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ASoIaF 20 Questions #107

Jon's Queen Consort

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Only the girls and Bran are pov starks. Bran is not in adwd. Sansa gets ruled out by #17.

Aryas first chapter is her ride through Braavos, on boat
Eta. Actually she spends lots of times in boats, selling oysters and such


Actually Bran isn't in Feast, he's in Dance, so it was definitely mentioned in an Arya chapter.

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I'd disqualify answer 17, since there no mention of any ships in Sansa's chapters in AFFC.

My two guesses (not question yet) are either 1) good feelings sailors felt to Arya during her journey to Braawos or 2) mummer performance on the ship in Braawos. A play is words, but performance is more than words.

It's event, though, so dunno.



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Mmh could be the "good feelings".

The special treatment Arya receives after showing the coin, or all the sailors giving their names so Arya won't forget are kinda sorted out by #18, as it's known that FM don't kill people they have known, and I guess in all Braavos is kinda a tradition to help FM (that's why Jaqen was sure Arya was reaching Braavos easily).


As the mummers, if you just have the answer be "the best mummer's show in Braavos" or something weird like that, it could fall under the misc category without it being a particular event or character.

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1. Not a character or an object
2. Not an event or words
3. Not a place
4. Not a vision or memory
5. Not a title, house or song
6. Does not appear in ASOIAF
7. Mentioned on page in ASOIAF
8. Mentioned on more than one page
9. Mentioned in only one chapter
10. Mentioned in AFFC or ADWD
11. Not mentioned in ADWD
12. Not mentioned in a Victarion chapter
13. Not mentioned in a Dornish chapter
14. Not mentioned in a Lannister chapter
15. Mentioned in a Stark or Greyjoy chapter
16. Mentioned in a Stark chapter
17. Not mentioned in a Sansa chapter
18. Not something like a tradition or rule
19. The ship in the hint is the mummer's Ship

Hint: on a ship

Hint 2: a sort of thing that's often mentioned

By the way, I don't think it makes sense to discount question 17. It would require me to go through and make sure that there isn't anything that could possibly have been the answer mentioned in it, which is more than I want to do. And if it's more than I want to do, it's more than I expect you to do, but if you don't do that then it provides real information.
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Well, at this point all we can do is risk. Next question ends the game, and as we have only an idea of what this is, we better find it out soon by winning or losing.

If you find something more substantial, ask it, Malcolm. I can't come up with anything less vague.

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I think there's a good argument for that being an event -- consider that there are a few things, like "Sweetrobin's seizures", listed as events in the registry that are more like sets of events.

However, I will leave it up to you -- if you wish, you can keep guessing, or else someone can start a new game, in which case I'll reveal the answer to this one.
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So it was misunderstanding from very beginning.

By our rules, several something always counts as something.

If you guess set of persons (like Arya's list), that's person.

If you guess set on events, that's event.


This round is broken by misundertanding. I think you should reveaj the answer and (if you have any desire) host once more.

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ok here goes since i just reread chapter 34 affc...the only vague thing that meets the criteria as i see it is - the weather in braavos...fogs most oft mentioned, rain, cold rain, crisp and clear


...so my guess if allowed to do so again is the weather of braavos...

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I'm pretty close to taking Malcolm's advice and revealing the answer, but I'm stopped by the fact that I know that, if I were playing, I would want to keep going.

I will probably do it tomorrow though unless someone objects.


Oh sorry.
Recommendation still stays same, though.

...Does quoting stop working on this board absolutely or is it miswork of my browser? I am still able to quote on other boards.

I think quoting still works for me?
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Okay, the answer I had in mind was Seven Drunken Oarsmen.

FYI, my reasoning on the categories was that a performance of a play is an event, and the script of a play is words, but the play itself isn't either.

I don't especially want to host again immediately, so if someone wants to, they can.
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