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I'd bet in anything between seven and nine books. I think he actually can finish in seven if he decides to really pass the sword in tWoW and kill, say, half the plots (and characters alongisde it). There's many things that's been warped up and can actually finish really quickly if he have the guts to do it. Also, Jon's fate and Kevan's epilogue in a ADwD have a kind of "third act twist" feel to them (Kevan's even mimicking the act 2 twist of Tywin's, when you think about it). So, I don't doubt he can manage.

But there's a long stretch between not doubting and actually believing. After Feast, we know it doesn't take much for him to divide a book that's been taking too long to finish... I don't think Winds will be the one, but he might end up dividing A Dream of Spring. But go too far from that and even the people will begin to lose interest. I mean, it will be far past the end of the TV show by then. And a story can only have so much development before it loses momentum too, I doubt he can go for so long without losing himself in digressions and deviations.

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No chance Winds is out in 2016.

hopefully it will be out 2017 :(

Do you have inside information? We have no reason to despair of a release in 2016 so far.

Can a 1500 page book even be published using modern book binding techniques?

Great question! Yes I believe it is possible but requires a special binding, using a technique called over-sewing.

If anyone has more info on this, feel free to contradict or support my assertion.

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Do you have inside information? We have no reason to despair of a release in 2016 so far.

Great question! Yes I believe it is possible but requires a special binding, using a technique called over-sewing.

If anyone has more info on this, feel free to contradict or support my assertion.

well there was a recent interview with grrm on sky, where we learn that book 6 "is nowhere near finished"

and have you seen his recent not a blog posts ? the list of things he got going on seems to be endless, i'm not complaining it's his life but 2016 seems really optimistic imo

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I can't help but wonder whether GRRM is losing interest in completing the story. He no longer has the incentive of finishing before the show, that ship has certainly sailed. It doesn't even seem likely that he will be able to postpone the inevitable by getting book 6 out before the next season. The pressure he feels must be incredibly intense, and has been growing exponentially due to the success of the show. Despite his declaration a few months ago that he is clearing his schedule in order to focus on winds of winter, he seems to be back to focusing on other projects again.

My point is, maybe all the pressure to finish ASOIAF (and to do it perfectly, since every word he writes is scrutinized minutely) has simply taken away the enjoyment. That would naturally make it more attractive to seek distraction in other projects that are not as high-profile. I love this story, but I will not be terribly surprised if it is never finished (apart from the HBO version).

**Edit: I should have pointed out that I don't mean this as an attack on Martin. I can't even imagine how I would feel under this immense pressure.

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I can't help but wonder whether GRRM is losing interest in completing the story. He no longer has the incentive of finishing before the show, that ship has certainly sailed. It doesn't even seem likely that he will be able to postpone the inevitable by getting book 6 out before the next season. The pressure he feels must be incredibly intense, and has been growing exponentially due to the success of the show. Despite his declaration a few months ago that he is clearing his schedule in order to focus on winds of winter, he seems to be back to focusing on other projects again.

My point is, maybe all the pressure to finish ASOIAF (and to do it perfectly, since every word he writes is scrutinized minutely) has simply taken away the enjoyment. That would naturally make it more attractive to seek distraction in other projects that are not as high-profile. I love this story, but I will not be terribly surprised if it is never finished (apart from the HBO version).

**Edit: I should have pointed out that I don't mean this as an attack on Martin. I can't even imagine how I would feel under this immense pressure.

I think GRRM cares about his legacy. He knows if he fails to finish before he dies, that tarnish will never be removed. He really wants to finish. When asked about the possibility of dying before he finished, I believe his answer was basically F-You. He cares about finishing.

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well there was a recent interview with grrm on sky, where we learn that book 6 "is nowhere near finished"

and have you seen his recent not a blog posts ? the list of things he got going on seems to be endless, i'm not complaining it's his life but 2016 seems really optimistic imo

I've been sick and I'm behind on the news.

Nowhere near finished could mean a number of things. The first draft could be done. Don't know how many drafts he does, but he turns in darn near perfect manuscripts, which means probably at least three drafts. I wouldn't be surprised if he does more than three. Subsequent drafts tend to go a bit faster than the first.

He's also cancelled a lot of things to spend more time writing. If he gets into a good groove, he might finish sooner than he expects to.

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I don't see any reason to believe it will be any more books than GRRM says. And honestly, he probably wouldn't know if he'd need more until after TWoW or even while writing ADoS.

ASoIaF is a really good story. If he ends up needing an eighth book to fully tell the story I'd be all for it.

I'm also looking forward to many more D&E stories.

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I can't help but wonder whether GRRM is losing interest in completing the story.


I've got a trilogy. Been working on the second book on and off for years. I haven't lost interest in finishing the story, but the words just are not coming, and I learned long ago that trying to force it just makes things worse for me. Now, I'm nowhere near the writer GRRM is, but we have somewhat similar approaches from what I can tell. Don't know about him but pressure actually helps me sometimes. He may also be feeling a great deal of responsibility to get the final installments just right, given reader expectations. I don't have enough fans to worry about that, so I couldn't say from first-hand experience. :D

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Yes, that was the point of my lame joke about 9 kingdoms means maybe 9 books (I was just trying to make fun of GRRM's publisher who made the point about 8 kingdoms and 8 books).

So really the Iron Islands was the "real" kingdom and the riverlands were basically owned by the Iron Islands. But in TWOIAF, the riverlands had its own section separate from the section discussing the Iron Islands. And the riverlands we not always part of the Iron Islands. So I don't think it would be impossible to consider them separate kingdoms at some point. They have separate "High Lords" or "Wardens" under the Kingdom of Westeros, so why not consider them separate kingdoms for purposes of how many books can be justified? It is an arbitrary concept in any event.

And when the True North joins after the Wall falls there will be 10!

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I don't think he needs it. AFFC and ADWD were transition books, at the end of ASOS, some characters came out victorious, other characters lost, and had to run away. The plotlines had to spread out over the world to reconverge. I think that judging the last two books based on the writing styles of AFFC and ADWD is not a good way to look at things. The last two books will be more fast-paced, since the transition period is either over or very close to over. It is time for another overarching storyline that will keep the two books moving, much like the War of the Five Kings did that for ACOK and ASOS.

Think of it like this:

AGOT - Build up, character set up, information

ACOK/ASOS - The war of the five kings

AFFC ADWD - The Lannisters have won the war, and consolodate their rule. These books very much function like AGOT (and if you remember, they were supposed to be just one book).

Wind down, Build up, character (re)set up, new information

TWOW/ADOS - We aren't sure yet, but there will definitely be another overarching plotline, such as Dany finally landing in Westeros, The Others, Dorne attacking and declaring war on the Lannisters, whatever the Tyrells are going to do. So many storylines have been set up in AFFC/ADWD to come to a head in TWOW/ADOS that I can't imagine them being as slow as the transition books.

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Here is what I think.

2 books - This is the case of Dany gets to Westeros towards the middle of WoW or at least leaves for Westeros.

- Jon's fate is resolved early on and he begins to mend the pieces

- Others arrive

3 books - Dany does not leave for Westeros until the end of WoW

- Jon is stuck in Ghost or his situation is not resolved until the end. Rather we don't see the wall until the end of the book, not that Jon lives in Ghost for an entire book.

- Others arrive at the end

I don't mean to boil it down to these three character sets. But if Jon and Dany are hindered in their progress, he is going to need more than the final book to flesh out their stories post-arrival/awakening or it will seem rushed. Keep in mind there will still be other pov's who get chapters. Also the Others have been the gorilla in the corner since GoT, and I think having them finally appear at the end of WoW (which sort of makes the title useless, but so what DWD in my opinion) would reduce their importance, especially if they are only to be in a single book.

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No chance Winds is out in 2016.

hopefully it will be out 2017 :(

Do you have inside information? We have no reason to despair of a release in 2016 so far.

Great question! Yes I believe it is possible but requires a special binding, using a technique called over-sewing.

If anyone has more info on this, feel free to contradict or support my assertion.

Well to say no chance means you sit next to Martin when he writes. The truth is, none of us have any idea where he is in the writing process.

I started a thread to contain it there, but it has yet to be posted. Anyway here is a statement from IB Times. As I said in the thread (in virtual limbo at the moment), I do not know how legit they are or how they could make a claim but:

The Winds of Winter," the sixth installment of “A Song of Ice and Fire,” is expected to arrive this year. The series “Game of Thrones” just concluded Season 5, with Season 6 expected to begin next spring on HBO.

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