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What modern famous people resemble ASOIAF characters?


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I think Obama is more like an older more mature Jon Snow, including the knives in him. Egalitarian. Tries to bring people together. Tries to get more people health care. Has to break some promises, like closing Guantanamo, after getting as many out as he can. Having the genetics of different peoples. Raised by one parent. Raised in a remoter part of the US. Aware of different cultures. Slandered a lot. Well educated for his time. Literate. Good mentors, helpful family and inspirational figures. Well spoken, thoughtful.. Has the support of his friends, and the vicious intransigence of other people. Pragmatic, but hopeful. Has to overcome being biracial with a single mom. Likes sports. Likes spirited women, and men from different walks of life.

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George W. Bush = Quentyn Martell

Dick Cheney = Roose Bolton

George Clooney = Rhaegar

Mitt Romney = Walder Frey

Karl Rove = Littlefinger

Queen Elizabeth = Brienne

Hillary Clinton = Lady Olenna

Pope Francis = High Septon

Dany = Miley

Obama = Jon Snow

Vladimir Putin = Tywin Lannister

Kate Middleton = Sansa

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Barak Obama = Aero Hotah..Too soon??

George W. Bush = Ned Stark

Hillary Clinton = Cersi Lannister

Janos Slynt =Darren Wilson (Cop that killed Mike Brown)

R'hollor = Dick Cheney

Khal Drogo=me

The Koch brothers= Bloodraven

Jesse Jackson = The High Septon

Arya = Amelia Earhart

How is George Bush even remotely close to Ned? :| I don't want to start a political debate, but no just no.. They're nothing alike.

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How is George Bush even remotely close to Ned? :| I don't want to start a political debate, but no just no.. They're nothing alike.

Oh no baby! I'm serious! They were both great leaders of their people and led their country in a successful war. Neither was scared to execute people who deserved it. (W sent a few poor souls to hell while Governing Texas) They both loved their people and wasn't liked by the public at the end of their reign but will be judged kindly by History. Both are family men with a deep commitment to their faith. Would you have preferred Reagan? I thought about Nancy Peliso=Cersi bc they are both bat shite crazy!

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Ned Stark - Dominique de Villepin
Catelyn Tully - Sandra Bullock
Lysa Tully - Sarah Palin

Robb Stark - Taylor Lautner

Jon Snow - Matt Damon
Sansa Stark - younger Julia Roberts
Arya Stark - young Angelina
Lyanna Stark - Angelina Jolie

Mad King - George W Bush "with me or against me" and "burn them all"
Rheagar Targaryen - Brad Pitt
Viserys Targaryen - Prince Harry
Daenarys Targaryen - Miley Cyrus
Jorah Mormont - Kiefer Sutherland
Barristan Selmy - Bruce Willis "Retired And Dangerous"

Littlefinger - Obama "chaos is a ladder"
Maester Pycelle - Karl Rove
Varys - Elisabeth Warren "for the realm"
High Sarrow - Russel Brand

Robert Baratheon - Gerard Depardieu
Stannis Baratheon - Christian Bale
Cersei Lannister - Charlize Theron
Joffrey "Baratheon" - serial killer, not shot down by the police because of white privilege.
Myrcella "Baratheon" - Elle Fanning

Tywin Lannister - Vladimir Putin
Jaime Lannister - Tom Cruise

Arianne Martell - Beyonce
Oberyn Martell - George Clooney
Nymeria Sand - Zoe Zeldana
Tyene Sand - Amanda Seyfriend

Queen of Thorns - Helen Mirren
Margeary Tyrell - Taylor Swift
Brienne of Tarth - Milla Jovovich
Asha Greyjoy - Emma Stone

See what i did there ? I chose counterparts for Arya Stark and Rheagar Targaryen WITHOUT thinking about
the real world AT ALL.... then i connected the dots, and added Lyanna, as it was fitting.

PS : also i just connected that my Tywin vs Littlefinger, is Putin vs Obama
not on purpose :laugh:

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