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The Minor Character you despise the most

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Florent did not obey orders and send scouting ships first or around 1/4th of the fleet. He was a proven ship leader in the past, and just made the mistake of assuming their #'s were much higher so they would be fine.


He got caught with their pants down since they did not know about the boom or the wildfire. He ignored the boom, because booms are usually used to keep a fleet out of an area, not in an area.

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I never said Davos was a scrub. But he also had never commanded a fleet before. And also bein hand of the king, Stannis wouldnt want him super super close. But Florent did have experience from the rebellion wars. But as I said Davos had never done that.

 At the time of the Battle of Blackwater Davos was not the Hand.

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I tend to hate the evil lackeys of evil. both Little Walder and Big Walder (although I have a soft spot for Merrett and his children, just because the family seem to be too hopeless, failing to adequately meet the filial evil duties they are assigned, no matter how simple, and unexpectedly dying when they become too stupid to live) .


Horas Redwyne is a shit, but Hobber has a sense of humour.


The entire Florent family (except Shireen) are despicable and self important mismanaging twits. How  even Stannis could decide it was his duty to marry into the family, I don't know. At least he does his best to prevent the Kingdom being overrun with those long eared, hairy, squat, rude, mean things. Yes, even shadow-babies are preferable. And the Queen's knights are all poor chop too. Takes a Florent sense of judgement to pick them, so no wonder.


Kevan finally steps out of his brother's shadow to reveal that he is a narrow and bloody-minded churl, sucking even more than Eddard at  the game of being hand and not dead, clueless even without the handicap of a sense of honour. Outplayed by Lancel, ffs.


I don't trust Ser Shadrick or Harold Harding, and even though the Noble houses of the Vale are more pathetic in their squabbling and infighting, and little as I love Mord, these two are the vermin that get whatever they let slip through their fingers.


Arianne annoys me - but not as much as Quentyn, but then, Quentyn had a death commensurate with the annoyance, and Arriane lives still.


Penny makes me lose patience not just with Penny, but with Tyrion too (although usually, when it comes to people with physical and (even worse) intellectual disadvantages of some kind, I lose patience with their author -I think  GRRM's portrayal of lackwits, cripples, freaks and lesbian sex lacks insight and panders to ignorant prejudices. Which is OK from the POV of elite athletes (if there are such people in Westeros), norms, and people who do not engage in lesbian sex, who may very well be ignorant of their realities and full of absurd prejudices about these others, but not when you are telling the story of someone who lives in that reality, or even the POV of someone who is cohabiting with them, day in day out. Now I think it through, I think I hate Bran Stark most of all. But he is a main character, so I can't)


Boots isn't pulling his/her weight in fluff. If this kitten was never mentioned again, it would bring more to the story than it does now.

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I forgot about all of the people who brown nose to Cersei in Feast and most of the people she keeps in her court


Gyles Rosby - I was getting tired of having to imagine this dude coughing into a handkerchief constantly


Balman Byrch and Falyse Stokeworth - These 2 were really annoying, it's funny though how they would constantly try to suck up to Cersei and in the end she essentially got both of them killed.


Harrys Swyft and Orton Merryweather - Worthless Hands who Cersei could easily dominate

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Ronnet Connington.  People have died for more tactful breaking of betrothals (i.e., Red Ronnet was a d-bag when breaking off his betrothel with Brienne).  And his comments about Brienne in the bear pit were very uncool.  He's not a sociopath like some of the other people who have come up in this thread, but he strikes me as a huge asshole.

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Vargo Hoat and pretty much every single one of the Brave Companions.


Poliver for the story he gleefully told about "Ser" raping that innkeepers daughter. The way he was so worshipful about the Mountain's brutality just really disgusted me.





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