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Love Triangeles


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A love triangle (also called a romantic love triangle or a romance triangle) is usually a romantic relationship involving three people. While it can refer to two people independently romantically linked with a third, it usually implies that each of the three people has some kind of relationship to the other two. The relationships can be friendships, romantic, or familial.

"Although the romantic love triangle is formally identical to the friendship triad, as many have noted their actual implications are quite different....Romantic love is typically viewed as an exclusive relationship, whereas friendship is not."[1] Statistics suggest that, in Western society, "wittingly or not, most adults have been involved in a love triangle".[2]

Two main forms of love triangle have been distinguished: "there is the rivalrous triangle, where the lover is competing with a rival for the love of the beloved, and the split-object triangle, where a lover has split their attention between two love objects".[3]


you can add more on this if you want


Are there to many love triangles in ASOIAF? 

I personally don't think there are so many love triangles in real life.

How common are  love triangles in real life


What are the canon love triangles? 

- X/Y/Z (X/Y/Z) example of setup

- Robert Baratheon/Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister (Husband/Wife/Lover)

- Robert Baratheon/Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen (Betrohed/betrohed/lover or kidnapper)

- Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen/Lyanna Stark

- Barbrey Ryswell/Brandon Stark/Catelyn Tully

- Catelyn Tully/Petyr Baelish/Lysa Tully

- Catelyn Tully/Petyr Baelish/Brandon Stark

- Lysa Tully/Petyr Baelish/Jon Arryn

- Euron Greyjoy/Victarion's Wife/Victarion Greyjoy

- Jorah Mormont/Lynesse Hightower/Tregar Ormhollen

- Jorah Mormont/Daernerys Targaryen/Khal Drogo

- Jorah Mormont/Daenerys Targaryen/Daario

- Hizdahr/Daenerys Targaryen/Daario

- Viserys Targaryen/Daenerys Targaryen/Khal Drogo

What are the speculated love triangles"Past or present"?

- Joanna Lannister/Aerys Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen

- Joanna Lannister/Aerys Targaryen/Tywin Lannister

- Tywin Lannister/Rhaella Targaryen/Aerys Targaryen

- Jon Connington/Rhaegar Targaryen/Elia Martell

- Brandon Stark/Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark

- Ashara Dayne/Rhaegar Targaryen/Elia Martell

Are there any love triangules you think will come about in the books "future?

- in earlier versions there were Jon/Arya/Tyrion

- Harrold Hardyng/Sansa Stark/fAegon Targaryen?

- Elia Sand/fAegon Targaryen/Arianne Martell?

What are the results of love triangles?

- Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen obviously

- other





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53 minutes ago, Ser Yorick Ampersand said:

Cersei Jaime Brienne (possibly)

I think that Jaime and Briennes relationsip will mirror Rohanne Webber and Dunk's relationship.

53 minutes ago, Ser Yorick Ampersand said:

Jon Satin Val :P


Why not Jon Snow/Satin/Tormund

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