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Will Benjen Stark be killed in this Ep?


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13 hours ago, darkstarforthethrone said:

One further note on Benjen, is that he is named by Bran as Ned's little brother in Home, Ep 2 this season, when they're in Bran's first vision at Winterfell. If you're curious and again to point to IMDb, we see the same actor as Young Benjen in the flashback in The Door. One thing I can't exactly wrap my head around, was why we see Ned and Benjen again in this scene about Hodor, and at this particular spot with Ned leaving for the Vale? Again looking back to Ep 2, "who you going to spar with when Ned goes off to the Eyrie?" was the one line Young Lyanna gets, so perhaps adult Benjen references this event, or at least their childhood, in the next episode? To keep it on OP's original topic, I think the point here is that having the scenes of Young Ned and Benjen make it less likely he'll meet a quick end.

I think that scene could continue to be immediately relevant because it looks like Bran is still in greensight while Meera is trying to escape the Wights. If he's still in that flashback when Benjen shows up, Benjen could be like Hodor and be there in both past and present--in which case, Benjen's past could somehow be affected in a way that informs him that he will need to one day come to this spot to save Bran.

Otherwise, I think Benjen could very well have greensight/greendream/skinchanging abilities that a.) have helped him stay alive this long north of the wall b.) can explain why he left and never returned to the wall and c.) allowed him to find and save Bran. If this is true then he could also help continue Bran's training since Bran still has a ways to go to control his visions, and we are supposedly seeing young Ned this episode.

Alternatively, we could see a sort of "Benhands" character that blends Benjen and Coldhands in a way that it's still obviously Benjen, but in that he's changed (not entirely human anymore?) and/or has a connection to the 3ER. That would be a cool bit of fanservice to a debunked book theory that could play out pretty well on screen and yet leave George with the possibility to bring back Benjen and reveal Coldhands true origin/identity in his own way.

In any case, I doubt he will die right away. It would be almost impossible for Bran and Meera to get to the wall alone, but I suppose it's possible that Benjen pulls a Hodor and sacrifices himself while he gives Bran and Meera his horse to ride away on.

IMDB needs to be taken with a grain of salt. For instance, most of the actors who will appear in S06E07 don't even appear on the episode page, yet. And in the days leading up to S06E04, Kit Harington wasn't even listed as appearing on the episode page, and he's been in every episode so far.

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2 minutes ago, Protector of Stokeworth said:

have to agree with the latter. They gave us a tease, an amazing fight, but they chose to delay the possible reveal of R+L=J. Shows me it'll happen at the end of the season.

Ned Stark appearance in this episode can be Harrenhall tourney insted, maybe they need to show grown Lyana before ToY scene.

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5 minutes ago, Cragen said:

Ned Stark appearance in this episode can be Harrenhall tourney insted, maybe they need to show grown Lyana before ToY scene.

yeah. It just doesn't make sense to show it before establishing what really happened with Raegar and Lyanna. That she was not kidnapped. They have to adress that to make not book readers understand.

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4 hours ago, ImNoSer said:

spoilers at your own risk, youve been warned.


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Benjen rescues meera and bran, helps them get back to the wall, then he disappears again.



Everything from that leaked Reddit thread has come true so far.  I have no reason to believe the rest wont as well.

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48 minutes ago, SevasTra82 said:


Everything from that leaked Reddit thread has come true so far.  I have no reason to believe the rest wont as well.

Where can I find this reddit thread? Is it allowed to tell here?

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36 minutes ago, Sophisis said:

Where can I find this reddit thread? Is it allowed to tell here?

Found it - or an article about it as the thread itself is gone. OMG! The poster "truede" has been dead right about the first five episodes.  

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18 hours ago, darkstarforthethrone said:

One thing I can't exactly wrap my head around, was why we see Ned and Benjen again in this scene about Hodor, and at this particular spot with Ned leaving for the Vale? 


I took it as a chance to show Rickard telling Ned ''Don't pick fights with people, but if you have to fight, win''. 


I don't see no one mentionning this, yet it seems important when you match it with the Tower of Joy sequence.

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I definitely think it is Benjen who saves Bran. The episode is called "Blood of my Blood", which will have other meanings than besides Dany's storyline. I just hope that Benjen is not the one tied to a cross that Ramsay burns later in the season. It is possible though his purpose could be just getting Bran and Meera back south of the wall safely.

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3 hours ago, Cragen said:

Ned Stark appearance in this episode can be Harrenhall tourney insted, maybe they need to show grown Lyana before ToY scene.

yeah. It just doesn't make sense to show it before establishing what really happened with Raegar and Lyanna. That she was not kidnapped. They have to adress that to make not book readers understand.

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19 hours ago, Stargaryen81 said:

That is interesting that the wall needs a commander and he may be coming back into the fold.  How he would know about Jon's parentage escapes me, maybe you meant bran would inform Jon.  I don't think Bran knows yet and I don't think Jon will be back at the wall. 

No I definitely meant Benjin. You ask how could he know and I would say that being Ned & Lyanna Starks little brother Ned would probably have shared the secret with only him.

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18 hours ago, WalkinDude said:

I didn't catch that in the preview.  Anything can happen, but for Benjen to show up out of nowhere seems way out of left field.  However, Coldhands finally showing up, having being sent from Bloodraven who foresaw the events of the cave, makes a lot more sense.  We now know that the COTF made the Others, so Coldhands being controlled by them/BR makes sense.  The only question it begs is why they can control ColdHands but not the Others.

It wasn't from a preview, it was from the season 6 trailer.  Here is a screen capture:


Someone on horseback is wielding fire as a weapon, a clue that it is not a Wight.  To the right, you can see Meera huddled up behind something that looks to be Bran's sled.

A horse is the best reasonable explanation of how Bran and Meera get out of their current predicament, since without one they would be easily chased down when Meera tired out from dragging Bran.  Whether this is Benjen, Coldhands or something/one else is the question.  They've been mentioning Benjen frequently, in all of the flashbacks at Winterfell this season, including the Hodor scene.  Also, the actor IS listed on the IMDB as "Brother north of the wall".  Why not listed as Benjen?  Well Bran appears to still be locked in a greendream, and without him Meera would not know who Benjen is.


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On 5/23/2016 at 1:50 PM, White Harbors Wrath said:

The guy that plays young adult Ned spoiled that in an interview already so it's probably on point. He also said he's going to be in 6 and have something more substantial in episode 10. I'd guess we get a little bit more of Ned in the Tower of Joy and we get blue balled again right before the Lyanna reveal saving that for episode 10.

I'm guessing we get backstory on Lyanna in episode 6 and then get the rest of the ToJ in episode 10.  I don't think we'll get the ToJ next episode.

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They have shown the flashback of young Ned, Benjen and Lyanna 2 times now and both times referenced Ned going to live at the Vale.  Could this be building up to an alliance between Sansa and Lord Royce to unseat Littlefinger and take command of the Vale forces for Sansa???I would think she could easily seduce sweet Robin if it came to that.

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23 hours ago, Sezneg said:

I believe we will see Benjen this week.  The trailers for the season showed Meera in a snowstorm being saved by a mounted person in black with some sort of fire weapon.

Whether this is show only to stand in for coldhands, who's to say?


I agree, I think there will be a benjen reveal pretty soon. it would make sense in this episode. we've seen a young benjen in a couple of brans flashbacks, as if to remind us that he exists, so benjen coming back is forshadowed a bit there. additionally, the title of the episode clues us into the fact that family will play a role. I agree that its a dothraki phrase and so we will get some dany, but the other titles have also alluded to other aspects of the episode aside from the obvious one. so i think it would make sense to have benjen arrive to help out bran. as to the coldhands angle, it wouldnt surprise me to see D&d merge coldhands and benjen together. In a way I kinda hope they do since it would be a case where the book and show diverge. which, to me, would be great since id know it was for sure saving one surprise for me to read about later.

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8 hours ago, Protector of Stokeworth said:

yeah. It just doesn't make sense to show it before establishing what really happened with Raegar and Lyanna. That she was not kidnapped. They have to adress that to make not book readers understand.

They already did. The Sansa and Littlefinger scene in the crypt. Now, Lyanna has only to say that Rhaegar didn't kidnap and rape her. Job done. 

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