would often take his share of goods and help himself to the daughters of many a traveler, in addition to the toll. Before long, local "bandits" built their own bridge in the dense forest (Dark green) that lies on the eastern 1km of the field. Sturdy and able for two carts to cross side-by-side, travelers could easily bypass the toll, which the "bandits" allowed free use of. The Frey Bastard came to often skirmish with the "bandits", and finally Lord Tully sent a force to dispose of him, leaving the field abandoned in it's current state. The stone semi-circles still stand north and south of the ford, along with the island fortress and drawbridges. The interior of the fortress is flat and grassy, about 500m in diameter, with two dozen ladders spaced evenly around the circular wall. The walkway along the top of the fortress wall is lined with smaller walls to the outside and inside, about chest high, with the walkway in between. The drawbridges were permanently sabotaged by a Tully lord, and are stuck in their open position, unable to be raised. The entire field is generally flat grassland (light green), with the eastern 1km in dense forest (dark green), with the bridge in the center of the forest crossing the river. The road still travels north/south directly through the abandoned fortress, as it provides some protection for travelers seeking shelter for an evening, and the walls provide a good view of surrounding terrain.

Terrain summary: A deep, swift river (blue) flows along the center of the field from west to east, and only slows/shallows at a ford about 1km east of the western border. The ford is about 250m wide, calf deep with a pebbly bed, and easily crossable. Going eastward, beyond the ford the river becomes again swift and deep, forking around a circular island at the center of the field. The island is ringed with a wall, 20m tall and 3m thick, with open drawbridges on the north and south (that cannot be raised). The top of the wall is a walkway, with chest-high walls along the outer and inner edges. The center of the fortress is flat grass, with two dozen ladders spaced evenly around the inner circumference of the wall. The eastern 1km of the field is dense forest (dark green), with a bridge crossing the river about one-half kilometer west of the eastern border. The bridge is wide enough for two carts to cross, sturdy, and well-maintained. The remainder of the field (light green) is open flat grassland. The road (brown) runs north-south directly through the drawbridges and central fortress. The thin red lines indicate the center of the field and the neutral zone

There has been a lot of recent rain recently, but presently only a cloudy sky and wet earth. The river runs swift and deep except at the ford. No significant wind to speak of.

The Riverlands approach from the north, and The Vale approaches from the south.

Deployment for The Riverlands (Tyshrek Lannister):

The Riverlands are commanded by The Blackfish. Here is the Riverland's deployment as seen by the Vale:
The command unit with the Blackfish is at the northern border of the field, centered on the road. Surrounding the command unit are three one-third unit of archers, one in front of command with another on each flank. In front of these archers is a unit of light cavalry, formed into 5 rows of 100 horsemen. Between these and the forest to the east is a unit of crossbowmen.
The Brotherhood without Banners will start centered around the east edge of the field, about three-quarters down from the north edge, and dispersed around the general area.
One unit of pikement are spread out evenly across the neutral zone, just north of the boundary, starting from the woods and
westward, in columns only a few men thick.
One archer unit is spread out evenly across the neutral zone up to the woods, behind the Pikeman, in identical columns.
One unit of Heavy Cavalry, are arranged on the road, at the edge of the neutral zone.
2 units of pikemen are at the neutral zone border at the ford, clumped around the ford and the stretch of river directly on either side, with another group on the west edge of these.
An infantry unit is located a quarter of the field from the north edge, just inside the woods and flowing out.

Deployment for The Vale (House Mauldania):

The Vale is commanded by Jon Arryn. Here is the Vale's deployment as seen by the Riverlands:
On the road at the neutral zone border are the Hill Tribes, centered on the road.
To the west of the hill tribes and continuing west is a unit of crossbowmen, then 3 units of infantry, 1 unit pike, 3 units
heavy cavalry, 2 units light cavalry, a line of archers behind them, and finally the command unit. The heavy and light cavalry, along with command, curve southward around the semi-circular wall.

The Battle:

As the battle begins, the Riverlands have been hard at work. Every able body from the army and camp has been hard at work, felling trees from the forest to create a barrier just north of the river's ford, at the edge of the forest.
Immediately the unit of Riverland's heavy cavalry charges south on the road to the tower, while likewise the Hill Tribes of the Vale charge north along the road towards the tower. As the Riverlands' cavalry crosses the bridge, they use some long-stored and ill-gotten pots of wildfire from Riverrun, (on orders from the Blackfish), to blow the bridge behind them. Wildfire has never been seen in these parts, nor have these troops any experience with the substance. The blast from the bridge easily destroys a quarter of the Riverlands' heavy cavalry. The Hill Tribes momentarily pause in their charge in awe of the magical blast, but will not let this stop their resolve. They are now 2000 bezerkers versus 375 or so of he Vale's heavy cavalry. Even after these initial losses, the Vale are loyal to a fault, and continue to follow orders, using more pots of wildfire to destroy the walls of the abandoned fortress on the island, destroying many of their own troops in the process, leaving around 200 heavy cavalry within the fortress, with the northern walls destroyed.
The blasts take out the front of the charging Hill Tribes, taking around 400 of their number to their graves. This leaves 1600 Hill Tribes to face around 200 of the Vale heavy cavalry in what has suddently become flame-engulfed close confines. The Hill Tribes only become more enraged by this dastardly tactic, and while the Vale cavalry take out 5 Tribesmen for every one of their own, they succomb to the overwhelming numbers, unable to effecively reamin ahorse as they fight, leaving around 600 Tribesmen who have gained the island at great cost. Unfortunately, the Hill Tribes now have their northern crossing from the island destroyed, unable to continue northward. Upon orders from Lord Arryn, a third unit of Vale crossbowmen cross the southern bridge onto the island to join the remaining Tribesmen there.
Meanwhile, during the battle of the island, the Brotherhood Without Banners, having no word of enemy troops in the eastern forest, move into the forest and cross the bridge there southward, searching for enemy troops.
Likewise during the above events, the remainder of the Vale army moves northward toward the ford to face the 3 units of Riverland's pike there, who tighten up in formation upon the oncoming Vale forces. During this time, the unit of Riverlands pike and archers east of the road tighten their formation as well.
As the Vale's army approaches the Pike positioned north of the ford, their archers open fire. The Riverlands lose around 500 pikemen as they begin a slow retreat. Seeing the reatreating Riverlands' forces, the Vale presses their entire army at the ford to cross northward. As they begin their crossing, however, they notice something to the West, floating down the river. LIVING FLAMES! The Blackfish has sent a dozen men to the western border at the river, and set a fleet of rafts, with wildfire as their cargo, aflame to drift eastward down the river. As the Vale views their immeniment doom floating towards them, the units closest the northern crossing press onward. A unit of the Vale's heavy cavalry, crossbowmen, light cavalry, and infantry make the northern crossing safely before the flaming current takes them. A unit of Vale heavy cavalry, light cavalry, command, and two infantry units retreat safely to the southern banks of the ford. For the vale, a unit of infantry, heavy cavalry, and the entire unit of archers meet a firey demise as the flames engulf them in the water before they can reach safety.
The river now flame, and the Vale army hopelessly split on opposite sides of the river's banks, the Riverland's pikemen from the ford continue their retreat northeastward towards the command unit and it's surrounding 1/3 units of archers and light cavalry. The remaining Vale units watch hopelessly at the ford aflame, as they wait for the current to carry the flames downriver, delaying them. Unable to make a northern crossing on the island, the Vale's crossbowmen and Hill Tribes move to the south riverbank and westward towards the ford, joining the other Vale troops there.
The Vale crossbowen, unable to both persue and fire on the retreating Riverlands pikemen north of the ford, are only able to take out small numbers of those pikemen in their retreat. The Vale's light cavalry charges on them, firing with bows to take out a few more, but the heavy cavalry dare not charge those pike and the Vale infantry are unable to gain ground on them. The missile fire during retreat takes out another unit of Riverland's pike, leaving 1.5 units of them moving northeastward towards the Blackfish's formation of troops.
While the southern Vale troops have waited for the flaming water to pass by a the ford... the battle rages on to the north.
The Vale units who made the northern crossing, cut off from their general to the south, have arranged themselves in formation as follows, from west to east: light cavalry, heavy cavalry, infantry, and crossbowmen. They now face to the north the unit of Riverland's light cavalry (who has moved in front of the retreating pikemen), and flanked to the east by approaching Riverlands' unit of pike, archers, the Brotherhood without Banners, and a unit of crossbowmen.
The units of both armies north of the river charge one another... the superior light cavalry of the Vale charges the light cavalry of the Riverlands, taking some losses but pressing through to find the Riverland's pike facing them, exhausted from the retreat. The Riverlands pike are able to secure their pikes for the charge, however, finishing the Vale light cavalry afteir their skirmish with the light cavalry of Tully (leaving one unit of Riverlands pike alive in the north).
With the Blackfish watching, the exhausted Riverlands' pike form up one final time, only to see the Vale crossbowmen have formed up, pavises set, and are destroyed under the crossbow fire. The Vale heavy cavalry quicly attempt to reform to protect the eastern flank, but are met by the Riverland's pike and archres. They ride down the Vale archers with minimal losses until riding into the pikemen scrambling to form there. Fire from the Riverlands' crossbowmen and attack from the same flank, eventually finishing off the Vale's heavy cavalry with heavy losses, with the Riverlands losing both their archer and pike units that flanked them.
This leaves the Riverlander's crossbowmen and Brotherhood Without Banners engaged with the Vale's infantry and crossbowmen who have reached the northern bank. The crossbowmen for both sides exchange fire, with heavy losses on both sides, but the Riverlands' crossbowmen being slightly superior win that particular battle, while the Brotherhood without banners use their superior skills to dispatch the Riverlands infantry, with heavy losses. Only a few of the Riverlands' crossbowmen survive, while around 300 Brotherhood without banners join with them to retreat northward to the protected formation of the Riverlands' command to the northeast.
Finally, at the ford the flames have passed, allowing the southern units of the Vale (light cavalry, infantryx2, hilltribes/crossbowmen, heavy cavalry, and command) to cross northward towards the Blackfish, who before the battle has built a semi-circular shield wall around his own troops (command at the far northern border on the road, surrounded by semi-cirular formations of 1/3 archer units each to the south, east, and west of him, the infantry who has moved in front, and the retreated BWB and a few crossbowmen). The Riverlanders troops have some time to catch their breath as the remaining Vale army approaches them to the north, protected by the wooden shield wall built before the battle began.
Seeing the units that the Riverlands has remaining, with both sides exhausted, the Vale sends their remaining cavalry unit in on the Riverlands' archers from the west, while the cavalry charge from the east. The two units of Vale infantry charge straight forward into the Riverlands infantry there behind the wooden shield wall built by the Riverlanders. It is a bloody mess, as the cavalry of the Vale has great trouble fighting through the timber wall built by the Riverlanders, yet superior in skill and number. In the end, the archer fire of the Riverlands is no match for the Riverland's cavalry as they work their way across the wall, annihilating the Riverland's archers on both the east and the west. The archers in front for the Riverlands helps deal some damage to the attacking Vale archers, but the superior numbers of the Vale infantry help even the score, with an even match down to the last man, all men other then command units are exhausted, dead, or have yielded.
This entire battle has come down to command unit versus command unit on both sides.

Unfortunately for the Vale command, the trials and distance involved have tired them somewhat by the time they are left alone against the Riverland's command unit, secure behind their wooden shield wall at the far northern end of the field. In a valiant and bloody last stand, the Riverlands prevail. It can hardly be called a victory as only a few hundred of their troops survive to celebrate, out of the ten thousand or so that were living to begin the day.
Victory for the Riverlands.

Final Thoughts:

I really enjoyed doing this one, you guys both provided some good action, with twists and turns. Another close one.

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